Published at 15th of April 2024 05:34:17 AM

Chapter 77: Setting the Stage with Hundreds of Million in Cash as Prop

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Chapter 77 Setting the Stage with Hundreds of Million in Cash as Prop

Brilliant, just brilliant! Captain Hong Feng is indeed giving him a taste of his own medicine. Its like hes issuing a challenge.

The word Rat, is this suggesting that Big Brother is going to end up skulking about like a rat, despised and on the run?

Its a stark warning to Big Brother that his lair has been upended, that hell be dodging through the streets like a rat, no longer able to brazenly strut about as he did.

Did anyone notice? Big Brothers first challenge was thrown at Zhang Xingchen out of a desire for revenge because Zhang attempted to arrest him. The next challenge was a direct response once he realized that Hong Feng issued an arrest warrant for him, prompting him to make his own work aimed at Captain Hong Feng. And now, Captain Hong Feng fully realizes Big Brothers vengeful nature. If he sees this taunt, retaliation is inevitable.

The five captains are also aware that capturing Big Brother hinges on finding out each identity of his disguise masks. This campaigns sole purpose is to strip away one of Big Brothers disguises.

The operation resembles a meticulous game of chess, with each side advancing step by step towards a decisive checkmate.

In the live broadcast, all the viewers looked astonished as they listened to Captain Hong Feng and his teams discussion.

Wang Yuns initial challenge? It was not a mere provocation, it was retribution. As his penned line stated, The most adept hunter often masquerades as the prey. To chase him meant to accept the peril of becoming the prey.

Now, with Captain Hong Fengs open challenge, he was laying down the gauntlet. In this duel, one was the hunter, and the other, the hunted.

It was a provocation to incite fury, and according to Wang Yues analysis of Wang Yuns personality, retaliation was absolutely certain.

At the beginning of the program, we were simply enjoying the spectacle. But the reality is that from the very first face-off, an intellectual duel was already underway. Big Brother held the advantage. Without the insights shared by the captains, many of us would likely remain unaware of these deeper dynamics, a viewer mused with a hint of awe.


At the abandoned construction site in the Hu Mountain area, Captain Hong Feng departed without a hint of reluctance. Lets move on.

They hadnt laid any traps, nor were they intending to play a waiting game. The likelihood of success was deemed too slim.

For the average criminal, surveillance gear might be sufficient to secure an arrest. For the more formidable ones, weapons were the tools of necessity. But to capture a criminal of high intellect, one needed to suppress his intelligence.

The group took their leave.

Minutes later, in a remote spot, Wang Yun made his cautious approach.

Earlier, to circumvent potential dangers, he had acquired a god-level skill, Divine Reconnaissance.

After confirming it was safe, he walked out.

Big Brother has appeared, hes been watching in secret from afar!

I wonder what Big Brothers reaction will be to that banner.

His disguise is about to be blown!

In the live stream, the audience saw Wang Yun reappear, engaging in fervent discussion and conjecture. At this moment, they too felt as if they had entered the fray of this unseen battle.


Wang Yun stood before the abandoned building, his eyes briefly catching the prominent banner and betraying a flicker of response.

Do they want me to scurry like a rat? I wonder which captain gifted me this. Its likely Captain Hong Feng, he enjoys writing words.

Standing there, he mused aloud, Is this provocation meant to draw me out? Does he want to take revenge on me? Is this what one would call an invitation?

Wang Yun chuckled to himself at the thought. He remained still for a few moments before slowly making his way to the banner.

It appears I must set the stage, he said, grinning as he removed the banner.

He was rising to the challenge.

Whoa, Big Brother actually guessed Captain Hong Fengs intentions, and hes even talking about setting the stage?

Shiver me timbers, the back and forth between Captain Hong Feng and Big Brother sends chills down my spine. Each side has anticipated the others strategy, yet neither is willing to retreat!

Captain Wang Yue and the others know Big Brother wont shy away. Big Brother, too, understands that Captain Hong Feng is deliberately provoking him, but he accepts the challenge. Are we gearing up for a showdown?

Theres something that still puzzles me. What is this big move Big Brother mentioned? Could it be connected to whats coming up?

In the live stream, the audience, with an omniscient perspective, absorbed Wang Yuns words and observed his actions. The tension was palpable, especially at the mention of I need to set the stage..

Yes, a Robin Hood. His target this time was the boss of Hu Shan Development, a wealthy businessman from Nancheng. This decision was made after he had heard the lament of two childrens mother.

Why should their dream homes have turned into unfinished husks?

Why were they left to shoulder the results?

Was it their fault?

Simply because the development companys capital chain had broken?

If there had been a genuine, exceptional reason, it might have been different. But from what Wang Yun had learned online, the property tycoon was still living in luxury. There were even exposs online revealing his possession of mansions and expensive cars, with antiques in his home worth millions.

Thus, Wang Yun was ready to embark on a stealthy Robin Hood adventure, a raid to rob from the rich to aid the poor, to swipe millions from the man, just to stick it to him. He planned to secretly distribute the ill-gotten wealth at the failed housing project, leaving a share in every familys apartment.

The rest, well, the program team would take care of the fallout.

Wang Yues analysis was quite precise, Wang Yun was truly unpredictable.

Yesterdays challenge from Captain Hong Feng transformed what was meant to be a low-key operation by Wang Yun into a spectacle. A performance ready to unfold. Another point in his favor was the recent update from the production team, which worked to his advantage.

His current target had already come under close watch in the real world, with his misdeeds on the verge of being exposed, although he had not yet been arrested. This allowed Wang Yun to act with even more audacity.

Wang Yuns eyes narrowed, his mind whirring with thoughts.

The stage was ready, and he was to be the main act of this drama, with the control of how the supporting characters would play their parts resting in his hands.

I hope Captain Hong Feng, along with the others, will appreciate the stage that has been set especially for you.

The vehicle moved swiftly and, after half an hour, arrived at the front of an upscale villa district.

Acquire Advanced Hacking abilities.

Seated in the drivers chair, Wang Yun picked up a computer that was beside him. With a single intent focus, he acquired a new skill. He promptly began searching for certain information, and not long after, a smile played on his lips.

Shutting down the computer, he steered the car directly into the villa complex. He was there to retrieve a pivotal piece for this mission.

Upon reaching the gate, the barrier automatically raised, permitting him entry.

Huh? To which owner does this van belong? How strange.

The security staff were slightly taken aback, but since the barrier had been lifted, they didnt look into it further.

Wang Yun proceeded inward, his vehicle halting before a grand villa. He appraised his surroundings, scoping out the security cameras. With slight maneuvers, he slipped into the villa.

Inside, he discovered the place was empty, his luck proving to be even better than anticipated. Had there been someone present, he would have had to proceed with caution.

He looked through the house, searching each room systematically.

Surveillance in the basement?

As Wang Yun descended into the basement, he squinted skeptically, surprised by what he found. After a quick scan of the area, he extracted a computer from his equipment bag. Upon reviewing the surveillance feed, he deftly used his hacking skills to loop the live feed with previous footage.

Surveillance in the basement means something valuable must be down here.

Wang Yuns eyes were slightly narrowed, his exceptional perception scanning the area in detail.

The basement was lavish, fitted with opulent furniture and a wine cabinet brimming with fine bottles. His attention was quickly drawn to a specific part of the wine cabinet. Without hesitation, he walked over.

Its reminiscent of those hidden compartments in movies, he murmured, pulling at one of the wine bottles.

In the next instant, the wine cabinet swung open from the middle, revealing a safe two to three meters in size. Wang Yuns smile broadened as he employed his peerless lock-picking skills to unlock it.

With a series of clicks, the safe swung open, revealing its contents that momentarily stunned Wang Yun. Cash. All cash. It was piled meters high, amounting to at least a hundred million yuan.

The richness of this stage key piece surpasses my wildest expectations.

Gazing upon the mountain of cash worth at least a hundred million, Wang Yuns eyes sparkled. The most crucial key piece was now in his hand. What followed would be his performance, a grand spectacle.

The chapters are getting bigger, huh? Anyway, thank you so much to everyone who subscribed, you guys truly motivate me to keep to the schedule I set. Im even considering adding extra chapters for you. But first I need to build up the stock cuz Im dry right now. I truly hope you didnt regret joining my website and if you ever encounter any problems please let me know. Ill do everything in my power to fix it.

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