Published at 15th of April 2024 05:35:24 AM

Chapter 43: Reaching the 89th Floor, Smooth and Dashing

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Chapter 43 Reaching the 89th Floor, Smooth and Dashing

Wait, what?

Is this for real?

Holy cow, 666! Is this even possible?

Brilliant! The clarity of Big Brothers thinking is astonishing. To have himself delivered directly into Nansu Plaza like this is genius.

Big Brothers mind works on a whole different level. His criminal thinking is crystal clear.

Whats going on? Theyre delivering him directly to the 88th floor? Whats his end game? Every floor is under surveillance, so what is he targeting?

Viewers watched the livestream in amazement as Wang Yun crouched into a gift box. As three gift shop employees wheeled him out on a small cart, their faces filled with bewilderment.

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Will the show officers catch on?

I doubt it. Nansu Plaza is the largest plaza in Nancheng, home to hundreds of businesses and studios. With dozens of deliveries every day, theyre unlikely to inspect this one.

Even if they did inspect, they might not discover anything. Big Brother has already camouflaged the box with gifts.

The livestream chat was buzzing as viewers speculated and debated. Meanwhile, a delivery van from the shop carried the gift box into the plazas underground parking garage.

At the garage entrance, the security officers raised the barrier after briefly inspecting the vans interior and finding nothing suspicious.

The van proceeded into the underground garage, where the employees transferred the box onto a small cart and wheeled it into the elevator.

Inside Nansu Plazas surveillance room, Skyhawk and Saomao sat up front, supported by four other members of the plazas security team. This formed a collaborative effort between public and private security.

The Lingzhu Group planned to unveil their most luxurious and top-tier necklace from their Lingzhu Jewelry line, named Dazzling Starry Sky.

This was Wang Yuns target.

Emerging from the emergency staircase onto the 89th floor, Wang Yun stood near the exit door, his eyes glistening with intent. His next objective was to enter the main banquet hall.

He was aware that the surrounding surveillance cameras had a specific range within which they could monitor him.

Wang Yun narrowed his eyes slightly, making them appear smaller. He pulled out a piece of chewing gum and began to chew it.


Gently, he blew a large bubble that concealed half of his face. With a smile, he sucked the bubble back into his mouth and proceeded forward.

Upon entering the surveillance zone, he blew another bubble. Though not large, it was sufficient to obscure half of his face. In those crucial few seconds, he passed through the cameras field of vision.


The bubble burst, and Wang Yun paused, feigning interest in his phone.

In the surveillance room of Nansu Plaza, the team watching the monitors didnt catch this brief moment on the monitor for the 89th floor. They never suspected that a young man, sharply dressed and casually chewing gum, could be Wang Yun. Their primary attention was concentrated on the lower levels, not the upper floors of the Nansu Plaza Tower.

Because Wang Yun was already wearing a wig and had narrowed his eyes, and due to the obstruction from the chewing gum bubble, the Sky Eye surveillance system failed to identify him.

Wang Yun scanned the entrance of the banquet hall. Four young men, appearing to be security guards, were stationed there, inspecting intricately designed admission tickets. Observing this, Wang Yun slightly furrowed his brow.

Several men, young to middle-aged and dressed in formal attire, exited the elevator and made their way into the banquet hall, handing over their invitation cards as they went.

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