Published at 15th of April 2024 05:43:24 AM

Chapter 17

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Chapter 17:

TL/Editor: Raei

Proofreader: BlessedCursed


Illustrations: None.

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"This is really something..."

Ian shook his head.

To Ian, who had lived as a normal citizen in the modern world, her tales of medieval power struggles were entirely foreign.

Had Ian been born as the youngest son of a chaebol family, perhaps he would have understood the ruthlessness of those in higher positions.

But, as a normal citizen through and through, in both his past and present lives, Ian could not understand the mindset of those in power.

What was power to them?

What made it so great that it drove people to cast out their son-in-laws and poison their father-in-laws?

Seeing a bride-to-be in danger of being kidnapped by her future husband, Ian felt an indescribable emotion.

However, apart from that, Ian realized that he held an important piece of the puzzle in his hands.

"Hmm. I've listened to your story."

As Ian attempted to rise, Lucy firmly grabbed his hand, refusing to let go.

It seemed like it was time for him to pay his entrance fee for this medieval soap opera.

"If anyone else hears this story, I'm dead."

"Ah, come on. You won't die. Just marry your fianc..."

"I'd rather die than marry that bastard!"

At that outburst filled with intense emotion, Ian closed his mouth.


The thought of living with the man who killed her parents was horrifying.

"Why tell me all this, then?"

"...You saw it, right? They've already caught up."

Lucy's eyes reddened.

Tears were streaming down her cheeks.

"I don't think I can get away on my own..."

Sniffling, Lucy spoke firmly after wiping her tears.

"Wizard Ian! Please help me escape! On the honor of the Talian family, I promise to reward you for your efforts!"

Ian scratched his cheek.

"Hmm. And you haven't considered the possibility of me betraying you?"

"That scoundrel would probably give you at most a few silver coins. But I can give you everything."


Lucy said with a stern face.

"If you want, I could even give you the Talian Family."

Despite her rigid expression,

Her voice trembled pitifully.

'The Talian Family...'

Even as a wizard, Ian wasnt dense enough to not know the significance of that offer.

To offer him the Talian Family meant that she was proposing a marriage with him.

It meant giving Ian what the mercenary leader desired.

Thus, this was an enormous opportunity.

Though now somewhat hazy, Ian's origins were humble, as originally, he was the son of a serf.

To be born as the son of a serf in a medieval fantasy world, to then becoming a quasi-noble at a young age?

It would be considered a remarkable success.

For Ian the Third, the son of a serf, that would be the case.


What about Ian Eredith Raven, the disciple of the wizard Eredith?

'Becoming a noble isn't bad, but...'

Ian had a talent for magic.

Specifically, the ability to manipulate a status window.

Living as a noble and engaging in politics was one thing, but having been born into a fantasy world, shouldn't he seek out the pinnacle of magic?

Ian let out a wry laugh as his thoughts reached this point.

The fact that he wasn't greedy for a chance to climb the social ladder might have meant that he was a born wizard.

Ian organized his thoughts.

Helping Lucy would definitely be a good way to gain experience as a wizard.

It was also a good opportunity for him to earn some travel money.

After all, he needed to make money.

No matter how much money Eredith had given him, more was always better.

It was certainly more cost-effective than having to turn to mercenary work due to a lack of funds later on.

He decided to help her shake off her pursuers, and then she would be on her own.

Ian told Lucy,

"Honestly, if you're looking for an escort... it might be better to find someone who knows how to wield a sword. Wizards arent really combatants."

Wizards were those who explored mysteries and conversed with the world. They werent killing machines that slaughtered people indiscriminately.


Lucy clenched her fists, her voice breaking.

Ian continued,

"But if you're willing to pay, I'll help you escape. You'll have to take care of the rest on your own."

"Sob... Sob..."

At that, Lucy burst into tears.

Ian was a bit taken aback.

'I only agreed to help, yet she made such a fuss...'

"Thank you! Ian! Thank you so much...!"

Lucy hugged Ian and cried until she was exhausted.

Only then did Ian realize that the girl in front of him was a young woman who had just become an adult.

She was not the noble Lucy of the Talian Family, but merely an eighteen-year-old girl who had to flee from the murderer of her parents.

Ian lent her his shoulder until Lucy was okay.



[The story has gotten long, my friend.] [1]

Stepping outside the nest, a sunbathing Drake greeted Ian.

Drake wasn't a fully cold-blooded creature, but still, being a creature covered in scales, he seemed to enjoy sunbathing.

It was in his nature.

"[Ah, Longtail.]"

Rick groaned in anguish.

The decision was solely in his hands.

This was the pain of being a person in power.

Rick now had to make a call.

"We'll wait for the wizard!"

"No, Mr. Rick!"

"We'll follow the company leader's decision!"

Rick chose to wait for Ian.

There was no special reason, just that he wanted to make a good impression on Ian so that he could benefit from trades with nobility.

It was a risky decision, but Rick believed in Ian's abilities.

He had magic that summoned darkness, controlled the wind, and ignited fire!

And the charisma to boldly confront the monstrous drake!

Such a person, who confidently followed the drake, was unlikely to have just gone and died.

There was probably just something that was delaying him.


10 minutes after Rick's bold decision.

"Ah! Company Leader! Its the bandits!"

"What? Damn it...!"

Rick immediately regretted his decision from 10 minutes ago.

'I should have just left!'

"Everyone, stop. Drop your weapons and raise your hands."

"Oh no! Please, bandits, spare our lives! You can have everything we own!"

"We don't need it!"


True to the character of people who dared to rob in the mountains of where a drake roamed, they were not in their right minds.

They were bandits that were refusing loot!

"We know that a woman with dark blue hair is here."

"Dark blue... hair?"

"Yes. Hair that is the color of the night sky. And she's beautiful."

When looking for someone, ordinary people needed detailed physical descriptions, like having a big nose, elongated ears, or a large mole on their face.

But for beauties, none of that was necessary.

Their beauty was a feature itself.

A very rare feature.

That was why the beautiful spies in stories were all nonsense.

After all, what good was a spy's beauty if it only made them easier to catch?

"Ah! It's Cassie! Cassie!"

"Cassie? Hmm..."

At the mention of them searching for a beauty, Rick nodded.

They weren't bandits, but human traffickers!

"Where is she then?"


The workers were puzzled.

They knew that she'd gone somewhere, but... why wasn't she back?

"Well, I don't know, I'm not sure where she went..."

The bandit, no, the human trafficker kicked Rick in the chest.

"Ack!" [2]

A pain that felt as if his ribs had been broken overcame him.

Really though, he was just exaggerating.

Nothing was broken.

"Hmph! Seeing as youre not opening your mouth, it seems that you've been paid with some money."

"What money! We haven't received a penny!"

"Don't lie!"

After another kick from the human trafficker, Rick let out a tear.

It was out of injustice.

'If I was actually paid, I wouldn't be feeling so wronged...!'

Cassie was just a traveler they met; why would she have given money to the company?

"Where is this Cassie! Speak up!"

"We don't know! We really don't!"

"Ah, so you're going to be like that, huh?"

The moment the human trafficker raised his fist.

Thump, thump...

Everyone there felt an unnatural vibration.

It was the sound of a drake passing by.


The human traffickers suddenly became silent along with the hostages, as if they had made a pact.

If they were caught by the drake, they would all just become delicious snacks.

But then,

"Aaah! Aaaaah! Wizard! Wizard!"

"This guy's gone mad!"

Rick screamed with a voice filled with all the injustice in the world.

The amount of injustice he was feeling right now was bone-deep, making it sound all the more heart-wrenching.

Aside from his screams being touching to the soul, they were also incredibly loud.

"Shut up!"

The human traffickers, trembling at the thought of attracting the drake, tried to silence Rick.

But it was too late.

The drake was approaching.



[1. PR/N: Like, a korean way of saying You sure took your time.]

[2. PR/N: Its funny how the direct translation of this line is Aigo! lol.]

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Still stuff going on but will be releasing a lot for this soon!

Enjoy the chappy!

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