Published at 15th of April 2024 05:42:49 AM

Chapter 31

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Chapter 31:

TL/Editor: Raei


Schedule: 5/week

Illustrations: None.

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Balance is always important.

Too much is as bad as too little.

This is an expression often used by the elderly, but the essence of that golden proverb has not faded.

It has been passed down to modern people as the beautiful phrase "don't overdo."

In short, it means everything should be done in moderation.

Even if eggs go well with mild Shin Ramyun, does it still count as ramyun if you throw in three eggs?

That's egg soup, not ramyun.

The same applies to spicy chicken noodles, Sichuan spicy noodles, and cheese.

If you add too much because it tastes good, it becomes an overdone dish.

However, Koreans, who are suspiciously fond of things overdone, enjoyed making such dishes.

They took pride in it, beyond mere enjoyment.

Garlic was the victim.

You're making a dish and it calls for garlic?

But what?

The Italians just crush a clove and call it a day?

Oh, please.

How would that even begin to release any flavor?

Go get some peeled garlic. Throw in about three bulbs' worth.

Foreigners might be horrified by these Korean dishes, but Koreans devoured them with pleasure.

It was a tradition of a spice-loving nation, dating back to ancestors who would chew on raw garlic and mugwort.

Thus, the wizard from another world with black hair, Ian, had no idea what was wrong with Mani Campbell's "Garlic Ginseng Chicken Soup."

Just a normal garlic chicken soup.


It is said that in the land of the cyclops, those with two eyes are the abnormal ones.

Likewise, a cyclops appearing in the land of the two-eyed would be considered mad by anyone's standards.

Mani, a fellow wizard, was horrified by Ian's mad actions.

"Stop, stop eating! You don't have to eat anymore!"

Mani understood Ian's mentality.

By serving a crazy dish, Ian would unleash even crazier madness, forcing Mani to surrender!

A very wizard-like way of thinking.

As Ian chewed on boiled garlic like a bear that had been trapped in a cave for 100 days, even Mani was taken aback.

Mani, a plant wizard, had never seen anything like it.

What kind of madman eats whole cloves of garlic like that!

But contrary to Mani's thoughts, Ian's actions were not just for show.

Ian was... sincerely enjoying the soft texture of the boiled garlic...!

In fact, Ian, a hardcore Korean, could eat raw garlic as is.

To him, a taste of something resembling Korean food for the first time in over a decade was incredibly delicious.

As Ian continued to tear into the chicken with mashed garlic, Mani, unable to stand it any longer, yelled.

"Stop eating?"

"Yes. You have willpower. You're really something else!"nove(l)bi(n.)com


Ian looked puzzled but the knights were amazed.

'A very peculiar wizard, but...'

'...he's helping us now.'

Especially the Bord brothers, who had studied the scripture with Ian, were almost moved to tears by Ian's self-sacrifice.

To go to such lengths for the Santiago Knights, who were practically strangers!

"In my 40 years as a plant wizard, I've never seen such a dreadful person like you."

"What did I do..."

Ian felt a bit wronged when he suddenly heard himself being called a "dreadful person," almost like a curse.

Is it a sin to enjoy a meal in this town?

Mani looked at the knights with a serious expression.

She had no idea where this madman who enjoyed her food came from, but because of him, she had to treat them as honored guests.

"What's your name?"

The atmosphere became so serious that Ian couldn't continue his meal.

Sadly, that was the end of the chicken soup.

"Ian. Ian Eredith Raven."

As soon as Ian introduced himself, Mani looked shocked.

"What about you?"


Ian smiled awkwardly.

Having connected the knights and Mani, Ian had done his part...

The problem was that Mani knew Eredith.

"If Eredith has taught you well, you should be able to do a wizard's job. Won't you lend your wisdom to the knights?"


Mani was older than Eredith but considered her a friend.

They had been comrades during their wandering days.

Eredith had warned Ian that a time would come when 'a wizard must do what a wizard must do.'

Wizards, who wield mystical powers, inevitably find themselves entangled with the affairs of the world, regardless of their will.

Mani's offer was one such instance.

From Ian's perspective, there was no need to go hunting the manticore.

He could ignore her offer, but that would make it awkward to face Eredith later on.

It could also spread a bad reputation in wizard circles, making it difficult to receive help from other wizards in the future.

Though wizards may act individually, in reality, they regularly hold gatherings, often led by a 'magic university.'

It was a gathering created to protect wandering wizards and use the mysteries for righteous purposes.

For Ian to act as a wizard in the future, it was necessary to strengthen his relationships with other wizards.

"It can't be helped."

From the moment Mani personally asked for help, it was already too late to back out.

It was too late to withdraw.

So, it was important to hide any displeasure.

Showing anger here would be counterproductive.

"In fact, I wanted to witness the wickedness of the manticore with my own eyes."

"Oh? Are you exploring the mysteries of the beast?"

Elder added to Mani's question.

"This guy. Rumor has it he commands a drake."

"A drake?"

Mani's eyes sparkled with interest.

There are those in the world who explore the mysteries of beasts.

They are called 'summoners.'

However, not many summoners, especially at Ian's young age, command a drake.

Mani thought of Ian as a wizard beloved by beasts.

Perhaps Eredith recognized his talent and nurtured it...

"He can also command the river."

"The river? You mean he can use water magic?"

Elder briefly explained the events that had taken place in Riverville.

Mani couldn't hide her astonishment.

If the story wasn't exaggerated, the magic Ian succeeded in was truly difficult.

Without the river's love, it would have been hard to accomplish...

"Ah. He can also summon darkness."


Mani looked at Ian incredulously.

Summoning is one thing, but he handles water magic and Dark magic as well?

When did he explore so many mysteries, and how? Ian deliberately ignored Mani's curiosity-filled gaze.

He could never explain that he was scamming with a status window.

Even if that status window was somehow related to a deity.



"Variety in experiences is important for a wizard."

Mani's reason for dragging Ian into the manticore hunt was to see his magical abilities with her own eyes.

Magic is communication with mysteries.

A wizard always needs to be close to the mysteries they are exploring.

But even when communicating, proper justification is always necessary.

If you made a new friend, and they kept calling you out every day for trivial reasons, how would you feel?

At first, you might respond, but eventually, it would become tiresome.

The same goes for improving magical skills.

For a wizard to grow, they need 'appropriate' situations to use magic.

It's like deepening a friendship not just by meeting to hang out aimlessly but by doing various activities together like watching movies, biking, playing games.

In the situation of 'having to hunt a manticore,' how will Ian communicate with which mysteries and in what manner?

Choosing the mystery to communicate with and deciding on the content of the request is solely up to the wizard's ability.

Observing Ian communicate with the mysteries and offering a few words of advice.

That was all Mani hoped for.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!