Published at 15th of April 2024 05:34:41 AM

Chapter 62: Turning Oneself In, Setting a Trap

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Chapter 62 Turning Oneself In, Setting a Trap

The weathers good. Ideal for a kill.

Wang Yun narrowed his eyes, meticulously surveying the area around him.

His current appearance was of a man aged beyond his years, with hair that was brittle and dry. Deep wrinkles marred his face, his posture was hunched, and burn marks peppered the back of his hands. He genuinely looked like someone in his late seventies.

With a smile and his aged visage, Wang Yun sat off toward the Qingnan Residential Area.

It was a short distance away, just a ten-minute cab ride.

When he arrived, he noticed several elderly individuals exercising in the communitys open space.

Although the Qingnan complex was marked for demolition, and many residents had already relocated, a few still remain. The actual tearing down was still a ways off.

Given their early-bird habits, the elderly were out and about, partaking in morning exercises.

With unhurried, measured steps, Wang Yun approached one such individual.

Oh, my apologies.

Intentionally bumping into the elderly man, Wang Yun offers a quick apology.

Its alright, its alright. Go easy, old-timer, the senior man said, noticing Wang Yuns advanced appearance and promptly trying to comfort him.

Heh, worry not, young man. Im still in good shape, Wang Yun replied with a wave, pressing onward.

Now, an old-fashioned cell phone for seniors was held within his grip.

With a subtle grin, Wang Yun murmurs, Someone from the production crew, please buy that gentleman a new phone. And maybe throw in some cash as compensation.

666! Did he just say young man? Haha! Did Big Brother really disguise himself as an old man today? His voice does sound pretty aged.

Whats Big Brother trying to pull? Its all so mysterious.

Who can tell? But something tells me Big Brothers plotting something cheeky.

By daybreak, Wang Yuns livestream had already amassed an audience in the millions. Watching Wang Yuns peculiar actions, many viewers wore faces filled with curiosity.

Being a seasoned consultant for the metropolitan police department, Hong Fengs insights were rooted in practicality and hands-on experience.

Zhang Xingchen gave a decisive nod in agreement. Pressing his communicator, he affirmed, Send six armed program officers immediately.

With firearms in play, skills in parkour or skateboarding become irrelevant. A single shot can incapacitate instantly.

Indeed, six would be more than enough.

Zhang Xingchen then turned to Captain Hong Feng and asked, What do you think our chances are this time?

Perhaps fifty percent. Capturing Wang Yun might not be straightforward. Im still puzzled about what he purchased yesterday and what his intentions are, Hong Feng mused.

A fifty percent chance is quite considerable, Zhang Xingchen remarked with a smile.


Wait, whats going on? Did Wang Yun just report himself?

Hes certainly up to something. What could he possibly be plotting?

Im clueless. But it feels like hes setting a trap, and now Captain Hong Feng and Zhang Xingchen are walking right into it.

As this was unfolding, the viewers in Wang Yuns livestream expressed astonishment upon seeing him reporting himself. Their faces mirrored shock and confusion.

At that moment, Wang Yun sat on a stone bench within the Qingnan Community, attentively watching the entrance and waiting patiently. An enigmatic, almost mischievous smile played on his lips.

Eighteen minutes later, Wang Yuns phone buzzed. He glanced at it and answered promptly.

Sir, weve arrived. Where should we find you? A program officers voice asked.

Im on the main road inside the community. Just continue walking ahead, Wang Yun replied nonchalantly before ending the call.

Shifting his gaze back to the entrance, he spotted six figures making their way toward him.

Just six of them, huh?

A smirk appeared on Wang Yuns face as he slowly got to his feet.

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