Published at 15th of April 2024 05:34:40 AM

Chapter 63: Boiling Point! Commanding the Scene with a Sinister Scheme

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Chapter 63 Boiling Point! Commanding the Scene with a Sinister Scheme

The programs officers approached, their gaze settling on Wang Yun. With amused smiles, they asked, Did you really see him? Did you see the wanted notice we aired on TV? Have you spotted the fugitive?

Old sir, are you sure youve seen him?

Two officers quickly moved to Wang Yuns side, offering him support.

I saw him. My vision hasnt failed me, Wang Yun replied, maintaining a relaxed facade. Isnt there a reward of two hundred thousand?

As long as we can verify the fugitive is here, youll get your money. We from the show dont deceive, one officer assured.

If youre thinking of tricking me, therell be consequences. Make sure its cash, Wang Yun directed, Come on. Hes this way. Dont let him get away.

The officers chuckled, Understood, old sir.

A few others exchanged amused glances as they escorted Wang Yun further inside the community.


Turning himself in for a 200k reward? Can he actually pull that off?

Hes disguised himself as an elderly man for the show? Whats his endgame?

Im stumped. But there are six officers here, and even if hes plotting an ambush, theyre armed. Ambushing all six would be impossible.

I watched the inspectors livestream, Captain Hong Feng and his team havent noticed it yet!

The live broadcasts audience was captivated by the unfolding drama, their eyes bulging and conversations buzzing.

Inside the command center room, Captain Hong Feng and Zhang Xingchen remained intently focused on the screens. The feed displayed six program officers guiding an elderly man toward a building. Like everyone else, they failed to notice any irregularities.

Weve arrived, right at this building, the elderly man, actually Wang Yun in disguise, pointed a particular structure. I saw him enter this building, but I dont know which floor hes on.

Old sir, please stay here while we proceed upstairs, an officer, with a determined glance at the building, instructed.

Help me to the stairway entrance. I wish to sit there and await you, Wang Yun directed, moving forward with purpose.

The officers on either side of him exchanged nods and signaled discreetly to the remaining four. Subtly, these four officers reached behind and drew their guns. Though these weapons mimicked real firearms in look and firing range, their bullets were harmless.

Unperturbed, Wang Yun continued forward, with two officers supporting him. He dictated the pace and path of their progress.

As they neared the staircase entrance, Wang Yun stealthily pressed a concealed button.

Suddenly, a paper bag filled with stones landed in their path.

Gasps of startled surprise erupted from the officers by his side.

Thud, thud, thud, thud! At that moment, four bricks landed with precision from three meters to their left, causing a deafening crash.

Whats happening?

The officers, taken off-guard, quickly scanned their surroundings, looking to the side and above.

Double kill!New novel chapters are published on

Triple kill!

Quadra kill!

Thats not even the most unsettling part. Look. The four bricks that just fell were positioned to their left, landing exactly where the officers stood. But there was one spot left open, where Wang Yun himself was positioned. It was all his meticulous design. If he had chosen to drop the bricks directly overhead, those officers would already be dead.

Its bone-chilling to even think about! Also, lets not question Wang Yuns precision. Those stones, wrapped in paper, landed perfectly in front of the officers. With two officers supporting him, Wang Yun had control over his own pace and positioning, guaranteeing the death of the two assisting him. The other two probably also fell victim to his calculated scheme. And he predicted it all with such precision.

Theyre dead. All four officers are out. My God, this strategy is pure terror!

Shock spread across the faces of all the livestream viewers as they saw the contents of the papers the officers held.

Such precise planning, calculating even the bricks landing spot, orchestrating the officers fate. It was beyond terrifying.

It was their first time witnessing the chilling prowess of Wang Yun. A palpable, heart-stopping dread.

Officers one, two, three, and five, youve already been eliminated!

In the command room, Hong Feng stared at the papers content, his eyes reddening with emotion. He abruptly stood, only to slump back down, desperately clutching his hair in disbelief.

Is this how they were taken out? Liu Qingqings face was a mask of shock upon seeing the unfolding events.

Inside Qingnan Residential Area, Wang Yun approached the group of officers with a smirk, confiscating all their tools. He then took out a phone from one of them and dialed the command center.

Zhang Xingchen observed this scene and answered the ringing phone.

Once connected, Wang Yun began speaking with a slight smile gracing his lips, Put Captain Hong Feng on.

Zhang Xingchen cast a glance at a visibly shaken Captain Hong Feng and relayed, Captain Hong Feng, Wang Yun wants to speak.

Taking a deep breath, Hong Feng struggled to control his emotions, murmuring, Wang Yun, I swear Ill bring you down. Youll pay dearly for your actions.

Amused by the threat, the corners of Wang Yuns mouth lifted even more. He replied with a nonchalant tone, Is that so, Captain Hong Feng?

Hong Fengs complexion shifted noticeably. He tightly clenched his fists and replied, inhaling deeply, I apologize. What is it that you truly want to say?

All I wanted was to tell you is that youve lost the first round. And the price? The lives of five of your officers. Do try to make things more interesting next time.

Wang Yun ended the call immediately and placed the phone back into one of the officers pockets.

Such a fine day outside, seems perfect for some barbecue. With this light-hearted comment, Wang Yun ambled off leisurely.

The six officers remained, five of whom lay motionless on the ground, their silence speaking volumes. They were dead, after all. So the five officers sat there, struck down, enveloped in an aura of somber desolation.

Damn, this scene feels so eerie. Its like Big Bro really is a crazed maniac.

If this were reality, those five officers would have genuinely laid down their lives.

Just look at Captain Hong Fengs face. Hes completely engrossed in this scenario, having lost five members under his command.

This mission was led by Captain Hong Feng. If this were real, those five officers would indeed be gone. Thats why Captain Hong Feng is consumed with guilt.

Everyone in the livestream felt the weight of the moment. At this instant, Wang Yun was the embodiment of a cold-blooded killer. And right then, Captain Hong Feng was the leader mourning the loss of five of his team members.

The phones chilling ring pierced the silence. The haunting voice of the last officer emerged, Captain, the other five theyre gone. We were ambushed, taken out. Ive been shot too.

For them, being so immersed in the scenario meant if they died, they truly died.

These are the officers guarding us? Maybe, unbeknownst to us, they face such danger battling criminals every day, mused Shen Hao, deeply affected, his face etched with solemnity.

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