Published at 15th of April 2024 05:35:27 AM

Chapter 42: Sky Eye, The Method of Entry

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Chapter 42 Sky Eye, The Method of Entry

In the command center room, Shen Hao surveyed the setup of Zhang Xingchens team and couldnt help but smile. Captain Zhang Xingchen, is everything in place?

Indeed, it is. We have full control over the entire Nansu Plaza, Zhang Xingchen confirmed, nodding as he gestured toward a monitor. For this operation, we have five elite officers and twenty regular ones dispersed throughout the area.

Our elite team includes Saomao and Ahao, but also has Skyhawk, a former high-ranking member of the Red Hacker Alliance who contributed to the development of the Sky Eye system. He has implemented facial recognition into our existing surveillance. If Wang Yun shows up, well identify him instantly, Zhang Xingchen elaborated.

Next is Uncle Chen, the teams veteran. Hes a forensic sketch artist capable of precisely rendering a suspects face based on witness accounts. He can also analyze a persons face on the fly, making it difficult for a criminal to remain disguised.

Lastly, we have Brother Zhao. He joined the police force at 22 and has thirteen years of service under his belt, including involvement in over 300 different cases. His field experience is invaluable.Follow current novels on novelb((in).(com)

Weve also got the underground passages of Nansu Plaza covered, Zhang Xingchen added, a contented smile crossing his face.

These were the true criminal officer elites of his third team.

Shen Hao shook his head in mild awe as he addressed the camera, With security this tight, Im curious how Wang Yun even imagines he could commit a crime here. To our live audience, what would you try under these circumstances at Nansu Plaza?

He continued, Captain Zhang Xingchen and his team have set up an almost impenetrable net. While the Sky Eye system has a national presence, its rarely activated unless a major crime is underway. With Skyhawk among our elite officers, its as if weve installed a temporary Sky Eye here. The systems capabilities far exceed common understanding, it can do more than facial recognition. It can analyze multiple identifying characteristics.

Captain Hong Feng, who was standing nearby, listened intently and then nodded slightly. The only possibility is that Wang Yun plans to act not within Nansu Plaza itself but in the surrounding areas.

I analyzed the nearby locations with the team of officers yesterday. Theres a snack street close by, a shopping mall currently under construction, and another older mall thats largely empty and devoid of high-value items, Zhang Xingchen said, his eyes twinkling with determination.

I heard you and your team were analyzing the situation until midnight, Liu Qingqing turned to him and asked.

Zhang Xingchen nodded and took a deep breath. I cant afford another loss. This time I have to win.


Hahaha, Captain Zhang Xingchen seems to be traumatized by Wang Yun.

A special friend, you say? Well, youve come to the right place. We guarantee our gifts will delight your friend, and we offer free delivery throughout the city, the shopkeeper assured him enthusiastically.

I did some research on your store beforehand. Do you have the kind of surprise where you can place me inside a box and then deliver it? Wang Yun probed further.

Absolutely, we can do that. Youre quite thoughtful. What do you have in mind for the gift, and when would you like it delivered? Rest assured, our prices are very competitive, the shopkeeper replied immediately.

Cost is not an issue. Id like it to be delivered as soon as possible, right now would be the best. Can that be arranged? Wang Yun asked.

Of course. Where are we delivering to? the shopkeeper asked.

To the 88th floor of the Nansu Plaza Tower. Do it right away, Wang Yun instructed. He then surveyed the shop and meticulously picked out several gifts. Include all of these. Do I get to choose the box?

Certainly, handsome, the shopkeeper responded promptly. The boxes are over here, feel free to choose one.

Ill need to get into the box right now, and youll have to transport me to the 88th floor, Wang Yun specified.

Wait, you want to get into the box right here? Youre not waiting until youre at the destination? The shopkeeper seemed momentarily taken aback by Wang Yuns request.

Money is no problem. Just follow my instructions, Wang Yun insisted.

Hehe, in that case, it wont be a problem for us either, the shopkeeper grinned.

With enough money on the table, nothing was ever an issue. Wang Yun and the shopkeeper quickly made some adjustments to the box, such as drilling holes for ventilation and reinforcing the base.

Once all was set, Wang Yun promptly climbed into the box.

Meanwhile, the viewers tuned into the livestream were left utterly baffled by Wang Yuns actions.

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