Published at 15th of April 2024 05:34:18 AM

Chapter 76: Captain Hong Feng’s Challenge and a Ball Invitation

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Chapter 76 Captain Hong Feng’s Challenge and a Ball Invitation

So, this nature of a Joker? Just as Captain Wang Yue predicted.

An intellect that surpasses the ordinary and thoughts that are hard to grasp. He plays without rules and is indifferent to wealth, fame, and fortune. Big Brother fits all these to a tee.

The lively chatter of the live stream shifted upon Wang Yuns pronouncement. A duel of wits always seems to draw an involuntary air of tension. Despite the physical distance between Wang Yun and the programs team of chief inspectors, this intangible collision weighed heavily upon the viewers.

Wang Yun expressed his intent to do something big. His actions were indeed unique, reminiscent of a fictional Joker. Without adherence to rules. Thoughts that defy prediction. Actions, just as elusive.

Wang Yun sat on his mattress, meticulously reviewing bits of information, contemplating his next moves. After considerable thought, he crafted a series of plans.

As evening approached, he dismissed an invitation from the couple next door and chose to rest instead.


Back at the headquarters of the programs special task force, the five captains were convened in the office. Wang Yue looked toward Wu Yaoming and commanded, Commence the search, methodically, hes armed. Deploy fifteen program officers to each pinpointed location. Their safety is paramount, we cannot have any casualties.

Rest easy. I will provide them with an optimal defense strategy to ensure there are no casualties. Should Wang Yun dare to retaliate, its yet to be seen who will survive, Wu Yaoming declared with unwavering confidence.

Good, lets get the program officers ready to move out, Jiang Youshan declared.New novel chapters are published on

Execute the operation, Wu Yaoming took out a communicator and issued an order.

It was then that Hong Feng interjected, Ill be heading out. Captain Wu Yaoming, should you find Wang Yuns location, inform me.

Hm? This interjection caused a moment of bewilderment among the other four captains who looked towards him inquisitively.

Captain Hong Feng, what are you planning?

This mission may not easily net us Wang Yun, but whether we capture him or not, I am compelled to issue a challenge. Just as he brazenly challenged Captain Zhang Xingchen, as he has challenged me with his inflammatory works, Captain Hong Feng declared, his face an impassive mask. I conceded defeat when he eluded us at Nansu Tower, but predicting the victor in our next encounter is no simple matter. A cryptic light danced in his eyes as he spoke.

Captain Hong Feng, what exactly are you planning to do? Wu Mingyu asked, unable to contain his curiosity.

Im gearing up for a face-off with him. Inform me at once if we find his location today, Hong Feng said, the hint of a smile gracing his features as he moved toward the exit.

Wang Yuns taunting seems to have truly angered him, Jiang Youshan reflected aloud, eyeing Hong Fengs departing figure.

A persons true potential is unleashed in such moments. Captain Hong Feng is evidently not ready to admit defeat and is eager for a real showdown with Wang Yun, Wang Yue remarked calmly.

The search is already underway across twenty locations, Wu Yaoming interjected, his attention on the live feed showing the progress of the search teams. Wu Mingyu responded with a chuckle, his gaze locked on the monitors. We shall see if things unfold as Captain Wang Yue has said.

The grand search operation had begun. The nights original plans to scour bathhouses and KTV joints were scrapped in favor of sweeping through abandoned buildings and dilapidated neighborhoods. Hundreds of program officers fanned out, simultaneously descending upon these areas to start their meticulous search.

The hunt has started, and theyre targeting the derelict building where Big Brother is hiding!

This is a massive dragnet. They might actually discover where Big Brother is staying!

The captains are pulling out all the stops, this discovery is inevitable!

Viewers in the live broadcast of the special task group were witnessing the commencement of the new crackdown operation. The internet was abuzz with chatter.

This this arrest operation is functioning like a well-oiled machine!

Exactly, the way this arrest is unfolding step by step, with impeccable precisionits nothing short of incredible. Elder Jiang Youshans prediction was spot-on, Brother Wang Yun has indeed found himself a relatively safe spot.

Its impressive, theres an understated yet formidable strength at work. This search process, without much fuss or embellishment, is meticulously organized and structured!

In the live broadcast, all the viewers watched the composed execution of the search, their faces etched with awe. No superfluous talk, no redundant movements. It resembled a streamlined machine at work.

Captains Jiang Youshan, Wu Mingyu, Wu Yaoming, and Wang Yue are all maintaining their composure, but what is Captain Hong Feng intending to do?

Its unclear, but theres a sense that Captain Hong Feng is suppressing a surge of emotion, and now hes on his way there.

Hes the first captain to personally leave his post.

The viewers exchanged thoughts among themselves.


At the same time, on a street, Captain Hong Feng was speaking into a communicator, Captain Wu Yaoming, arrange for fifteen search officers to meet me at the entrance of the derelict building in Hu Shan Residential Area.

Understood! came the swift reply over the communicator.

Captain Hong Fengs eyes gleamed as a slight, cold smile played at the corners of his mouth.

If you enjoy the game, then lets play. I dont believe for a second that Ill lose, he muttered under his breath.

His vehicle sped through the streets and soon arrived in front of the decrepit structure in the small district of Hu Shan Residential Area.

Captain Hong Feng, the search officers from the program team approached as the car halted in front of the unfinished building in the Hu Shan area.

Mm! Captain Hong Feng acknowledged with a nod as he got out of the car and surveyed the surroundings. He then took out a banner from the vehicle and signaled to the officers.

Hang this up, he instructed decisively.

The officers were momentarily startled, then quickly nodded in understanding. They eagerly took the banner and found a spot to hang it up. The banner was unfurled, displaying just one single bold wordRat!

Indeed, just one very pronounced wordRat!

Inside the programs task force room, Wu Mingyu narrowed his eyes at the sight of the two characters and asked through the communicator, Captain Hong Feng, what does this mean?

This, Hong Feng stated with a composed demeanor, is my gauntlet thrown down in challenge and provocation. He continued, Wang Yun has lost his mind, issuing challenges to me and Captain Zhang Xingchen. It would be impolite not to respond in kind. Ill indulge him in his game. But more importantly, after researching and understanding the materials used for disguises, the items hes purchased, like gypsum and modeling clay, only suffice for creating four lifelike masks. Were already aware of two, and todays findings should unveil the third, which implies he has just one disguise left. Though he can interchange them, there are definitely only four complete masks. Once we piece together all four identities, capturing him will become a lot simpler. My declaration is also designed to incite his anger.

While speaking, his gaze fixed intently on the banner ahead, He enjoys dancing on the razors edge, so Im extending him an exclusive invitation to a peculiar ball. He may have set the stage, but I intend to dismantle it.

You make the call, Captain Hong Feng. That word is quite fitting, Wang Yue remarked with a chuckle, observing the banner through the screen.

It might not be overtly harmful, but its highly insulting, bound to trigger a man of his haughty and overbearing temperament to lash out, she said with confidence. And lets not forget, the Joker personality is vengeful by nature. I suspect he will strike soon, likely sooner than later. Captain Hong Feng, and all of us, need to be ready.

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