Published at 16th of May 2024 05:34:14 AM

Chapter 74

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Chapter 74

TL/Editor: raei

Proofreader: Pickhead7

Schedule: 5/week

Illustrations: None.

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'If this is an act...'

Ian thought to himself as he looked at Kira sobbing.

It was unlikely, but her behavior could just be an act to draw out his sympathy.

But if she thought Ian was the kind of person to be swayed by such a pitiful sight...!

She was right.

He was that kind of person.

Sympathy was indeed one of the reasons Ian forgave Kira.

If this was an act, then Kira's skills were impressive.

Might as well just consider it a show worth the admission price and let it go.

"What do you mean slavery? I'm not going to do anything."


Kira looked at Ian with her eyes red from crying, worried there might be some hidden agenda.

But Ian had no such thoughts.

If another wizard in this world had seen Kira, they might have punished her for tarnishing the name of wizards and betraying the trust of the nobility.

However, Ian felt no particular emotion toward Kira.

She wasn't plotting some conspiracy under the guise of being a wizard.

She was just unlucky enough to get caught by Ian while performing a very convincing act.

Honestly, Ian was intrigued by Kira.

How on earth had she managed to deceive the nobles and pretend to be a wizard until now?

'And... she's not a complete fraud.'

Unknown to Kira, but Ian definitely saw it when she had called forth flames using Maronius.

He had seen the flames respond to her will.

Whether it was a coincidence or there was some unknown circumstance, Ian couldn't tell.

But the fact that Kira had communicated and resonated with the flames was true.

To resonate with mystery with just a single word without schooling?

It was a talent worth watching.

"I said, I'm not going to do anything."


"Stay as long as you want, leave when you wish. Oh, but leave some fireworks before you go. Where do you even get those?"

"Can I really... do as I please?"

Ian chuckled and patted Kira on the shoulder.

"Speak freely. What difference does it make to my life if you mess up? Your fireworks seem fun, but they're not of any importance to me."

Ian was a real wizard, unlike Kira.

Kira asked several times if it was real, and Ian patiently confirmed it was.

Realizing Ian truly intended to let her be, Kira's mouth fell open in shock.

"Why... though? Is there... something you want from me?"


"Then why...?"

Ian shrugged.

"Just because."


On the road, Ian had briefly heard about Kira's past.

She was an orphan who lived as a wanderer, and the closest thing she had to parents were killed by thieves.

She was an unfortunate woman.

She had accidentally found an easy but illegal way to live and got caught up in it.

Even if Ian were to punish Kira, what would change for him?

Their paths had crossed by fate, and they would part ways when the time came.


Kira sobbed deeply, her head bowed.

Tears fell in drops onto her clasped hands.

"Thank you... really, thank you..."

Ian remained silent.

It wasn't something to be thanked for, nor was it something to be moved by.

But it was true that Ian had saved Kira's life.

Both socially and physically. He made it possible for Kira to live.

Ian waited for her to calm down before speaking again.

"Ah. Yes. I think the nobles will start hearing about me..."

"No, that's not what I mean."

Ian took out Anor-lsil and infused it with his will.

As he imagined exploding flames, a small flame sparked over the blade.

Kira was startled by the sight of Ian using magic.

"Oh my!"

The flame crawled over her thigh before slowly disappearing.

As Kira looked on dumbfounded, Ian said,

"Don't you get it?"

"What? What are you talking about..."

"The fire. Is that a normal fire to you?"


Kira realized belatedly.

Natural fires burn quickly and then extinguish. That's the way of natural fire.

Lucy was a noble, and Kira was a jester, an actor, and a wizard.

The pure joy they brought was different, wasn't it?

Having spent some time with Kira, Ian knew for sure.

There was never a dull moment with Kira.

She was exceptionally beautiful and talented.

Had she been born in the modern world, she might have become a genius entertainer dominating the industry.

Instead, she was playing the role of a scammer in a medieval fantasy world because of the "sin" of being born there.

"Ian, not that it's my place to say, but... do you realize you're considered a desirable husband?"

"I've never thought about it."

"If you didn't know, now you do. Most women would want to get involved with you. Some might approach you in aggressive ways."


"They'll pounce at you."


Are women pumas? Or zombies?

Ian was bewildered but not clueless.

He had already received several marriage proposals.

Starting with Emily, a prostitute he met on the road, to a cousin of Baron Kaltz of Riverville, and even Baron Lucy of Talian.

It wasn't particularly strange.

The prime age for marriage here is between 18 and 30.

While marrying over 30 has become common in the modern era, in this society, once you're over 25, you're considered an old bachelor or spinster.

But a young, single wizard like Ian... practically a walking treasure trove.

The one who makes the move owns it, so to speak.

From decent marriage talks to extreme cases like pregnancy traps.

The Empire is overflowing with women who wouldn't hesitate to use any means to get entangled with Ian.

However, to Belenka, Ian was alarmingly defenseless...

Setting aside why he thinks he won't be preyed upon.

Isn't it a bit careless to get too friendly with just any woman?

"If you're thinking of marrying Baron Talian, you better watch your behavior. Having many wives can complicate inheritance issues."

"What are you talking about, watching my behavior..."

"Kira the wizard is one thing, being a fellow wizard. But it's better to be cautious around unfamiliar women."

Ian, genuinely curious, asked Belenka why she was advising him.

"I appreciate it, but why are you giving me advice?"

"I serve you now, Ian. It's my duty as your subject."

It made sense.

If Ian had land and subjects, he'd be a monarch, but since he didn't, he was just an employer.

Still, a master is a master. Belenka was offering advice as part of her knightly duty.

"Alright. I'll be careful."

Belenka's warning about women wasn't unfounded.

Not long after her warning, Galadin started making his move.

"Cough. Wizard Ian. The first lord's daughter is quite a beauty, you know."


Your lord is dying, and you're setting up his daughter?


Perhaps it's precisely because of this that he's trying to matchmake, to tie a wizard to their land with a woman.

"Would you consider meeting her...?"

But Galadin's plan was thwarted by Ian's knight.

"Oh? A great beauty? Better than me?"


As Belenka interjected, Galadin was immediately thrown off.

This was a fatal choice.

Saying the lord's daughter was prettier than Belenka was risky, and denying it could make Ian lose interest.

"Why aren't you speaking? Forgotten how to?"

"No... Lady Belenka. It's not that..."

Me? Or her?

When Belenka glared at him with a look only women can give, Galadin crumbled.

"Cough! Now's not the time for marriage talks!"

Now you realize that.

During their chat, they arrived at Baron Devosi's castle, located in the middle of a river, similar to an island like Yeouido.

Dodging fishing boats, Ian's group arrived at the dock.

Greeted by the castle's inhabitants upon hearing of Galadin's arrival, the first to greet them was a lady with a cute face.

"You've had a long journey. Welcome."

Next was a lady with sharp eyes.

"You've arrived. You must be tired from your travels; let's talk later."

Galadin introduced them to Ian.

"Let me introduce you. This lady is Serena, the lord's first wife. And that lady is Catherine, the second wife."


Ian, confused, pulled Galadin aside.

"What did you say?"

"That's Serena. And that lady is Catherine..."

"No, you mean that young lady is the lord's wife?"

That young lady?

Galadin tilted his head, puzzled as to what the problem was.

"Yes, that's right."

Ian was appalled.

For a woman of that age to be the first wife, just how early did she get married!?

Like some mad lolicon!

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!