Published at 15th of April 2024 05:34:46 AM

Chapter 58: Uncanny Predictions, The Formidable Captain Hong Feng

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Chapter 58 Uncanny Predictions, The Formidable Captain Hong Feng

Good heavens, is this the extent of Captain Hong Fengs prowess?

Forget about his book Phantom Thief Files, just his recent comment about Guanwen Market alone is eerie. Wang Yun has just set foot in Guanwen Market.

What kind of uncanny prediction is this? Im actually feeling a strange sense of dread.

Is this really Captain Hong Feng? He guessed that Wang Yun might head to Guanwen Market, and he hit the nail on the head!

Phantom Thief Files. Is this a display of the true capabilities of our nations top inspector?Updated from novelb(i)n.c(o)m

When the audience heard Captain Hong Fengs words and saw his freshly minted book, a shiver went down their spines. It wasnt just the detailed information about Wang Yun in the book. He had even pinpointed Wang Yuns exact location, Guanwen Market.

Watching the livestream, viewers knew that Wang Yun had just arrived at Guanwen Market. However to guess it? This level of predictive accuracy was chilling.

Incredible, Zhang Xingchen looked on, unable to hide his admiration.

Captain Hong Feng, the surveillance system for Guanwen Market is now activated, announced a staff member.

Hong Feng nodded, scrutinizing the monitor intently.


Meanwhile, at the entrance of Guanwen Market, Wang Yun confidently strode in.

He browsed around, looking to purchase disguise materials, plaster statues, modeling clay, alginates, and clay.

Suddenly, his brow furrowed. His god-level alertness allowed him to sense multiple gazes focusing on him. This startled him momentarily, and his eyes flickered with uncertainty.

It was a map of Nancheng.

He kept cycling through various angles on the surrounding surveillance cameras to ensure he didnt lose sight of Wang Yun.

Hes making a quick exit. He must have figured out that hes a wanted man, Hong Feng commented while observing Wang Yuns movements. Now that hes aware of his situation, he wont risk appearing in crowded areas like before. Hell likely seek out a less populated location to lay low. Given Wang Yuns audacity and self-confidence, he might even attempt to buy clothes, jewelry, wigs, and such to disguise himself.

Continuing his train of thought, Hong Feng activated his communicator. Dispatch one of our program officers to Guanwen Market to find out what Wang Yun has purchased.

Affirmative, Captain, came the voice of an officer over the handset.

Hes been to Guanwen Market twice consecutively, which means whatever he bought must be important. We need to find out what it is, said Hong Feng in a contemplative tone, all while keeping his eyes on the monitor.

He noticed Wang Yun approach a motorcycle, retrieve a helmet from its trunk, and then mount a shared electric scooter.

It looks like hes skilled in lock-picking. Hes now headed south from Guanwen Market, wearing the helmet and riding the shared electric scooter on Guanwen South Road, Hong Feng continued, pressing his communicator to issue more instructions. Deploy another fifteen program officers to that location.


Meanwhile, on Guanwen South Road, Wang Yun, helmet in place, was carefully scanning the areas surveillance cameras to evade detection. Simultaneously, a mental map of the entirety of Nancheng unfolded in his mind. A testament to his high intelligence.

Taking a sudden turn, he entered a small side street. After a quick scan of his surroundings, he stepped into a few clothing stores.

The audience watching the livestream collectively inhaled sharply when they saw Wang Yun walk into a clothing store.

Hiss Captain Hong Feng was spot-on with his guess.

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