Published at 15th of April 2024 05:34:15 AM

Chapter 79: Explosive, Blasting, Boiling Nansu Plaza! Astounding Performance

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Chapter 79 Explosive, Blasting, Boiling Nansu Plaza! Astounding Performance

Incredible, that magic trick is fantastic. An egg transforms into a flower in an instant. Amazing!

That face-changing performance just now was really impressive too.

Hang on, why is the legal education livestream showing this? Meanwhile, Big Brothers own stream is still dark, not showing anything, but the audio is the same!

Could the performer on this stage be Big Brother himself? Really? He mentioned setting up a stage for a performance. Could this be it? The actual stage and show?

Im ninety-nine percent sure its Big Brother. The program team wouldnt broadcast this randomly. Plus, the audio in Big Brothers dark livestream matches this. What is Big Brother planning?

As the performance stage at Nansu Plaza was broadcast in the public legal education live room, viewers began to express their astonishment and curiosity. Many quickly pieced together the evidence and concluded that the performer must be Wang Yun.

Hmm, is that Wang Yun performing on stage? Hes truly talented. If he entered the entertainment industry, hed likely become a superstar. Hes got so many talents, Liu Qingqing remarked in admiration.

Being in showbiz would be a waste for him. Lets keep watching. An exciting confrontation is coming up, and its uncertain who will emerge victorious, Director Fang commented with a smile, anticipation evident on his face.


Surprised now, arent you? Dear spectators, this is just the beginning, Wang Yun commented from the stage, hearing the audiences reactions and responding with a light smile. He smoothly maneuvered his hand, and suddenly, four or five eggs appeared.

Alright, audience, who dares to catch these eggs? He laughed and spun around, continuing to call out loudly.

Over here, here! someone from the crowd shouted, laughing.

Okay, catch this. Wang Yun tossed an egg into the air. In mid-flight, it miraculously transformed into a fresh flower.


Thats awesome! Big Brother, throw one to me

I want one too!

The crowd around erupted in excitement, exclaiming and shouting loudly, each hoping to catch a transformed flower themselves.

Haha, no rush, everyone, take it easy. Wang Yun gave a slight smile, and with a flick of his hand, eggs were tossed toward the audience members. Mid-air, they transformed into flowers.

Cool! exclaimed a young man who caught a flower, giving Wang Yun a thumbs up.

Hey, handsome guy, over here, me, me, me!

Me too, me too!

The crowds enthusiasm was ignited, voices rising and hands waving.

Hey, arent you guys being a bit too eager? Wang Yun looked at the audience, spreading his hands. We have at least two to three hundred spectators here, right? Haha, but no worries, Im about to shower you with gifts. Come on, staff.

Standing on the stage with a smile, he extended his arms. Chen Wen and his wife, Hong Qianqian, were each holding a box on either side.

Inside these boxes are 250 stinky eggs, for 250 people. Each egg has a unique number. These are magical eggs capable of transforming into flowers. But after you get your egg, hold still, dont move or break it, because for the next part of the magic trick, I want everyone to join in. At the end, well all turn the eggs into flowers together, okay? Wang Yuns voice boomed across the stage.

Okay! shouted the crowd in unison, their voices echoing through the venue. They were enthralled by Wang Yuns magic, and he was swiftly taking command of the entire scene.

Seeing the enthusiastic response from below, he smiled subtly. His eyes swept across the crowd that had grown to more than three hundred and was still increasing. Given it was the city center, attracting thousands was no challenge.

He checked the time and resumed his magic performance. As a god-level magician, his array of tricks was effortless, each more astonishing than the last.


Meanwhile, near Nansu Plaza, Captain Hong Feng and six program officers swiftly arrived at the location.

Holding a communicator, he surveyed the surroundings and asked, Ive arrived. Has anything unusual been spotted near Nansu Square?

In Nansu Plaza, the situation inside is unclear, but outside, theres a magic troupe performing, reported the staff of the program team, where Wu Mingyu, Wu Yaoming, Wang Yue, and Jiang Youshan, the four team captains, were continually monitoring various locations, their expressions serious.

A magic troupe performing? Hong Fengs eyes narrowed as he looked around, his gaze settling on a nearby magic troupe surrounded by a large crowd, and he headed straight there. The six program officers officers quickly followed.

Arriving at the back of the magic troupe, they observed the enthusiastic audience and the performers on stage, then shifted their attention to the surrounding area.

Wang Yun is a lone wolf, without a gang. He only started preparing his revenge today, and I think he might still resort to stealing because its the quickest approach, speculated one of the program officers.

Hong Feng nodded slightly, sweeping his gaze around without detecting anything out of the ordinary.

Captain Wu Yaoming, when can the rest of the inspection team arrive? Hong Feng asked through his communicator.

They are already converging on Nansu Plaza, replied Wu Yaoming.

After a moment of hesitation, Hong Feng said, Have them inspect the Nansu Plaza Tower for any unusual occurrences. We have far more officers this time, and Captain Wu Yaoming, you know how to coordinate them. Lets spread out and look for leads.

No problem, Wu Yaoming acknowledged.

Currently, our knowledge is too limited. We need more information. Wang Yuns actions today are clearly intended to delay us, stated Wu Mingyu.

Wang Yue nodded thoughtfully. Hes the strategist, and we are the disruptors. We still hold a significant advantage. Our task now is to uncover his plot.

Lets check other areas, Hong Feng directed his team, and they moved on to explore different locations.


In the public legal education livestream, Shen Hao noticed Hong Feng on the screen. Look, Captain Hong Feng has arrived on the scene, right next to the stage.

Captain Hong Feng hasnt noticed Wang Yun yet, added Liu Qingqing.

Dont just point to Hong Feng, anyone would have failed to notice. Who could have thought that a fugitive would be performing magic on stage and interacting with the audience? Plus, everyone perceives Wang Yun as a lone wolf, while setting up a magic troupe typically requires a team. Wang Yun now has a temporary small team, hes effectively camouflaged. Besides, what crime could performing magic possibly constitute? Director Fang interjected, his eyes sparkling with insight. The audience, reflecting on his words, nodded in agreement.

Who would have guessed that Wang Yun was behind the magic troupe? What criminal activities could a magic troupe engage in? These questions lingered in their minds.


Whos trying to target me, and why? Is it for money or something else? Since he didnt report me, it must be for money, damn it.

At that moment, a middle-aged man stepped out of a luxury car, his eyes scanning the surroundings rapidly, his expression filled with unease. Spotting a magic troupe not far away and checking the message on his phone, he headed straight toward it.

Upon reaching the edge of the crowd, he sent a text message: Im here.

On stage, Wang Yun, who was performing, felt his phone vibrate. A slight smile played on his lips as his keen observational skills quickly located the middle-aged man in the crowd.

Alright, alright, this magic act has ended. And now, for tonights grandest, most astonishing magic show, about to begin, Wang Yun announced, his voice resonating across the audience. He then turned the microphone towards the crowd below, Are you excited to see the next magic performance?


Youre amazing, your magic skills are unbeatable!

Were excited! Amazing!

Wow, its true! The money is really in my bag. I didnt even see how you slipped it in, she exclaimed, pulling out the cash, her face a mix of shock and delight.

No way, how did he do that? I didnt catch a single trick!

Unbelievable, incredible, this is magic!


The audience at the front voiced their astonishment.

Fifty thousand yuan, its really fifty thousand, and it seems like real money, the woman continued shouting.

Dont be too excited yet. Next, were going to give a fortune to our second lucky audience member, Wang Yun said, repeating the process, and a second audience members black bag now also contained fifty thousand yuan.

Meanwhile, Shao Fengyun, watching from the sidelines, was starting to seethe, his body trembling with agitation. He was utterly perplexed.

What are you trying to do? What do you want from me? Shao Fengyun, chained to the bench, couldnt contain his anger and yelled loudly, shaking the chair vigorously.

Mr. Shao, the magic act isnt finished yet. Lets continue distributing fortunes, Wang Yun responded with a smile to Shao Fengyuns outburst.

One second, two seconds, three seconds Within a dozen seconds, all twenty audience members received their windfall of fifty thousand yuan each.

This money is real! I work at a bank, and I can tell this is genuine cash, exclaimed a young man on stage, holding up the money and shouting toward Wang Yun.

Handsome, after distributing such gifts, could it be fake money? Wang Yun smiled and responded to him.

No way, is this actually real money?

Really, they are giving out blessings!

Wow, no way, is this for real? Twenty people getting fifty thousand each, thats a million already!

Shocked exclamations echoed from below the stage. The audience felt disbelief. How could it be possible to really give each lucky audience member fifty thousand yuan? That just seemed too unrealistic.

At this moment, Wang Yun addressed the twenty audience members on stage, Everyone, this is what you deserve. Compared to what youve lost, whats fifty thousand yuan?

His words caused a moment of pause among the twenty on stage.

To the twenty of you on stage, do you really think youre just lucky audience members? In reality, all of you bought apartments in the Hu Mountain Residential Area, didnt you? Wang Yuns eyes twinkled as he looked at them, his voice loud and clear.

Yes, you how did you know?

I bought my apartment there.

So did I, I did to.!

The twenty lucky audience members responded loudly, their faces a picture of shock.

Not just you. Among the audience, are there many others? Wang Yun scanned the crowd in front of the stage and continued.

Yes, I am, Chen Wen invited me.

Me too, I am part of the homeowners rights protection group. They even promised me two hundred yuan to play a role here.

Same here, me too!

Dozens of voices from below the stage, eyes wide with astonishment, shouted out.

Exactly, you are all victims of the unfinished Hu Mountain Residential Area project. And this man, Wang Yun said, pointing at Shao Fengyun, his tone icy, is the bankrupt developer who claimed financial crisis, yet has over a hundred million in cash hidden at his home, Shao Fengyun.

What are you going to do? What do you want from me? You bastard!

As Wang Yun finished speaking, the crowd was still processing the revelation, but Shao Fengyun, shackled to a chair, reacted vehemently, shouting and seething with rage. His face was etched with horror. He was exposed, his secrets laid bare for all to see.

Damn, the developer told us our complex was unfinished due to a financial crisis, claiming they were helpless. How could he have so much cash hidden in his house?

Was he the one who tricked us? Could he be the one who swindled us?

Damn it, that villain, did he really cheat us out of our money?

In the next second, numerous audience members who had purchased homes in the Hu Mountain Residential Area burst out in anger, shouting their grievances. Suddenly, the atmosphere shifted dramatically.

Whats going on? What in the world is happening?

Oh my goodness, whats this all about?

What exactly is going on here?

The remaining audience members were completely stunned. Was all of this real or fake? Was it a magic trick, or actual reality?

But the voices of dozens of angry people around them didnt seem fake. They had also heard about the unfinished Hu Mountain Residential Area project. The angry and frightened expression on the face of the man known as President Shao didnt look feigned at all. Everything seemed too real to be fake.

Could it actually be true?

Upon closer reflection, it was deeply unsettling.

Everyone, please stay calm and collected. Today, the main purpose of our magic troupes performance is to seek justice for the homeowners of the Hu Mountain Residential Area. Next, I would like to invite my good friend Hong Feng to ensure fairness for all. Lets call out for Hong Feng together, shall we? He will deliver justice to you, Wang Yun observed the scene, a small smile playing on his lips.

He raised the microphone, calling out loudly, Hong Feng!

Holding the microphone towards the crowd, Wang Yun softly repeated, Hong Feng!

Despite being somewhat surprised by the name, all the audience members cooperatively echoed, Hong Feng!

Seeing the entire crowd responding, Wang Yuns smile broadened. He had been controlling the whole performance from the beginning. Although the name Hong Feng was unexpected and familiar to them, they still followed. This was the power of control.

Hong Feng! Wang Yun called out again, amplifying his voice.

Hong Feng! shouted those who had bought homes in Hu Mountain Residential Area.

The rest of the audience, somewhat awestruck, also joined in.

Hong Feng!

Hong Feng!

The name Hong Feng reverberated across the skies of Nansu Plaza. And Wang Yun, slowly peeled off his exaggerated theatrical mask, revealing the third face he had recently exposed to the program inspection team.

Facing the program inspection team and Captain Hong Feng directly, this moment was explosive. Everything was explosive.

Yet, everything had only just begun. The performance was far from over; even more explosive developments were to follow.

Note. I made a mistake in the previous chapter it wasnt a billion but hundreds of millions in the safe. If youre reading this long after the chapters have been posted. The error was corrected. Also, please consider becoming a BadassMF member. It truly helps a lot.

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