Published at 16th of May 2024 01:34:54 PM

Chapter 133

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Liam asked, one of his many ethereal bodies hovering down to be face to face with the oval-shaped screen of a humongous humanoid of silvery metal.

Akwey answered, shifting his new body of metal, Tek, and Element.

Liam said with a smile, floating around the Homo Invictum while forming tendrils of the Argent Sea to scan the creature of immense power and work in the finer details.

Akwey was now a creature that was under the appellation of Homo Invictum, a new species or, more accurately, a class of citizens outside of the regular Alpha, Beta, and Gamma for Humans and the other classification for Na'vi and Tulkun. 

He was part of a nascent elite group of warriors in all forms of wars, eternal bodyguards, expert combatants, masters of all martial arts, and undying gladiators, for they would always come back stronger and serve beyond the realm of death forever more. 

Each was carved and grown with intent, purpose, and meaning from being that once were Human, Na'vi, and even Tulkun, the latter most rare but possible. Anyone starting from adulthood can volunteer to become one. Still, it comes with the price of heavy responsibilities, and everything in someone's existence until now will be changed in ways none but the All-Mother and All-Father could predict. 

In addition, it is a step without going back—the ultimate sacrifice for the greater whole.

And to become one, tests of extreme harshness were on the way, though all exclusively of the minds. Skills and experience could be gained, but other characteristics could never be obtained after the ascension. Those were empathy, understanding of mortality, and normality. Seemingly unimportant notions, but that couldn't be further from the truth, and failing to understand this basis will mean failure as a whole.

The Homo Invictum were not to become mindless machines of destruction with no connection or understanding of their very reason for existence. If that were the case, Liam would not have created them.

Akwey was one of the first to have taken that step, the old Olo'eyktan of the Olangi, having chosen this path over rotting away by the hand of time or becoming obsolete and not protecting his people forever more when the option was given by what amounted to the God and Goddess themselves. 

Becoming a Homo Invictum was a choice that was most logical and did not interfere with the sacred tradition of joining the ancestors from the long distant past at the moment of death. One of the most important for all Na'vi, if not the most important, as through it, they learned and kept knowledge and experience living.

He was still one with the Great Mother; his Soul was under her protection, but his Mind was in the hand of the All-Father, and through this, with a new body, his demise and its consequences did not exist anymore. He had become an undying creature with the primary purpose of granting and stopping the death of friends and foes.

He had become a tool, their tool, a tool for their sacred will to spread and prosper within the cosmos, and this he understood better than anyone but his sires,

the All-Father said with an audible sigh before a blinding smile grew upon his face of light,

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