Assassin Reborn - Chapter 13

Published at 7th of May 2018 10:17:17 AM

Chapter 13

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Chapter 13, That spot where the lights wane


The chairwoman watched Xia Yao accompany the children on their games quietly, before returning her gaze to Xu Xiang. “You guys still aren’t dating?” Every time they visited this orphanage, the chairwoman would ask this question. Xu Xiang had always been together with Xia Yao ever since they were children. If he proceeded to marry Xia Yao and have a few kids with her, it would come as no surprise to anybody. However, Xu Xiang had another person in his heart. Unbeknown to Xu Xiang, the chairwoman would like nothing more than Xu Xiang and Xia Yao to have a future together.


Xu Xiang did not reply. His answer went without saying. His gaze flickered to Xia Yao who was playing with the children. She was playing as the hen in the game with the children. Her simple white summer dress fluttered in the air as she played, her bright, infectious smile radiating energy and youth. It was enchanting. She was enchanting. The guilt in Xu Xiang’s heart doubled.


Every time Xu Xiang visited the orphanage, he would just silently loiter at one side and quietly watch Xia Yao and the lids. Returning to the orphanage was Xia Yao’s idea, Xu Xiang was completely classified as just someone passing by. However, Xu Xiang’s concern for the orphanage was no lesser than Xia Yao’s. At least Xia Yao had her family. Xu Xiang had none.


Xia Yao also got up from playing with the children to greet the chairwoman. She seemed to share a few lines to the chairwoman. A knowing smile formed on the chairwoman’s face. Xia Yao blushed, turning her head slightly to peek at Xu Xiang. Their eyes locked for a second before she tore her gaze from his and turned back. 


They stayed in the orphanage until it grew late. When red clouds covered the sky, Xu Xiang and Xia Yao left the orphanage together.


The two of them were unusually quiet on the way back. 15 centimetres. That was the distance between their hands, and it was a very safe distance away from each other; enough to express that they were not in an intimate relationship. This was also the distance between their hearts.[footnote]Yeah I was incredibly tempted to put 5 centimetres per second[/footnote] 


"Xu Xiang, how have you been living currently?" Xia Yao knew that Xu Xiang played games as a profession. It was an unstable source of income. There were occasions where even getting enough to eat was a problem.


"I've been doing quite well recently. Oh—right, today, I'll treat you to dinner." Xu Xiang remembered his recent successes in Dispute, and he decided to celebrate it by offering Xia Yao to a meal.


"Eh...Okay." Xia Yao hesitated for a moment. Her parents had probably already cooked dinner at home, but she could not bear to reject Xu Xiang's offer. This was could be taken as a small date. Xia Yao cheerfully thought.


Xu Xiang brought Xia Yao to a small cafeteria. For low-income class people like them, eating outside was only on special occasions, like a festival or holiday. Normally, they would not spend such money. However, Xu Xiang was certain that his accomplishments in Dispute would not be low. Hence, he decided to have a his celebration a little early. 


Xu Xiang estimated that he would receive several thousand at the minimum* if he sold all his equipment on hand now. However, killing the chicken to get the eggs was something that Xu Xiang would never dream of doing.


*Guessing USD. 


Xu Xiang ordered a few plates of dishes and a bottle of fruit juice. Xu Xiang did not dare to touch alcohol. It would be terrible to present a sloshed him to a lady. Sigh. Xu Xiang and Xia Yao began to eat and chat as they caught up with each other. Xu Xiang had been living his daily life as usual — just like boiled water; no matter how much one drank, it would be tasteless. Like every single meeting, Xia Yao worried for Xu Xiang.


"Xu Xiang, isn't living off professional gaming not too good?" This worry of hers always ate away at Xia Yao. She wanted Xu Xiang to find a stable job.


"Don't worry. At most, it'll be a month before I show you my success." Xu Xiang grinned. It was only common courtesy to live a good life after being reborn to not waste the second chance. 


"En, but if we don't see any improvements in a month, then you must listen to me." Xia Yao stared at Xu Xiang petulantly, like she was a young child making a pinky-swear with Xu Xiang.


"Then if I succeed, what will you do for me?" Xu Xiang wore a playful smile on his lips as he watched Xia Yao. "A contract goes both ways." 


The Xu Xiang now was much wiser and mature. If it was the dense blockhead from before, he would have not have uttered these words."


"I'll...I'll..." Xia Yao stammered. She did not have much to give Xu Xiang either. 


"Forget it, I'm only joking." Xu Xiang grinned as he watched Xia Yao's flustered expression. There wasn't much he needed anyway. 


But he had not heard her words; an unheard line mumbled only for the owner's ears. "I'll give myself to you." 




Xu Xiang bade farewell to Xia Yao after they finished their dinner. By the time he reached home, it was past 7. Xu Xiang impatiently logged on.


He appeared in novice village. Now, novice village 9527 was crowded with people. The players who had just logged on flickered with white light as they spawned on the only open spaces in the plaza. Popular games had unending players. This brought hope to Xu Xiang's tomorrow. 


Xu Xiang's goal now was level 5. He had many equipment stored in the storehouse for when he became level 5. He had to level up asap. Xu Xiang estimated that that would be already one person at level 5 by midnight, which was when the ranking charts would be unlocked. Xu Xiang was contemplating whether he should become the first level 5 player.


"If I become the first level 5 player, I could be attacked." Xu Xiang decided that it was best to have a low profile now. Although he had reborn, even if Xu Xiang got his level and equipment up to a high level, there was no way he would be able to face a guild head on. The charge of a thousand or ten thousand players was not something one player could deal with.


The odds would be impossible. 


In that case, Xu Xiang's goal today was to return to the mines he had visited yesterday. The mines were infested with level 8 maggots, a mob that Xu Xiang could now kill with his increased attributes. But Xu Xiang's main reason for visiting the mines was because of the large quantity of treasure chests the mines held. Treasure chests were like a race; only the first person who opened it would be able to win. The rest of the people would not get a piece of the treasure. 


Xu Xiang spotted the figure of a person as he walked out of the novice village and stopped in his tracks. 


It was Wang Xue! Even now, Wang Xue still seemed innocent and pure. She amiably chatted with a female archer beside her, Li Xin. Wasn't that the girl who had told Xu Xiang about the news of Wang Xue's death in the past?


Wang Xue's profession was priest. She always fitted the standard pure and white priest gown, pure and unadulterated. Xu Xiang vowed one again to protect her from harm. Xu Xiang turned glum as he recalled his fruitless efforts in the past...


Beside the two women, Wang Xue and Li Xin, there was also another figure beside them, overshadowed by the beauty of the two girls. From her magician garbs, she was a magician. There was also a warrior, who seemed like he had already collected all the sets of an equipment. The warrior proudly stood beside the two attractive girls, as if he would be able to be noticed by them. Unfortunately for him, Wang Xue and Li Xin did not spare him a glance. They continued speaking with each other.


Dispute did not allow the emendation of one's appearance. However, one could use various methods to conceal their appearances, such as a veil. The two beauties stood at the village entrance, one lovely and one adorable. They attracted the gazes of almost all the players. However, the warrior was still standing beside the two girls, blocking the vision of many people.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!