Published at 15th of April 2024 05:34:21 AM

Chapter 73: Big Brothers Another Magical Move, Masterful Sleight of Hand

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Chapter 73 Big Brothers Another Magical Move, Masterful Sleight of Hand

Hmm? Big Brother, could you pan the camera over to the two ladies on either side? Im getting hungry!

Im hungry too, those two ladies are quite the sight!

Is Big Brother here to unwind? Seems like hes all set to get a bit mischievous, choosing the card room was indeed perfect!

Ah, I play cards during the day, sleep at night, grow and progress stealthily. Ah, I play, have fun, and the inspectors cant catch me, while I rake in five million every day.

After asking the staff this morning, Big Brothers daily earnings are now five million! Naturally, he has chosen to progress stealthily. I reckon he wont make any moves soon.

In the livestream, all the viewers watching Wang Yun play mahjong were abuzz with discussions.

However, at this very moment, in the former common center room, a separate live stream was set up, spearheaded by the legal expert team, with Shen Hao and Liu Qingqing as support, primarily for legal education.

Moreover, the command center room featured two live feeds, one from Wang Yuns side and one from the special task force, catering to viewers without dual screens, allowing them to watch both feeds simultaneously.

At this point, Director Fang gazed at Wang Yuns stream, narrowing his eyes in intrigue, and let out a puzzled hum, Hmm!

Director Fangs hum makes me think the situation is far from simple, Shen Hao commented, with a hint of amusement in his tone.

It is indeed complicated. Wang Yun hes been set up, Director Fang acknowledged, his eyes still narrowed thoughtfully.

Set up? Director Fang, how did he get ensnared? asked Liu Qingqing, taken aback.

Did you notice? The moment Wang Yun entered, those three individuals quickly sized up his possessions and wealth, and there was a distinct exchange of glances between them. In such situations, there is a 90% chance that the three individuals opposite are working together, setting up a trap to scam others out of their money. I would like to take this opportunity to remind everyone that its perfectly fine to play cards with friends, but you should absolutely avoid joining games with strangers, as you might find yourself being set up. Once again, I warn everyone that its okay to win or lose small amounts, but never allow yourself to become addicted. The consequences could be severe, and you might think you can win, but in reality, you are walking right into their trap. Now, the scene appears calm, but once its over, we will immediately arrest these three individuals and investigate whether they have scammed a significant sum of money from anyone. If the situation is severe, they could face over three years in prison. Also, the individual who just left is likely in cahoots with them, Director Fang warned, his face stern, ending with a laugh. A great catch indeed.

Really? Director Fang, you have a keen eye. Does Wang Yun realize that hes been set up? Will he be scammed by these three? Liu Qingqing asked, her face filled with astonishment.

I dont know if Wang Yun realizes it yet, but given his intelligence and capability, he should figure it out after a few rounds, Director Fang responded with a chuckle. But remember, card games are not like battles. Right now, its three against one. Its impossible to win. Just imagine, if you were playing and the other three were working together, how could you ever win? Only if you were incredibly lucky.

So, Director Fang, you mean Wang Yun is going to lose money? But Wang Yun is quite formidable. Would he really let them take his money? Shen Hao asked, surprised.

Heh, I dont know whats going through Wang Yuns mind right now, but considering he earns five million a day by operating on the sly, I doubt he would put himself in a dangerous situation, Director Fang speculated.


666, haha, this is getting interesting! Someones trying to trap Big Brother. This is going to be good!

Wow, setting up our Big Brother? Im really eager to see how hell handle this!

Will he resort to sneaky tactics or fight like a man?

The netizens watching the livestream were instantly excited upon hearing Director Fangs words. Their eyes sparkled with anticipation as they watched intently.


At that very moment, in Room 023 of the Xinglong Card & Board Game Parlor, Wang Yuns card game began.

The young man opposite him announced, Alright, East starts the dice roll!

The woman on his right pressed a button, and an automated mahjong table appeared. With no strict rules and multiple ways to win, the game was quite straightforward. Wang Yun arranged his thirteen tiles and glanced at them nonchalantly.

The game had begun.

After several turns, Wang Yun laid down his mahjong tiles and declared, Ive won!

Wow, seriously, bro? You won that quickly?

Darn, lost again!

The young man opposite and the woman on his left commented, shaking their heads. The player who gave Wang Yun his winning tile handed over four hundred yuan directly to him.

Hehe, theres a saying, Winning early doesnt guarantee a final victory. Besides, its better to lose the first three rounds than to win them, the girl on the left chimed in playfully.

Im not afraid of challenges, Wang Yun shook his head, responding, Lets keep going.

Sure, I refuse to believe Ill continue losing, the girl on the right also declared, marking the commencement of the fifth round.

Uh-oh, big bros tiles dont look so hot this round.

Its not looking good. Theyve already teamed up three against one. Winning is going to be tough!

Watching big bros livestream of Mahjong. You guys are on another level!

The atmosphere in the livestream grew livelier as everyone chuckled and watched the game unfold.

Wang Yun glanced at his tiles, they were downright terrible. He let out a soft chuckle. As the girl on the left made her move, Wang Yun reached out to draw a tile. But with a swift and almost imperceptible movement, he simultaneously gripped three tiles from in front of him and drew one more.

In the next second, he had swapped three tiles without leaving a trace. The young man and the two girls didnt even notice.

? ? ?

Has it started???

Whoa, whats going on? With the tile Big Brother just drew, how did four of his tiles change?

Huh??? Did Big Brother just draw four tiles at once?

Damn! I knew there was more to this. What trick is Big Brother pulling off now?

Everyone in the livestream was dumbfounded as they witnessed Wang Yun seemingly draw four tiles at once. What was most astonishing was that, despite having a front-row seat, they only observed the change in the tiles without catching how Wang Yun managed to draw four at once.


What in the?

They were left utterly dumbfounded.

What is this?

In the livestream of the public awareness room, Director Fangs eyes widened as he immediately instructed, Save that footage from just now. Rewind and play it in slow motion.

Yes, sir!

The crew promptly got to work, rewinding ten seconds and then playing the footage at quarter speed. In the slowed-down footage, they saw Wang Yun briefly shield his move with his arm, during which three tiles disappeared from his pile. Then, he smoothly picked up the tile he wanted, simultaneously swapping in four new tiles.

Bad tiles were replaced with good ones in the blink of an eye.

Holy cow, what kind of technique is that?

How did he do that? Such lightning-fast speed and impressive sleight of hand. That trick was simply too masterful, wasnt it?

666, thats insane! The three of them thought they were up three against one, but in reality, it was three against four. And with Big Brothers style, its like four-in-one!

Unbeatable! I knew it. LOL! How could Big Brother possibly fall prey to these three petty con artists? He took down bandits, these scammers are nothing!

In the livestream, the audience erupted into wild excitement once again as the screens were flooded with 666. What more could be said? From now on, should they just kneel in awe while watching Big Brothers streams? He was invincible.

This this is sleight of hand magic, and an extremely advanced one at that, Director Fangs gaze sharpened as he said, The audience can see it now, right? When gambling, dont expect to win, especially because there are those out there who specialize in deception and cheating. Trying to win money, especially against strangers, is tough. Compared to the three colluding against him, Wang Yuns methods are far more sophisticated. Yes, hes always been incredibly skilled, and these three swindlers would find it hard to detect such remarkable moves. This lad is truly a wizard. The three opponents thought they were playing three against one, but in reality, it was more like three against four, or even three against five, perhaps even three against six. After all, they cant merge their tiles like Wang Yun. And I believe he has more tricks up his sleeve than what weve seen so far. As Director Fang spoke, a hint of awe crept into his voice.

This guy, he thought, we absolutely need to recruit him in the future. Hes nothing short of sorcery!

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