Published at 31st of May 2024 09:59:31 AM

Chapter 56

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'Inner thoughts'


[Message/communication apparatus]

Date: Early September 1089

Location: Kazdel

POV: Narrator

Amongst the many ruins that have become a natural part of the Kazdelian landscape, a relatively large motorcade-turned encampment could be seen active with hubbubs all over. A patrol of a 3-man team is making their rounds just a few dozen meters away, enough to still be within range without sacrificing too much peripheral sight.

In the middle of the makeshift camp is a huge ruin, enough to hide a platoon's worth of soldiers. PMCs could be seen walking around to either relax or maintain their equipment. Despite their lax attitude, not even a single soul within them was away from their gear.

Vaskiela could also be seen helping around with Jordan. While some of the PMCs are still reluctant to get too close to the purple-haired girl, they’re nice enough to not comment openly in front of her. Jordan is exasperated with his colleagues’ excessive suspicion but he would rather accompany the Sarkaz girl than mind them and their prejudice.

One place sticks out, a hallway that leads towards a room that is at the center of this ruin. 2 heavily armored men could be seen guarding the entrance further inside, their bulky armor and massive shields are sticking out as intended. Once inside, a discussion is ongoing between the 3 out of 4 convoys slated to arrive in Kazdel. The overall CO is nursing a headache with how his palms never seemingly stop massaging his temple.

“Nyx has yet to return, and it’s the second day since our rendezvous.”

“With that in mind, we had been lollygagging for 8 days in this hell hole.”

“Convoy 1 said they got ambushed by Rusthammers and she volunteered to stay behind. If we go by our current situation, it is no problem since the higher-ups have delivered our new directives.”

“I doubt anything less than rains of meteor and the earth swallowing Nyx whole would do her in,” Meteorite said so, prompting everyone to chuckle. There is no falsehood in the Sarkaz lady’s words, Nyx is where she is not without good reasons. They had been painfully made aware of how nonsensically monstrous the Grey Serpent truly was compared to the rest of them.

“Any updates from Convoy 4 lead?”

“He is still stuck dealing with the Mafiosi, last I heard he is currently negotiating with the Salluzzos and Bellones’ cohorts to let Cordelia go through. He is most likely trapped between their shouting matches.”

“Are they safe, at least?”

“Yea, the latest transmission said that he managed to get the convoy back into Cordelian compound. He already contacted Vice-Commander for this debacle, and she was reportedly quite furious.”

“She’s always like that, only shutting up if the Instructor is nearby.”

“What the hell is the Grey Hall doing? Shouldn’t The Godmother have intervened already?”

“Simple, politics sucks.”

“We can’t be too hasty, this is a foreign land to us… well, mostly…”

“All the more reason for us to haul ass. The longer we stay waiting for someone that considers us a burden on a good day and a convoy that got wrapped up with underworld dealings only mean problems down the line.” 1st convoy tentative lead turned his eyes to Meteorite.

“Hey, Sar- I mean, Meteorite, you were locals once… so as much as I hate to say it, we’ll be relying on you here.”

“… Alright.” After her delayed response, she put up her hand beneath her chin to look back at the quote-on-quote newest map of Kazdel. The three convoys are stationed just past the Southwestern border. In all honesty, they’re a sitting duck and it’s just plain miracle how they have yet to get assaulted by rogues or caught between Babel and KMC’s forces.

“Sir, what’s our destination again?”

“Convoy 1 was supposed to deliver, ahem, supplies, to Babel’s safe house. Once there at the meeting point, 1 will establish contact with an operator codenamed Aeroglide to guide them through Babel’s defensive net. Simple as that.”

“Where’s that?” He pointed at the map where a dried-up lake used to be. Meteorite started tracing back her memory when she was active around here. If her memory doesn’t fail her, that ex-lake is also the furthest place away from where Babel’s landship was theorized to be.

She then starts suggesting potential routes to take, how and why, then methods to properly avoid combat when possible. Few of the more stereotypically inclined member were surprised when hearing that a Sarkaz suggested a way to avoid combat; ridiculously so when one of them started picking their ears from sheer bewilderment. Once done the CO nodded thoughtfully before ordering 1 to start packing and move on.

With precise movement, the first convoy immediately fell in and reformed while the rest plugged the gap in their defense. Perimeter duty has been pulled closer with 2 plus 3 watched as 1 leave without taking longer than 5 minutes. The CO then turned back to her.

“That’s that.”

“Mhmm, 2 and 3?”

“That’s the tricky part, while 3 was meant to go into the Northern end to meet up with Cordelian refugee camp, 2 is not so straightforward.”

“Get on with it pal…”

“Oh well, it is a place you are most likely already acquainted with. Vaskiela’s sudden addition was a welcome surprise to gain extra weight for our access.”

“Access for wha-… oh fuck.” The brunette lady groaned after piecing together his words. While not exactly barred to other races, having a Sarkaz or two would make things smoother. So much so that it is the point where Cordelia is deliberately stepping into an illicit dealing territory.

“That’s right, 2 will go straight to the Scar Market.” Meteorite can only massage her worsening headache.

“I get it, I get it… ugh… anything 2 needs to look out for?”

“The higher-ups don’t specify what or why, but team 2 would only be there briefly before further instruction came.”

“Uhuh…” Their discussion continues. After further debates, it’s decided that Convoy 2 and 3 would merge into a singular one since the order has been made clear about 2’s assignment, and traveling in a pack would increase their survival rate.

One might say their approach was too slow, but they must tread lightly. Kazdel is ostensibly divided into 2 factions vying for control, but the reality couldn’t be further from the truth.

“Roving bands of brigands look almost no different than refugees precisely because even the lowliest of low Kazdelian is a competent fighter by their rights.” Meteorite specify the need for caution.

“What about that one chick we got tagging along?”

“Vaskiela? She’s an outlier yes, but I assure you she could still put up a fight when cornered.”

“Define cornered in Kazdel please.”

“It could start from the humblest seemingly harmless hermit that dotted the roadsides. I don’t believe I am saying this but if they didn’t even stare at you briefly could only mean two things, they’re dying or they don’t need to and you better hope it’s the former.” Thinking briefly, Meteorite chooses to be frank about a real threat around.

“What I’m about to say is an open secret. Unknowns are lurking around with mostly blank checks at their disposal to make things hard for us. I kid you not, if you met even a slightly suspicious person, please look the other way unless that’s what you are being paid for.”

“Heh, that’s the sort of topic spoken out loud often causing people to get killed, you know?”

“Nyx has yet to be, and she pretty much shouting about rumors 10 times worse.”

“Now that’s just cheating.” Plans are being ironed out, thoughts are exchanged, and even some lighthearted banter to keep people sane is traded. When this was ongoing, their comms officer suddenly announced further updates from Cordelia.

“Capt, we got an update from Mr. Adenaver. He is waiting for you on the line.” The CO promptly approached the officer and answered the call. It starts fine…

“B-But Sir, are they trustworthy?” His words brought the rest of the room into silence.

“Yes sir, it is an objection… While I understand the logic, incorporating an auxiliary unit without warning would cause severe issues on the chain of command… right… The matter with Instructor Nyx was purely bad luck s-… Sorry sir, they’re Babel affiliated? … I understand, forgive me for my outburst… Understood Sir, we’ll comply.” Listlessly letting the communicator fall on the table, he exhaled loudly before turning his face back to the group.

“Mr. Aden was not happy with how Nyx had gone missing. We might be seeing her contract terminated early… again.”

“So I guess that’s another strike with her?”

“I don’t know, I lost count after the 4th time her contract was terminated mid-way… isn’t it fishy how Cordelia still has her on their payroll? You think she has something more to do with them high-”

“Alright, that’s enough… We’ll get an auxiliary group link up with us in the Scar Market. Mr. Aden also said that the destination of the refugee camp was abandoned. All supplies are now rerouted to another meeting point with Babel operatives.”


“The auxiliary? They’re local mercenaries. The good thing is they’re hired by Babel themselves so we could at least rest somewhat easy and because Babel’s leader is trying to maintain a good relationship with Cordelia… No offense to you and your friend, Miss.”

“None taken, I’m used to it and you guys are rather swell to get along with.”

“Then what about the refugee camp?”

“It got razed.”




“The Cordelian are on the move again, they seem to be diverging towards 2 separate locations.”

A shadowy figure could be seen observing Cordelian convoys breaking up, the figure has a pair of black horns jutting downward gracefully and is clad in easy-to-move clothing. This shadowy figure appears to be a black-haired woman.

[Give me the details.] A gruff-sounding male voice came from her earpiece. The woman answered succinctly.

“The larger one is going north, most likely to the Scar Market either for selling or buying stuff. The smaller one is moving towards L’ataki’s sinkhole, I have no idea why they would go there but that they did.” She waits for a response while keeping up with the larger convoy’s speed. One might wonder why she only stood there, but her eyes tracked them just fine.

 [… Forget the smaller one, we only have enough manpower to cover only one of them. I don’t understand why a convoy that heavily protected needed extra measures.] With that as she goes, she moves like a mirage that jumped from one spot to the next, even more impressive is how the convoy has yet to realize it.

[Oh and… Sorry to say this, but she’s readying up the explosives as usual.] The woman clicked her tongue. While having more body to throw is nice, the newest addition to their group just ticked her boxes for all the wrong reasons. Especially after how that whelp took up one of their former member’s name and lived up to it.

“Hmph looks who is getting cozy despite all the red flags that girl brought along…” Her answer prompts the man to sigh, but he answers nonetheless without even a touch of an intention of back-biting her.

[I just know how to use people correctly and efficiently… Come on, it is one of the few jobs where combat might be a possibility instead of certainty.] The woman couldn’t care less about the rambling and cut him off.

“Yes, yes… what do we do if we meet her? As far as I can see, the Grey Serpent is absent… Either that means your intel sucks or something is going on like usual… For fuck sake Hoederer, I hope the pay is great.”

[It is what it is, we might get swindled for all I care. Yet that doesn’t change our work contract and yes we’ll get paid handsomely. You’re there when they paid 40% upfront.]

“You have yet to answer my real question.”

She could sense the nervousness of her speaking partner. Nyx is just that dangerous. Weirdly, a cult of some sort had formed around her combat prowess, how she seemed to be more Sarkaz than even the more brutal folks amongst their kin. There has yet to be any shortage of aspiring youth trying to prove themselves by attacking her.

A majority ended poorly while those who survived against her, methods on how notwithstanding, had become one of the bigger players in Kazdel mercenary sphere. Mercenaries are by rights and facts respected only by strength, Nyx is an incarnation of that. This is also unfortunately why a certain Vampire King was offended that those he considered rabbles couldn’t stop spouting off perceived nonsense about the Grey Serpent in his presence.

After what felt like an eternity, Hoederer answered back but not without a long, drawn-out, sigh.

[… If we see her, we haul ass and pray to Her Majesty that she doesn’t mistake us for hostiles so we can see the next sunrise.]

“That explosive nutjob would no doubt make it hard for us.” And she already bit back.

[Keep tailing them until we rendezvous, I’m counting on you Ines.]

Her transponder was cut off, causing her to sigh. She would lie to say that the prospect of deserting doesn’t sound appealing, but she’s intelligent enough to know that she would be worse off without her crews. Trust, or at least a bit more insurance that no one gonna stab you while you sleep, is such an expensive commodity in Kazdel.

“That little shit would get us killed eventually…” After complaining to no one in particular, Ines double-times her steps and blends herself, literally, with the shadows. The convoys know they are attracting attention, but no one realizes that someone like her is already hot on their heels from the get-go.

Location: Scar Market. Kazdel

POV: Vaskiela (Fas’Kyrieas)

Scar Market is one of Kazdel’s famed landmarks. The place could be summed up as very busy but quiet for the most part, industrious but with no prospect for prosperity, and most importantly de-fanged yet they don’t have to be with this many mercenaries, locals, outsiders, and even infected milling about.

“Come! Come! Take a look at our wares, this is a Sankta’s Guardian gun fresh from the corpse of its owner. We start with a low, low bid of 130.000 LMDs!” A hawker, surprisingly a Zalak, could be seen trying to entice potential buyers. The merchant is currently tidying up wares for sale.

“Hear! Hear! We got a new batch of slaves for sale! You can use them for cannon fodder or bed warmer if you’re so inclined.” A slave trader is showing off their merchandise. Ranging from badly beaten to the most part still pristine slaves, from the youngest whelps to the oldest of old, and the unfortunate locals or foreigners stupid enough to misunderstand their limit.

There is not even a single Sankta amongst them, not anymore with how the enmity between Sarkaz and Sankta usually ends in a kill-or-be-killed scenario. Even if there is, said Sankta would most likely hide themselves if the Scar Market is that vital. The slaves no longer tried to cry for help. That would only mean being beaten or worse.

Amidst this hell on earth is a small disguised contingent of Cordelian PMCs along with me and Meteorite. We garnered some stares, but for the most part, people had no interest in our group; there are many like them around after all.

Meteorite, despite having left Kazdel years could still trace her usual tavern where they would meet up with the so-called mercenary liaison. On the other hand, I am not having such a great time, especially after passing the slaves being sold. It reminds me that Wladirosa is a paradise, this is the reality I often desperately try to forget.

From Kazdel to Leithania, where I got shunned immediately and called a devil. From Leithania to Victoria, where I lost my wand and was scammed to high hell plus having a noble trying to kidnap me. From Victoria to Columbia, where I got cheated out because of being a Sarkaz and tried as a criminal, prompting me to escape towards Bolivar.

Bolivar is when I got raped, robbed, flats ransacked, and contracted Oripathy in that town… Life loves to give me a middle finger… Then Nyx gave me another chance. Life started looking up, but now I’m being reminded of where it all began…

“What’s wrong Ki?” Jordan looks worried, he is perhaps the closest I could have to a friend amongst the PMCs. I… got too used to how Wladirosan, the kind Count Vincent and Thomson family, and Nyx treat me… it makes me forget that my race was seen unfavorably by the overwhelming majority.

“N-Nothing Jord… this place just reminds me of bad memories…”

“You could stay back you know?”

“I would rather not… Nyx is nowhere to be found, and I would feel like a freeloader otherwise. Helping you guys around is the least I could do.” He just nods and continues scanning around. His crossbow is tucked neatly beneath his robe, the Cordelian-made armor also facilitates the attachment of disguise without much hassle.

‘I wonder how the kids are doing in Wladirosa… I haven’t thanked Mr. Immanuel yet either…’

Then we came across a particularly interesting merchant. How so? Bloodied and battered Cordelian equipment is amongst the merchandise. I was a bit worried that the PMCs would be agitated seeing that, but looking at their CO, he doesn’t even bat an eye.

“…Um… Jord?”


“That one there was-”

“I know Ki, but we are out of our depth. Cordelian PMCs are good, but there are only 5 of us amongst what? Thousands? Right in the middle of potential hostiles is unwise and playing nice unless provoked was the Instructor’s teaching after all… Kinda funny that we are being told that by a humanoid Catastrophe…”

“Pipe down you two, we are here.” The CO quieted us down. Our group finally arrived at some kind of tavern. Meteorite led the way inside while I stayed close with the CO whose name I don’t remember. Despite their expectation to garner attention, no one paid us any mind. With her leading the way, they walked past mercenaries day-drinking, gambling, and even making out somewhere in the corner.

Soon we reach the meeting point. A small partitioned room with 2 people already inside. The Kuranta CO and I entered the room while the other 3 stood outside to stand guard.

I see that the contacts are a darker-shade-of-purple-haired male and a young-looking white-haired female both clad in mercenary outfits. The man is someone I had met ages ago, strange that he has yet to give up despite his misgiving. The girl, however, I never seen her before and why does her equipment resembled someone?

'No, I must be overthinking about it...'

Compared to the former serious countenance, the latter seems to be there just because she doesn’t care for our arrival and instead carving something into a potato on her palm.

“We had been waiting for you.” The man is looking at the CO but his tone is pointed at me… Ugh… so many acquaintances…

“Well, no one likes traffic… Mr. Hoederer.” My words seem to entice the white-haired girl’s attention. The CO was surprised that I knew him.

“That’s a surprise but let’s cut to the point, we have 49 people, 8 transports, and 2 cargo trucks.”

“And we have 40-60 ready on standby. Our transports might be incomparable to yours, but rest assured we are no slouch.”

“You better be.” He nudges me to continue. It might sound weird, but he seems to think that letting Sarkaz talk it out would make things smoother.

“Mr. Hoederer, Cordelia is looking through several possible ambush points. They need assurances that you will put the convoy’s cargo first and foremost.”

“That goes without saying. Not only would betraying you damage our reputation, but Babel and Cordelia would be hunting us down… We are as good as dead if Cordelia lets out their hunting dogs or if Babel spec ops root us out.”

“We have yet to establish further live-time contact with Babel but they had agreed to provide overwatch.”

“Funny, Babel told us that if things get hairy we would receive reinforcement… so just drones huh?”

“It is what it is, Her Majesty has her objectives to consider. I’ll be attached as needed since my position is a Catastrophe Messenger.” Did my eyes fool me, or did the girl sneer a little when I rationalized our King’s point of view?

“… Right.” With that out of the way, the CO takes up my place to strategize… Everything seems to be going well. As they were still conversing, I couldn’t keep ignoring the stare I received from the girl in front of me. Sighing quietly, I turn her gaze on her.

“What do you want?”

“Nothing, just surprised seeing the famous outcast noble.”


“Bull’s-eye huh?” This girl… her grin is pissing me off…

“The hell do you even probe on for…? Cockroach.”

“Hoh, ain’tcha having some sparks… Shame that your bravado came from someone else’.”

“W, better shut yourself.” With Hoederer’s admonishment, the girl named W scoffed before turning her attention back to the potato while I was left shocked. Her name was someone I used to know, but with her now donning the same name around only meant one thing.

‘T-this bitch is the new W?! B-Big brother died?!’ I held back just enough from shouting. My eyes hardened, and I could feel something welling up inside to break into pieces. I start blanking and tuning out the conversation around.





“Heh… these are the Cordelian folks huh?” I only gaze at the PMCs loading up into their transport. Not once did they let their guard down, a shame that I couldn’t strap an explosive around them… That Grey Snake or whatever, like I even fucking care, sure knows how to make a durable pawn.

‘Alright, I’ll admit it. They are not so-so whatsoever. Who the hell thought it was a good idea to have peeps this good as mere convoy escorts? Must be nice for them to have that choice.’

“Please W… anything happens to them and we’re done for.”

“Now, now, Hoederer… You’re overestimating our potential hostiles too much, relax…”

“It’s called being cautious.”

“Kinda want to blow up that Grey something… It should be fun to piss her off-”


“Ah! Fuck, that hurt! What the hell is your problem-!?” Hoederer had always shown this languid but vigilant look on his face. That face is nowhere to be seen and his arm gripped my shoulder tightly.

“Have you not learned anything? Young Sarkaz like you had tried attacking her time and time again and for what? Some dumb fame only ends up inside the nearest mass graves. You’re free to pursue her, but not if you’re part of this group.” He said nothing else other than his eyes which screamed ‘Make a problem and I’ll end you.’ Without meaning to, I slowly nodded my head…

And he is back like normal and starts patting my head.

“Hey, hands off! I ain’t your pet, you bastard!”

“Hah, get in your vic, we got a long day ahead of us.” After flipping him off, I left towards the vehicle at the forefront. I was supposed to be in the middle but those Cordelian protested, citing they sense a bad vibe or some shit. Eh, I don’t mind it, made it easier if they’re the ones double-crossing us.

‘Just blow a bridge or some of the numerous cliffs, send them to… uh… what was Hoederer said again in that fancy novel he read… Tartarus or something? I couldn’t read it… meh…’

I just plopped myself up front next to the driver's seat. People used to tell me to fuck off and do what I was told, but after showing them more explosions they suddenly be more lenient. Then this is a good chance for me…

‘I wanna see this King of Sarkaz people so love to adore… I wonder what sort of mask she is wearing... pfeh, nobles are the same. So sweet and caring upfront, who knows what kinds of mind games she has done to make people keep sucking up to her? A king without castle nor throne…’


Author’s Note:

Yo there, this is me, myself, and I, the author who once again thought that maybe working on multiple projects is giving me a headache after all.

We’re finally here, the “Darknights’ Memoir” event where if you know how it plays out then that could be a good reference since I’ll be making a bit of a reinterpretation because Nyx and the Sanguinarch are in play. I made W a lot more distrustful of rumors, to make her meeting with Theresia that much more impactful on our crazy psychopathic woman child who couldn’t read.

Sorry for the late update and see you next week, I hope.


Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!