Published at 15th of April 2024 05:33:53 AM

Chapter 97: Game and Reality. A Web of Traps, Hunting, Control, Terror, and Madness! (2)

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Chapter 97 Game and Reality. A Web of Traps, Hunting, Control, Terror, and Madness! (2)

Ah, ah, ah! Damn, Im dead!

What do you mean youre dead?

I was playing the Death Factory game made by Big Brother. The game actually has teammates. My teammate and I entered the factory and immediately engaged the target. As the target fled to the second floor, my teammate pursued them. But before I could advance, a door on the first floor suddenly burst open, and someone came out and shot me dead. Man, this game is pretty sneaky!

Whoa, wait up, DJ! Were engrossed in a pretty intense operation here, and youre talking about a game? Hold on, what did you just say? That sounds weird.

At this moment, viewers in the livestream were engrossed in playing the game that Wang Yun had recently promoted.

Suddenly, someone in the game was taken out. He then immediately complained about the situation in the game on the livestream, leaving many viewers speechless and slightly alarmed. They all sensed that there must be a significant reason why Big Brother had them play this game.

Meanwhile, at the factory, in a room close to the exit, a figure carefully descended from above in a previously empty room. With a submachine gun in hand, he quietly opened the door. His view was filled with dozens of program officers, all armed and focused on the staircase. His eyes gleamed with a mix of ruthlessness and icy determination.


In a flash, bullets poured out, sweeping across the program officers. The bullets hit several of them, leaving red marks on their bodies.

This is bad!

The expressions of those hit shifted dramatically as they noticed the red marks, their pupils shrinking in shock. Those hit in critical areas fell to the ground, instantly out of action.

Theres someone in this room, someones here!

Those hit in the arm struggled as their arms went limp, quickly drawing their pistols to return fire at the unexpected attacker.

Damn it, we just checked that room, didnt we? How is there someone in there?

The officers at the forefront were thrown into disarray, immediately directing their fire toward the room.

Weve lost eight people, six are severely injured, one of the program officers announced loudly.

Target that room, take them down!

Two program officers, wielding bulletproof shields, immediately charged toward the room, with other officers swiftly following suit. However, when they arrived, the room was empty, but they saw a broken hole in the ceiling.

They must have come down from the second floor, one said with a grim expression.

As they walked around the room, they stepped on something.


Two wrapped objects fell onto their heads and then hit the ground. Their faces showed drastic changes as they looked at the items on the floor. Picking them up, they realized the terrifying truth.

This These are wrapped fruit knives. We were dead, one of them uttered in disbelief.

The two wrapped fruit knives had fallen precisely on their heads. If they were something else instead of wrapped fruit knives and if the impact had been stronger, the consequences could have been fatal. They exchanged looks filled with bitterness and horror and then collapsed to the side.

Both officers were eliminated.

Damn, this room is trapped! Weve lost two more brothers, another program officer exclaimed in horror upon witnessing the scene.

At that moment, a brash and triumphant voice echoed from the hole in the ceiling of the room.

Is Big Brother really willing to sacrifice his five men for a massive toll on the program officers? Thats insane, isnt it?

Who knows, but the inspection team is already suffering heavy casualties!

Man, I was playing the game, got to the second floor, and as soon as I opened a door, a gun on the ground suddenly started firing at me. What kind of game is this? How does a gun shoot without someone holding it?

Meanwhile, in all the livestreams of the Skynet Operation, viewers were watching in shock.

Was this Wang Yuns way of exacting revenge?

Simultaneously, players of the Death Factory game were also sharing their bewildering experiences in the game.

More than sixty program officers had arrived on the second floor. A squad leader, looking extremely frustrated, signaled to a subordinate, These damned guys, open the doors. Weve secured the rooms downstairs, now lets open each door on the upper floor.

Captain, the glass in the second-floor doors is covered with paper, we cant see inside, a program officer observed, noticing the obscured door glass.

Open them, two armed officers, pointing their weapons at the doors, instructed softly. The officer they addressed nodded.

Staying close to the wall, he cautiously opened the door with a push.

Bang, bang, bang!

The moment the door swung open, a burst of gunfire sounded from inside. The two officers aiming at the door immediately returned fire, but the room was empty. There was just a handgun tied up front, connected by a string. The doors opening triggered the gunfire.

One of the officers aiming at the door was hit by seven bullets.

Damn! Yet another trap! the squad leader, witnessing this, his eyes filled with rage, shouted furiously. The hit officer gave a bitter smile and fell to the ground, eliminated from the operation.

You bastards, come out if you dare, the squad leader, seeing this, shouted with bloodshot eyes.

However, a voice full of unmatched arrogance suddenly echoed from inside, reckless and unafraid, Hahaha, come on, I dare you to come here.

Lets take them down, yelled an officer, face contorted with anger, eager to charge in.

Dont act impulsively, another program officer nearby quickly intervened, holding him back.


Damn, its just like in the game. As soon as the door is opened, a gun starts firing at the officers. This is madness.

Holy smokes, its a trap! Big Brother has set up numerous terrifying traps and replicated them exactly in the game. This is beyond audacious and arrogant. Hes turned this into a real-life game!

The nerve of those guys. They even dare to respond. Why not just use grenades, and hurl them inside? Watching this is infuriating!

Throw grenades? Are you kidding? With this factorys structure, the lower floors would definitely get caught in the blast. They might not even hit the enemy but end up hurting their own people. Plus, if they evacuate the officers from the first floor, Hu and his crew on the second floor could use the openings to move back down and continue their ambush!

Big Brother is too ruthless, too terrifying. No wonder this place is called the Death Factory!

Meanwhile, in the live broadcast room, all the viewers watching this unfold were struck with shock. Everything in the factory, all the traps, mirrored the game exactly. Wang Yun had transformed this location into a hunting ground for the program officers, playing a deadly game.

Absolute madness, sheer madness.

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