Assassin Reborn - Chapter 5

Published at 16th of January 2016 04:09:31 PM

Chapter 5

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Chapter 5 The task from the gay!


Maybe because it was the first time that the king of snakes was killed that the wasteland is opening up. The king of red tailed snakes gave 2 pieces of bronze equipment and a task item. At this time, the game has just been opened for slightly more than one hour and to a player who were still a newcomer, these two pieces of equipment can be considered to be artifacts. But it required the player to be level 5. It seems that the sword can only be used after it was kept for a period of time.

Equipments level 5 and below were not required to be identified, otherwise Xu Xiang‘s heart will break whenever he thought of the appraisal fee.

In addition to the equipments, there were 81 copper coins, it was the first pot of gold since Xu Xiang got into the game.

The 10 points attributes, add 7 to agility, and add the leftover 3 to power, so the total attack damage rises to 10 points. Due to leveling up, all attributes have also risen by 1 point, so the HP was now up to 120 and defense increased to 3. Xu Xiang took a look at the experience of “44005/50000”, leveling up was really the most difficult thing, by skipping so many levels to kill the BOSS, it only raise the level by 1.

Unfortunately he has no way to deal with the body of the king of snakes. For this, Xu Xiang just can only have the idea, but is helpless. He hasn’t learned the skill to skin, so he has no way to deal with the body of the king of snakes. Moreover, there were no tools. “To thank you for your contribution to me, I’ll leave you a whole body, Amen.”

Xu Xiang ran back to the No.9527 village of newcomer with taking his booty. The players around stared him wondrously, this person unexpectedly came back intact. “He must have just gone out for a walk, the monsters below level 5 in the village of newcomer will not attack people directly.” A player guessed and said with the typical mentality that he if can’t do it others can’t as well.

“Didn’t you see that he is happy, he must have gained something. No, I have to go to see.” This was one player who was good at observing someone’s speech and behavior, but a wrong decision would let him waste a lot of leveling time.

Xu Xiang didn’t care about these players who are talking. He went straight in front of the mayor of the village and took out the gallbladder of the king of snakes. The players around Xu Xiang saw the thing that is in Xu Xiang’s hands. The gallbladder of the king of snakes was much larger than the gallbladder of ordinary snakes. It was as big as people’s fist and the whole body was red. The surprised eyes of other players were full of envy and jealously, but they can only see. Not to mention, there was no way to steal and PK in a safe zone, even in the wild, they also have to weigh their own components.

However, when the mayor of the village saw the gallbladder of the king of snakes, his eyes brighten and his two withered hands quickly held Xu Xiang’s hands while taking the gallbladder. His expression was like seeing a gay friend who have not met for many years and have been hungry and thirsty for a few years.

“Honor Feng Xiang warrior, you unexpectedly defeated the king of red tailed snakes, this makes me really surprised. This is your reward.” The Mayor of the village waved his hand, the gallbladder in Xu Xiang’s hands disappeared, and Xu Xiang was also rewarded.

“Ding~ Congratulations on your completing the task of [The gallbladder of the king of snakes], get experience of 5000, you gain 1 piece of silver.”It was a task, and the reward was fairly good. A person only can get about 20 experience point if he killed a level 1 rat .So the reward was equivalent to the experience of killing 250 monsters. Xu Xiang was still relatively easily content, and in this way, Xu Xiang will level up soon, 49005/50000.

Looking at the one silver and 81 coppers in the backpack, Xu Xiang was happy. He was like a little millionaire, nurturing a little sister was no problem. But now it was not the time to nurture his sister, because the mayor’s face pulled down again, there was a task!

“Mayor, is there anything I can help you with?” The attitude of Xu Xiang was still respectful. Xu Xiang knew that having a good impression to the NPC was also very important. By having a favorable impression, the probability to trigger tasks was high, an NPC can even help you complete the task. Moreover, who knows maybe the old man in front of you was actually a master magician who lived here?  Although Xu Xiang felt that even if he was the leading role, this old man will not be a master magician.

“Honor Feng Xiang warrior, although you have killed the king of red tailed snakes, but its subordinates still endanger the safety of village of newcomer, can you help me remove them??” The mayor revealed expectation in his eyes, which made Xu Xiang absolutely terrified.

“The old man is definitely gay.” Xu Xiang made unspoken criticism in his heart, but he quickly answered: “Of course, I would like to.” A man who would not take tasks was stupid, although this was likely to be gay’s mission.

“Ding~ you accepted the commission of the mayor of village No. 9527

Remove the red tailed snakes [The difficulty of the task: 45]

Kill 500 red tailed snakes, collect 20 tails of red tailed snakes, give them to the mayor then you will get huge rewards.

Task time limit: No. ”

The difficulty of the task was 45, that is to say this task was better to be done when you are level 4. The difficulty of the task was related to its level and equipments. Now the level of Xu Xiang is very low and his equipment is also very bad, naturally the difficulty became high. For this huge reward, Xu Xiang only can roll his eyes, since even if the difficulty of the task was 1, the system will also write generous rewards.

Xu Xiang left when he saw the old mayor recover to the NPC state again.

Standing at the entrance to the village, looking at the people all over the mountains and plains, Xu Xiang was thinking where he should go to level up. There is a boss to kill, but the monsters there are monsters that will attack aggressively. He will die if he is slightly careless. It would be ok if he dies. Now he was going to level up, his experience points will not fall if he dies after he just leveled up. But if he can’t kill the BOSS, then it is just waste of time, and the difficulty of the BOSS is also larger.

Moreover, if he dies, something will fall out of his body, one random equipment on his body and some of the items in the backpack. And he still has to run to the corpse, to resurrect directly in the village will cost 3 levels. The cost is unbearable.

“Well, anyways, there should be no one can catch up to my level before tomorrow. I can think of a way to get some equipments and skill books.” Xu Xiang thought and made a decision.

For thieves, skills and equipments were significantly more important than levels. It was not unreasonable to think that thieves were known as the king of control. It was the usual strike, strike, stun etc. These skills can stun a person to death, not to mention the high-level thieves still have all kinds of rare skills and the trigger skills added with the equipment.

All the skills in << Dispute>> required all players to find the skill books, then learn it by themselves and be familiar with the books. There is no special NPC to teach them. So this required relatively high player’s talent, which was also the difference between a newbie and an expert. The basic skill books were on sale from the instructor, but the price was very high.

However, the thief was the profession which requires the highest skills. Other professions like the warrior, as long as the action was standard and similar to the provisions in the system, the completion rate basically can be more than 70 percent. And the magician’s completion rate was simpler, as long as the action was right and the magician chants fully, the completion rate can be very high.

Skill actions of the thief were generally more difficult to do, and even all of the actions needed to use different ways of attack. However, when a thief can have a high completion rate of using their skills, the effect will be very scary.

Displaying one’s skills includes the completion rate, action, weapons. Some skills needed to be changed according to the weapons. And the action was naturally the action made by the players while they are displaying their skills. The data of the completion rate mainly was used by a magician, if the chanting time of a magic needs 5 seconds, a magician can launch in 3 seconds, just that the completion rate will only be around 60 percent or even less. So the more powerful the magic, the completion rate will be naturally less, or perhaps it will self-explode because due to instability

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