Published at 15th of April 2024 05:36:02 AM

Chapter 29: The body rides on four wheels, the soul on two, but the master? He rides a high-speed skateboard!

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Chapter 29 The body rides on four wheels, the soul on two, but the master? He rides a high-speed skateboard!

My skateboard! The young girl watched in dismay as her skateboard was abruptly hijacked by Wang Yun, letting out a startled cry.

Vroom! Vroom!

Ill get it back for you. The next moment, Chen Minghao swiftly passed by on his motorcycle, confidently shouting to the young woman as he sped off to catch up with Wang Yun.


Why did Wang Yun steal a skateboard?

Good citizen Wang Yun, huh? Running away but still takes the time to snatch a skateboard?

In the livestream, everyone was puzzled and amused by his sudden theft, laughing and teasing. However, their amusement slowly morphed into astonishment as they watched Wang Yun on the skateboard gaining speed with each passing second.

Skateboarding, just like parkour, it was another form of extreme sport. But the frightening speed skateboarding could reach is terrifying. Top skateboarders could even reach speeds of over 100 kilometers per hour in the right conditions.nove(l)bi(n.)com

The current record in the country sat at an impressive 113 kilometers per hour.

How could one comprehend this? A car on the highway moved at similar speeds.

If its said that four wheels carry the body and two wheels carry the soul, then a skateboard speeding at over 100 kilometers per hour is carrying sheer recklessness. At such breakneck speeds, youre practically flirting with death.

However, Wang Yun was no daredevil. Extreme skateboarding was generally performed in specialized venues. It wasnt allowed on public roads because of its inherent dangers. Even at slow speeds, the stakes were high.

Wang Yun leaned his body forward to accelerate. His eyes were intensely focused on what was ahead. Up in front, he saw a pedestrian sidewalk. To the right of it, a half-person-high fence separated it from the lanes where cars were whizzing by.

Ignoring the potential risks, Wang Yun charged straight toward the pedestrian sidewalk.

When he reached the pedestrian walkway, Wang Yun didnt stop. Instead, he headed straight for the fence.

Hes going to crash into it!

Careful, big bro!

In Wang Yuns livestream, all the viewers were slightly shocked as they saw him hurtling directly toward the fence. But in the next second, something astonishing happened yet again.

Wang Yuns back foot pressed down on the skateboard, and with a quick swipe of his front foot, he propelled himself into the air. At the same time, the skateboard also soared upward, defying gravity and expectations alike.

This maneuver was known as a skateboard jump or a board jump.

However, Wang Yuns eyes gleamed with a cold chuckle. Using the momentum of the car he was holding onto, he pulled himself forward with all his strength before abruptly letting go. This slingshot maneuver sent his skateboard surging ahead, allowing him to overtake the adjacent car.

What the hell?

The driver had been oblivious to Wang Yun gripping the back of his vehicle. However, when he saw Wang Yun suddenly surge ahead, his eyes widened in disbelief, and he involuntarily blurted out an exclamation.

Just like that, he saw Wang Yun swiftly skate ahead.

What just happened? The driver was baffled, a flurry of question marks filling his mind. Who was the real car here?

Wang Yuns speed continued to increase, now reaching approximately 60 km/h. His skateboard zipped through the traffic, effortlessly overtaking one car after another, leaving a string of stunned drivers in his wake.

Chen Minghao and his gang saw Wang Yun somehow accelerating even more. Their expressions slightly changed as they too sped up.

Wang Yun calmly focused on the road ahead, overtaking car after car. With ease and flair, he constantly pulled himself forward by vehicles to maintain his speed. Up ahead, only a few supercars were driving side by side, including a Lamborghini.


Car: Whos the real car here? Come on, you be the car!

Is this Fast & Furious? Is the skateboard faster than cars?

This is a blockbuster! Watching this livestream, Id feel guilty if I didnt pay!

In the livestream, all the viewers watched in awe at the exhilarating skateboarding, some with their mouths hanging open.

Big brother hasnt managed to shake off the officers yet. Ten motorcycles are still on his tail, and a red lights up ahead. This is going to be troublesome!

The viewers sent a barrage of comments while watching the livestream, but one comment caught everyones attention.

Up ahead, the red light turned on, and one by one, cars stopped. The traffic on both sides of the road began to weave, momentarily blocking the street.

Simultaneously, Wang Yun noticed the red light up ahead and saw the Lamborghini in front of him gradually coming to a stop. A smirk appeared at the corner of his mouth, his speed remaining unchanged.

Board jump.

With a loud thud, he landed on top of the Lamborghini.

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