Published at 16th of May 2024 12:39:48 PM

Chapter 54

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'Inner thoughts'


[Message/communication apparatus]

Date: Late August 1089

Location: ???

POV: Narrator

Inside the palace of Kazdel, a man could be seen working on documents about the mobilization of the The Military Commission of Kazdel, a force that once meant to deter foreign invasion has been ironically pointed inward. His face bears similarities with the currently exiled, in all but name, King of Sarkaz. He is none other than the General of the Military Commission, Theresis, the co-ruler of Kazdel, and merely a usurper to some.

His concentration was interrupted when a Confessarii guard rapidly approached his desk. Once there they present him with a message. The guard left immediately after finishing their duty while he inspected the message’s content. His brows scrunched and his eyes sharpened, the message presented an opportunity or a potentially dire portent.

He stood up from his desk and stepped towards the window to gaze upon the urban sprawl beneath, the sole Mobile city in Kazdel and its capital amidst the eternal wasteland. His eyes then darted towards the large furnace-like structure, his steely gaze gave way to a time long since passed. Exhaling his breath that turned into vapor, he knew that he must prepare the city for the upcoming winter.

Turning his gaze back, he saw a shadow… her shadow. He has no qualms to be seen as the traitor, the usurper, and even the heretic. As long as Sarkaz found some sort of solace, all their suffering would finally mean something.

“… The Grey Serpent…” He is not the kind of person to be intrigued simply by a name, it is just that his nascent spy network and the Damazti’s unanticipated support foretold a personage that even they do not have a recollection of, or so he was told.  Theresis is not under any sort of illusion for support he had gained from the old heroes of Kazdel. He knows that the Royal Court's members have their own motives for supporting him on the intensifying civil war.

Back to the topic of Nyx, she is an enigma that is being laid bare for anyone interested to comprehend her yet time and time again vanishing like a mirage. This is an alarming contradiction, on one hand, it wouldn't be a problem for inquiring about her exploits, the other underlined an implication so dubious even the Damazti confessed they are both puzzled and intrigued; what is she? Either the Pythia proves to be so much more or merely an illusion of drunken folks and their countless revelries, he knows neither the facts nor fictions about her.

He got his hand full just to keep up with Odysseus, Karman, Anglachel, and so many names but so little identity… He refers to them simply as ghosts. While he was weighing his options, the door to his office was rudely opened without so much of a knocking. The General turned his gaze to see a youthful-looking male wearing a regalia and entered with a poise that bellied a monarch of his own right.

“Curious, seldom had I seen you make such a countenance unless when clashing with Theresia’s trusted tactician or that witch… I crave for the day when I finally wrung her blood dry.” Such poise was tarnished immediately with his less-than-affable self. The General has been dealing with him for centuries, and be that as it may, his dealings do not help much with his tolerance.

“She is the ‘King of Sarkaz’, you would do well to refer to her as such.”

“A king who doesn’t understand or accept our plight, she is soft. She was misguided, just like that imbecile who had the gall to share his blood with mine… to think that I once held him in respect… He was no longer a blood of mine for being such an embarrassment, a traitor to all Sarkaz.” The man paused while the General gaze turned steely.

“Hmm… I do concur that your sister does deserve a lesson, she is young and foolish. Incapable of understanding what the Sarkaz need.”

Theresis’ wave of pure energy cut through the space between them, yet the man in front of him evaded it just as easily. His expression was neutral as always, merely dusting off his coat if anything.

“State your intention, Duq’arael.”

“I was merely conducting my evening walks as per usual, but these rabbles I came across often time spouted that worm’s name. It was starting to grate my ears… although, perhaps, I would come across a delectable specimen.”

“… I fail to see why you came all the way here.”

“I did not trudge through the mud for a visit…”

“Then perhaps it would do well for you to continue with your walk. Last I recall, you still have quite the appetite.” A masked man is walking towards them from another end of the room. He is garbed in a similar like the Confessarii who brought Theresis his letter, although he traded the sword with a staff, or is it really, and the ghoulish mask with a golden one. Theresis promptly turned his back and continued with his work while Duq’arael turned his eyes on him.


“Was I wrong, Sanguinarch?” Duq’arael does not answer and merely gives them a warning.

“Do not interfere.” His body liquefied into a pool of blood, which evaporated into the wind. The General moved his attention to the masked man.

“Anything you wish to discuss with me?”

“My Confessarii had managed to track down Babel’s landship yet it won’t hold for long thanks to that student of yours… In the first place, to assault our King’s throne would be an exercise in futility.”

“That goes without saying, but we must be patient… the Ghost proves to be a much more difficult opponent.”

“How did the mustering go?”

“Manfred reported that the call across the land has been received. It is a trickle at the moment, but soon… we’ll have the Sarkaz united under one banner, a singular symbol… a truly unified destiny… our birthright.”

Date: Early September 1089

Location: Somewhere in Central Kazimierz

Kazimierz is a nation famed for its prairies, fields, and grasslands. Upon these very places battles and wars that plagued the ancient Land of the Knights were recorded, sung, and even erased by time, either by design or mere happenstance.

Yet while the open fields witnessed its numerous glory, the forgotten depths of its woodland and hills sparked curiosity for historians and truth-seekers, enticing riches plus a one-in-a-lifetime chance for bounty hunters or lawbreakers.

In these forgotten depths swept by Originium catastrophes, or hidden well by the people who called it home, machinations or simple child’s stories were screened thoroughly. Thus one who is both lucky and capable enough could witness a thin but blazing trail of bike cutting through the quiet night.

The Grey Serpent is on one of her numerous outings, according to the rumors that were spun around the taverns or pubs to name a few. Tales of how each time a bike could be heard in the plains were becoming an allegory for Nightzmoran of old. How the thrumming of engine overtook the wailing of war horns and drums. Then another, simpler, hushed whispers on how she is just some lowlife smugglers with contrabands.

Yet it is not one of those nights, she is in the hurry to rendezvous with a convoy and decoys. Nyx was cautioned by Kal’tsit to perform theatrics along the way; obfuscation or an actual move to capitalize on the moment.

Curiously, she does not ride by her lonesome; a Sarkaz woman wearing messenger uniform, a sword-wand could by her hip, and busily looking through a catalog, could be seen latching tightly on the Pythia. To call them friends would be a miss, calling acquaintances would also be a mere piece of the puzzle. What is right on the mark is that of tacit understanding between two girls who had crawled through hell and back upon one point in their lives.

“Are you really sure about this, Vaskiela?” Nyx asked her companion, surprisingly her voice was tender and void of her many masks. The Sarkaz smiled just enough, a complete contrast to how her life was it once was in Bolivar.

“Yes, I owe you for taking care of the children.” Her praise only causes the Grey Serpent to cast her eyes glumly.

“… I still failed in saving Sera.”

“In our culture as a Sarkaz, death is merely a part of life. If not Oripathy, then she would most likely be a mercenary, I wouldn’t in a thousand years want her to tread that path… She’s already dying… but you gave her home. That’s the ultimate wish of Sarkaz, a home of our own.”

“Home huh…”

“Yes, home. That’s also what Her Majesty the King of Sarkaz promised us… I felt guilty for leaving the country, yet I couldn’t see how her promise would come true. What’s more? Her Majesty has been burning herself to ashes, I couldn’t fathom a Sarkaz that does not wish for her to stop.”

“She’s beloved by all? How come she needs to contend with her people now?”

“It was not something said out loud, but common Sarkaz held her in the highest regard. It is just that… most of them view those who support her rule with suspicion… especially that Feline woman…” A guttural growl and snarl made their way through her throat. Nyx noticed the abject change of her tone… curious.

‘Is it a good idea to bring her along to Babel? Well, I’m sure she could behave. I mean, this is the same girl that had the conviction to bring a whole town down with her, but she restrained herself long enough.’ Nyx also enjoyed learning more about the Sarkaz since most she had met were either silent or trying their luck on her,

“It appears you have quite the story with such a person.” The Pythia’s words made Vaskiela jerked from her lapse. A sheepish smile was plastered on her face with an awkward tone.

“O-Oh… nothing, just a minor rambling so please disregard that.”

“Whatever, we all have our own opinion on things and I just wanna get this job done and dealt with.”

‘Hmm… If she was a Sarkaz… I suppose she would hold yourself well against the Six Heroes. Her exploit would attract the attention of that… fiend…’ Vaskiela shivered from remembering a certain dreaded vampire. Nyx noticed her distress and couldn’t help but ask.

“What’s wrong? Your heartbeats spiked rapidly just now.”

“… A bad memory. I knew a thing or two about Kazdel, it made me restless…”

“You could still turn back, I won’t mind.”

“Nah, I’m ok… who knows… I could meet my kin once more…Oh, I forgot that I haven’t thanked your daughter. She is such a sweet girl.”

“Of course she is, the girl learned from the best around her.”

“The Bishop? Well…It might sound not nice but… I never met such an understanding Sankta. Not once did he look at me unkindly, what’s more? He even gladly teaches the children regardless of who they are… A shame that a guy as nice as him has no family of his own,” Nyx was about to snarl in annoyance and slight rage but held herself just enough to grunt vaguely. She would not let their relationship slip out that easily, that information is only reserved for those close to her.

Despite talking about various things, not once did she make a lapse in her vigilance. A heartbeat and she could chart the movement of fowlbeasts flying this late into the night. A wisp of thin breath would be all she needed to pull her bow and bring to bear a steel retribution as far as her eyes could see. Vaskiela meanwhile took notice of the terrain they had come across and jotted them down dutifully.

This quiet ride lasted for another 30 minutes until the pair could spot a medium mining town 4 kilometers away. Their destination being close by heightened their already superfluous attention.

“Hang tight, girl.” She revved her bike and blitzed through even faster. This thing has been with her for years and has yet to show any sign of wear or tear, it made her wonder just who created this. Shelving her thoughts for later, it didn’t take long before they got spotted by the security units.

One of the guards stood outside and raised their hand, indicating them to slow down. She complied and they saw a helmeted and armored Feline was the one who stopped them. Nyx is a bit interested in why a Knight ends up as a guard but she had long passed since doubted Nelka and Conrad’s expertise in poaching people. Yes, this mining town is controlled by Adeptus and Cordelia.

Her partner is a bit concerned about why a knight is this far out in the sticks guarding some mine shaft. Although her tenure has been rather short as a CM courier, she still has a hard time understanding why Kazimierz's military assets are seemingly spread out haphazardly. She knows about that boneheaded treaty, but to have a fully armed knight being stationed as an over-glorified sentry sounds like a waste.

She does realize that she’s just being biased, but such an attitude just won’t fly in Kazdel. To even have a piece of your group being spread out to cover all the ground and territory you gain would be plain foolish.

“Good evening, Lady Baroness, Cordelia had notified your arrival for the upcoming delivery, and…” They peered behind Nyx and were left confused seeing an unknown Sarkaz. Nyx nudged Vaskiela to introduce herself, which promptly woke her up from her judgment and ideas.

“Vaskiela, a catastrophe messenger, and consider me a helping hand. Favor and all.” The Feline stared at her before turning their gaze at Nyx who already pulling out the necessary document for their upcoming ‘mission’.

The Guard Knight scanned the document carefully while they waited. Nyx had already noticed spies from parties of interests been waiting on her, but that wouldn’t be for long once they knew where these groups were heading.

“… Alright everything is in order. Off you go.” Waving to their colleague to open the gate, they are greeted by mercenaries and locals minding their own business. Once they took notice of the Grey Serpent’s arrival, most quickly returned to their group, and only a few stayed where they were to watch her arrival.

Vaskiela naturally becomes a subject of scrutiny, not to mention her petite and smaller frame that is unbothered when being gazed at with mild disgust and hostility. Sarkaz is still quite an unwelcome guest to some. They could only wonder why The Grey Serpent came along with a passenger. Rumors and gossip start circulating but neither cared nor had time to entertain such a thing.

After a few more turns around the mining town, they are greeted by 4 convoys each consisting of 4 SUVs and a large truck in the middle of inventory checks. Vaskiela noticed that medical items and general supply crates were being loaded inside the truck quickly. She eyed the crates suspiciously. Of course, a certain someone knows what is inside those crates but she much rather let the dark-purple-haired girl piece the puzzle herself.

Unlike before, this section of the town is filled to the brim with Cordelian-contracted PMCs and affiliated mercenaries. They bear the mark of Corderia Incorporated and are armed with military-grade equipment. Namely single-edged blade, steel shield, full-body armor, and titanium-equivalent-plated helm.

The PMCs took notice of her arrival and saluted like well-trained soldiers while the mercenaries were surprised to see her. Some of these soldiers-for-hire already thanked their lucky star, to have Nyx around almost meant that a mission success is a given and all that’s left is to not die.

The Grey Serpent could sense myriads of emotions, good and bad coalesced into a hot pot of mess. One emotion stood above the rest, fear, followed by caution and paranoia.

Back to the PMCs, their deference is a natural thing since, while they’re oblivious to the truth, Nyx had been involved in training them from weaklings, dregs, whelps, and even scums to be a proper professional. She paid quite a bit to get these men and women out of their problem and into her sphere of influence after Nelka had so graciously offered them.

She stepped off her bike with Vaskiela and headed towards a small building turned headquarters. Once inside they see more PMCs and affiliated mercenaries milling about with crates of weapons and medical equipment. While the room is a bit congested, the pair could make their way through without any problem to the commanding officer and their subordinates for this operation.

Entering a much smaller room, they found a familiar face talking with their CO. The CO is a Kuranta standing at 187 cm (6’1) wearing a standard-issue Cordelian uniform. He was talking somewhat tersely but still amicably with the Sarkaz before seeing Nyx’s arrival. He immediately made haste and left the Sarkaz to talk with Nyx.

She’s a long-haired-brunette Sarkaz woman standing at 170 cm (5’5). She is dressed a bit more casually compared to the rest but still doesn’t change the fact that she is a veteran amongst her peers. There is also that large grenade launcher Nyx is puzzled as to why she’s here, especially after confiding her distaste of ever returning to Kazdel.

“Glad you could make it quickly, Nyx, and who are you?”

“Vaskiela, a Catastrophe Messenger and courier. Pleased to meet you, miss?”


“Huh, an unusual name.”

“Just an alias.”

“I see, well don’t let me hold you guys’ business. I’ll just step back and give some room.” Vaskiela said before making her way to lean on the nearest wall. Once there she starts speaking helping the CO, and the Kuranta seems to appreciate her help. She is unbothered by the stink eye other mercenaries are giving her.

Left to talk with Nyx, she asked in a hushed tone.

“How is A-… I mean, how is Firewatch doing?” Meteorite asked.

“I’m not one to tell people off to stop. Just look at me, would people believe it if I say killing and revenge are bad?”

“Yeah, I wouldn’t either.” Nyx looked around the room, there were still some folks throwing a disgusted look at either Meteorite or Vaskiela, but most were content doing their own thing. She wonder if she need to slam their heads… nah…

“Seems like you managing to fit in this group well, Meteorite.”

“I have been more than once since moving from group to group. Honestly, I thought they were going to be an ass like usual, but Cordelian PMCs hasn’t called me a devil yet, so that’s a plus.”

“Alright, what’s my job here?” Nyx followed her towards the table in the middle. She sees that several routes have been charted, namely through the badlands between Leithanien and Ursus, using the Victorian-Leithanien crossing, and even going through Ursus-controlled land.

“Tour guide?”

“Very funny, our CO said we got 4 packages all meant for different parts of Kazdel. Every package listed that these are meds and whatnot, but it could be contraband or whatever in truth yet such is life… The employer doesn’t specify where, but we’ll get updates when we are at the border.”

“A bit surprising that there are still mercs willing to go back to Kazdel. Last I heard KMC is duking it out with Babel for real.” Nyx might be talking about it in a general way, but it struck a nerve on the Sarkaz lady. She heaved a tiny sigh before answering.

“… It is what it is, being a merc, especially for Sarkaz, just means living and fighting to see another day…” Although said offhandedly, the way her eyes shifted downward, the edge in her tone, and her brief change of expression show a glimpse of unease.

“I heard Cordelia paid and treated their people well, why didn’t you bite?” Meteorite stared at the Grey Serpent square in the eyes.

“Why didn’t you?” The Sarkaz bite back, causing Nyx's mask to crack in amusement.


“… Cordelia is nice and all, but it just feels fishy so I’m uninterested in full employment. Not to mention they’re not what I’m looking for.” She said so loud enough for Cordelian PMCs to notice but doesn’t appear that she cared.

“Ahem.” After clearing his throat, the CO along with Vaskiela returned with a bunch of documents in their hands. On an unrelated note, a certain Pythia was uttering expletives under her breath.

“Alright, since we’ll get this show on the road soon I’ll not ramble too long. Cordelia had put up a general objective of sending these supplies for affected areas all over Kazdel, but as we had been briefed only partially; further information from topside would be updated and given accordingly.” The attendance nodded, a few wrote outlines for the objective, and most stayed silent.

“Team 1 would take the badlands’ route, you guys got the Grey Serpent as navigator and catastrophes messenger. RoE for badlands’ route is to avoid combat when possible but there is nothing wrong to initiate one either to save time.”

“What about the Rusthammers?” A Zalak PMC asked. Meteorite put a hand beneath her chin contemplating. She looked at the CO and he let her say her piece.

“… that’s a bit complicated but, since we have little tech onboard anyway, you guys should be able to go past them… Nyx also had experience dealing with them, as far as I recall.” Nyx became the center of attention and shrugged nonchalantly before explaining her piece of intel.

“The Rusthammers have a habit of picking off armed convoys, they’re a group insane enough to intercept Ursus’ armored caravan; either for scraps or whatever. Although it is interesting that they seemingly have an idea of how to differentiate a normal escorted caravan from a military one. I had hands-on experience in… dealing with them… So when we find one, the first idea is to high-tail it out of there. They are less of a problem and more about how much potential damage we sustain. Not to toot my own horn, I’ll manage just fine, but you guys are dead.”

One might dismiss and even get angry from her words, but thankfully the people around the table are not made up of idiots. Meteorite continues with the debriefing before the CO remembered that was his job…




They still have some time left before departure. Nyx told Vaskiela to get herself settled inside one of the vans, the Grey Serpent reasoned that one of the convoy would need her expertise. She nodded and headed outside along with several others. Once Nyx is alone with Meteorite, she walks to her side.

“Are you going to go all the way?”

“… It feels like running, but as long as I didn’t commit the same mistake… I’ll manage,”

Nyx sat on the table, her eyes peered at Meteorite who looked away from her gaze. Heaving a sigh she decides to end this stupid little charade. If it were anyone else, Nyx would have torn down the façade physically but the woman in front of her still has ties with Firewatch, and despite acting like she couldn’t care less, the Elafia still held a sentiment deep within her heart.

“You’re not the only one, let me advise you this… You did what you did, and there is that.” She walked towards the doorway before stopping and looking back at the Sarkaz. The Pythia sensed how her emotion was thrown into chaos beneath that stoic expression, but Nyx didn’t stop to take her out. If anything, her involvement could work to her advantage.

To dispel the situation, Nyx reminds Meteorite about her confession that one time.

“There will be no changing what we have done. Believe me, you’re not the only one with that blood in your hands.” Nyx left the room, unbothered that someone had ulterior motives. She let her be since there was no malice in her emotions, and being honest is a plus in her book… unlike several others who would soon get an arranged… retirement.

“Goddamnit… that’s a new record.” Meteorite chuckled humorlessly, things are just going great.

Once Nyx made herself out of the place, she saw how Vaskiela waved at her.

“What’s wrong?”

“Could you spare a minute?”

“Sure?” Nyx answered and was yanked towards a much more secluded alleyway. Once they were away from prying eyes, the Sarkaz spoke seriously with the Grey Sarpent.

“Nyx, I just want to say that… you need to be wary with either the Vampire or Nachzehrer.”

“… I only heard about them, but are they really that dangerous?”

“Yes, if anything the myths and histories shrouding them that has been foretold in Terran library were watered down.”

“Alright… thanks for the warning… still, it made me curious… just who were you really?”

Vaskiela chuckled, it was the first time someone ever asked her that without malice in their tone. She is grateful to meet the Pythia and thus she willingly shed some clarity.

“I was a librarian of short, someone who vowed to… leave it all… but that’s it for now.” Vaskiela left with Nyx in tow, seemingly amused and puzzled. After a few more minutes, the convoys head out of the fortified settlement. They formed a standard row with an armored van at the forefront, the supply truck in between 2 vans armed with repeating ballista or Originium cannon; courtesy of Raythean, and the rear guard of another armored van.

They each took a different route, to avoid getting caught up all at once and forcing their competitor from ruining their supposed delivery. Nyx lead the first convoy, straight through the badlands. The CO would take the 2nd through Ursus. Vaskiela would lead the 3rd convoy passing through the Victorian – Leithanien border along with Meteorite. The fourth convoy would be a complete dud, they would go straight through Leithanien and theoretically be the first to arrive on their rendezvous point.

Thus they started their journey towards the shattered country.


Author’s Note:

Yo there, this is me, me, and I, the author who is actually a NEET for real… fml…

This the map of Terra:

The Cordelian PMCs is an original I kitbashed. Their helmets and uniforms would be customized as needed since Terran and Teekaz oftentimes have extra appendages on their bodies.

The update is when I could get myself to…


Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!