Published at 15th of April 2024 05:34:06 AM

Chapter 86: The Beautiful Team Leader, An Unexpected Encounter, and the Start of Something Special

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Chapter 86 The Beautiful Team Leader, An Unexpected Encounter, and the Start of Something Special

Zhao Yuexingchen, a name that belonged to a four-character-named female star, died under mysterious circumstances. Whether by accident or otherwise was unclear.

Her family, seeking answers, offered a reward and invited private detectives, experts, and professors to conduct an investigation. This investigation, naturally, would require interaction with the police, and might even provide an opportunity to access the police station, especially if autopsy proceedings were involved.

Wang Yuns lips curled into a slight smile, his eyes lighting up with the glint of an opportunity.

This was a promising, and rare, chance. To navigate the upcoming nearly two hundred days, he needed a legitimate identity.

He went to the Emperor Bathhouse to pick up his tool bag, then headed to a 24-hour fast-food restaurant. Settling down, Wang Yun ordered some items and then took out his laptop to connect to the internet.

He started searching for information about Zhao Yuexingchen. The internet was awash with various reports and speculations about her death. Additionally, there was also the chilling video clip capturing her last moments. It was from a surveillance camera.

In the footage, Zhao Yuexingchen, graceful and elegant, danced on the terrace of the Jiujiang Skyline Five-Star Hotel, dressed in her pajamas. The eerie setting under the weak moonlight and in the grainy black-and-white surveillance video created a haunting atmosphere.

After her dance, she slowly moved toward the edge of the terrace and then abruptly jumped off. The entire minute-long video sent shivers down the spine.

Watching, Wang Yuns brows knitted together slightly.

Its no wonder theyre considering sleepwalking, this is indeed heart-stopping, he murmured.

The internet buzzed with various theories. Some theorized that Zhao Yuexingchens rise to fame in recent years was due to her nurturing a malevolent spirit, which had now backfired on her. Others speculated that she was under the influence of some malevolent force. The online community was rife with all sorts of wild and imaginative conjectures. What was most striking was how convincingly these theories were presented, almost making them seem believable at first glance.

Simply relying on a video isnt enough to draw any conclusions. Ill need to make a trip there tomorrow, Wang Yun thought to himself.

His primary goal was indeed to obtain an identity document. He reached out to the program team to discuss his forthcoming plans, requesting them to arrange the necessary logistics. Handling real-life situations like a police station necessitated proper setup since, ultimately, it was all part of a television show.

For example, reassigning program inspectors to work within the police station was part of this setup, but how that would be executed wasnt his concern.

Wang Yun chose not to stay in a bathhouse or KTV that night. The attack earlier that evening made him more vigilant. It also gave him a better understanding of the program chief inspectors.

With an extra five million in earnings for each additional day on the run, Wang Yun was content to sleep outdoors if needed.

Big Brother is extra cautious tonight!

The inspectors are spreading a wide net. That hacker Ames is setting up an identity recognition system in various leisure venues. It seems quite sophisticated.

Big Brother is right to be wary, especially now that hes down to his last disguise. If hes spotted, it would be incredibly risky. Getting new disguise materials seems almost impossible!

It looks like Big Brother will have to play it safe for a while. Kolyev, the foreigner, plans to review all of Big Brothers information overnight. Hes seeking revenge after that face-slapping, haha!

In the live stream, viewers commented as they saw Wang Yun sleeping in a shop, speculating about his next steps.

The night passed quickly.

Master, its ready, a voice announced in the special task force room.

Excellent. Captains Jiang Youshan and Wu Yaoming, keep an eye on these surveillance feeds. Act immediately if you get a lead and lock onto the target, Kolyev instructed, sipping his coffee, and addressing Jiang Youshan and the others.

Captain Kolyev, dont you need a break? Youve been up all night, Captain Jiang Youshan asked, nodding toward him.

No worries, I can manage staying awake for dozens of hours. I have to sort out some issues back in my country. I boasted in an interview before coming here that capturing Wang Yun would be a breeze. Now that Ive failed, Ill have to spend some money to mitigate the damage to my reputation, Kolyev replied, sipping his coffee and rubbing his face.

Heh, someone like you, Captain Kolyev, a celebrity figure, must rarely participate in such shows, right? Jiang Youshan remarked, offering a cigarette with a faint smile.

Cough, cough. The main reason was the immense popularity of your countrys show. I intended to promote my private detective and security services, but it seems to have backfired, Kolyev said, accepting the cigarette with a somewhat awkward smile.


In the live stream, the audience burst into laughter at their conversation.

This foreigners quite entertaining, getting put in his place by Big Brother.

Haha, hes quite a character. It proves a point. Regardless of your country or status, when in Nancheng, in the presence of Big Brother, everyone has to bow down.

Wang Yun has now taken out another member of the inspection team, bringing the total to twenty-one, and we still have no clue about his current appearance. This is our failure. The whole world is watching, so we cant afford any more mistakes, Wu Yaoming declared emphatically.

Yes, we absolutely cant afford another failure, Kolyev quickly agreed, nodding. Another failure would mean the end of his reputation.


Big Brother is really vigilant now, even opting for a small diner for his meals.

What an unexpected twist! Instead of laying low, Big Brother is now heading to the police station to solve a case, and hes also crossed paths with the programs sixth captain, who happens to be a beautiful young woman?

Meanwhile, in the live stream, everyone watching this unexpected turn of events was in disbelief. The plot was just too extraordinary and hard to imagine.

Wang Yun, instead of hiding, was actually stepping in to help solve Zhao Yuexingchens case, acting like a good person. And a young, extremely beautiful woman turned out to be a captain of the program. What a coincidence.


Lets go, everyone, the two police officers invited, briefly glancing at the woman, and then led the group toward the police station.

The Nancheng Police Station was conveniently located not far from the Jiujiang Skyline Five-Star Hotel, just under a kilometer away.

Please come to the conference room first, well present the case details to you, the officers guided the group inside.

Upon entering the police station, Wang Yuns eyes narrowed alertly, his keen observational skills scanning the surroundings. He had managed to infiltrate successfully. Observing the interior, he noted some individuals who appeared to be interns, likely program personnel arranged by the show.

He meticulously scanned every room and department, committing everything to memory in preparation for his upcoming actions.

As they neared a conference room, the woman the led glanced at the group, including Wang Yun, and remarked coolly, This room is overcrowded. Those without significant skills should leave.

Hmm? The conference room is a bit small, but we can add more chairs, suggested the two police officers.

An elderly man, evidently well-known, chuckled and confidently strode into the room, Hehe, those lacking abilities need not enter. I believe I possess sufficient skills to contribute.

Im a professor from a top police academy, so I shouldnt have any problems, right? added a middle-aged man with a smile, heading inside as well.


In the public awareness room, alongside Wang Yuns and the program task forces live streams, a new feed appeared, showcasing the sixth chief inspector, broadcasting live through her tech chip.

Let me introduce everyone to the sixth captain of the Skynet Operation program, Director Fang announced with a smile.

Dont underestimate this young lady. Shes Ying Yuezi, of mixed heritage. Her father is from our country, and her mother is from the Cherry Blossom Land. Shes an extraordinary genius. At sixteen, she encountered a gang murder in Cherry Blossom Land. Impressively, she outsmarted several men, assisting the local police in capturing the culprits and solving the case. Her talents were unmistakable from then on. At eighteen, she helped Cherry Blossom Lands police solve three significant drug trafficking cases, later studying in Liberty Land for two years. There, she solved three cases based on online reports alone, creating a nationwide stir. She has an exceptional knack for investigation. After returning to Cherry Blossom Land, she reopened and solved a cold case that had been unsolved for fifteen years. Due to unique circumstances, she joined the Skynet Operation program. Its rumored her IQ is over 160, Director Fang commented, a note of wonder in his voice.

The Zhao Yuexingchen case captured her interest, and the program team promptly agreed to let her investigate. Unexpectedly, Wang Yun got mixed up in it. Knowing him, he always seems to stir up trouble after an attack, always plotting something, he chuckled. Its fascinating, though, that theyve crossed paths here. Im curious about the outcome.

Director Fang continued, his attention focused on Ying Yuezi, Did you notice how assertive Ying Yuezi is? By saying only the capable should enter, shes effectively taking control of the situation. This assertiveness gives her a significant edge in the investigation.


Wow, 666! Is she really that impressive?

A mixed-race beauty? From the Land of Cherry Blossoms, too? So lovely, Im in love!

Watching Skynet Operation can be demoralizing. Shes only in her twenties and already so accomplished. When I was that age, I was earning just three thousand a month.

One question, if she were my wife, would I get caught cheating? If so, then I wont marry her!

The guy above, whether youd get caught or not, you might just end up dying accidentally in your twenties!

Is Big Brother meeting his match in this genius lady? What sparks will fly?

As the livestream audience absorbed this information about the young woman, they were visibly impressed. Another brilliant mind, and so young and beautiful. Who wouldnt be intrigued?

Meanwhile, at the entrance to the conference room in the police station, Wang Yuns eyes fixed on the woman standing at the conference rooms entrance.

He observed the middle-aged and older individuals confidently declaring their names and backgrounds as they entered, his eyebrow arching subtly, a spark of intrigue in his eyes. He made his way toward the conference room, casually glancing at the woman as he passed by her side.

It seems the Skynet Operation team hasnt even managed to catch Wang Yun yet, he remarked casually. And by the way, young lady, remember to drink plenty of hot water these days.

Wang Yun refrained from announcing his name or profession. After all, not telling lies means never getting caught lying. He offered the woman a smile and, after his brief comment, continued directly into the room.

Ying Yuezi, upon hearing his words, paused briefly, a flicker of surprise crossing her eyes as she watched Wang Yun walk by. Her beautiful eyebrows lifted in curiosity. A doctor?

A forensic doctor, Wang Yun corrected.

In the meantime, those watching the livestream were left speechless and astounded.

Translators thoughts: These chapters are quite long.

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