Published at 15th of April 2024 05:35:23 AM

Chapter 44: Entering the Banquet, Initiating the Plan, and Captain Hong Feng Intervenes

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Chapter 44 Entering the Banquet, Initiating the Plan, and Captain Hong Feng Intervenes

Entrance to this upscale banquet required an invitation.

Wang Yun stood in place, feigning interest in his phone for about ten seconds while he swiftly gathered information about his surroundings.

He zeroed in on a young man and walked directly toward him, brushing past him from behind. He was prepared to utilize his advanced skill, the Buttery Flower Picking Technique.nove(l)bi(n.)com

Having accumulated enough shock value points, he had elevated this skill to an advanced level.

The moment he executed his move, the young man remained blissfully unaware and continued walking. Wang Yun then sidled up alongside him, shoulder to shoulder.

The young man was on the pudgy side, weighing no less than 180 pounds.

Hey, you dropped your invitation, Wang Yun said casually a couple of seconds later, draping his arm around the young mans shoulder and gesturing to the invitation in his hand.

The young man was taken aback for a moment, patting his pockets and realizing the invitation was indeed missing.

Thanks, I hadnt even noticed, he said with a grateful smile.

No need to thank me, Wang Yun shook his head. Im waiting for my sister wholl be here soon, so lets go in together.

Instead of returning the invitation, Wang Yun led the way, arm still around the young man, toward the entrance. He handed the invitation to one of the four security guards stationed there. Fortunately, the invitation wasnt individualized and permitted entry for family members as well.

Please, gentlemen, one of the guards respectfully ushered them inside.

Once they were in the banquet hall, Wang Yun turned to the young man with a casual smile. So, where are you from, and what do you do?

Im unemployed, just hanging around at home. My names Song Dahai. What about you?

Song Dahai, clearly a friendly individual, extended his hand for a handshake.

Zhang Xingchen. The Zhang as in archer and Xingchen as in stars. Just got back from overseas, Wang Yun replied, extending his hand and smiling.

Zhang Xingchen, huh? Your name interestingly matches that of a national sports champion in our country, Song Dahai noted, chuckling.

Big Brother is such a show-off, and Song Dahai is playing along. This is pure comedy gold!

The audience was gobsmacked watching Wang Yuns seamless maneuvers to infiltrate an 89th-floor banquet and casually discuss two female celebrities with a fellow young man.

The chat in the livestream was absolutely buzzing. Not just about the playful banter or the fact that he called himself Zhang Xingchen, but most impressively, Wang Yuns slick moves. His tactics for evading the Sky Eye surveillance system were jaw-droppingly good, smoother, and cooler than scenes from even the best international blockbusters.

The pivotal point was that the inspection team, led by Zhang Xingchen, believed they had set up an extensive dragnet in their hunt for Wang Yun, the man himself had already ascended to the top floor of Nansu Plaza Tower.

So, why did Big Bro head to the top floor? It almost seems like he purposely wanted to crash this banquet, a viewer asked.

The question briefly left everyone puzzled. However, the atmosphere in Wang Yuns livestream soon electrified as viewers began to surmise his true objective.


Meanwhile, in the command center room, Zhang Xingchen was meticulously scanning the monitors. He frowned and said, Its already 10:30. Any sign of Wang Yun yet?

Captain, we still havent located Wang Yun, Skyhawks voice chimed in, adding, He mentioned he would act today, but that could mean either morning or afternoon.

Zhang Xingchen nodded in agreement.

Captain Xingchen, why dont you ask Brother Zhao? Based on his on-site observations, where are the most likely places for a surprise to occur? Hong Feng, who had been attentively watching, suggested.

Good idea, Captain Hong Feng, Zhang Xingchen replied, visibly uneasy at the absence of any trace of Wang Yun.

He had to catch Wang Yun to clear his nagging doubts.

Accepting Hong Fengs help, he leaned toward the microphone and asked, Brother Zhao, what are the most probable locations for a crime in Nansu Plaza?

From what we see now, only a few jewelry shops seem to be likely places. But I doubt its there, responded Zhao Shan, an elite officer from Inspection Team Three.

Stationed on the first floor of Nansu Plaza, he looked visibly tense. He had a gut feeling that Wang Yun wasnt interested in the jewelry shops.

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