Published at 16th of May 2024 05:34:09 AM

Chapter 76

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Chapter 76

TL/Editor: raei

Proofreader: Pickhead7

Schedule: 5/week

Illustrations: None.

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Ian gently whispered to Kira.

You help too.

"Me, too?"

As Ian nodded slightly, Kira stepped forward with an arrogant expression, completely changing her personality.

With her arms crossed, Kira looked at the ladies with annoyance.

When the gazes of the two wizards were added, the ladies could no longer continue their uproar.

Ignoring a wizard here meant learning what real trouble was with their whole body.

Fortunately, the ladies were wise.

"We'll come back later."

Lady Serena turned around first.

Catherine looked at Serena with a mocking glance and said,

"Seeing her hurry back like that makes me even more suspicious."

A few clergy nodded their heads.

They already believed that Lady Serena had made a deal with the devil.

Lady Catherine approached Ian with light steps.

She gave Ian a coy smile, making the mole under her eye stand out more provocatively.

I have shown an unseemly side to our guest. To apologize, I'd like to have a meal together..."

Catherine's gaze was soft, and her voice was as sweet as honey.

"Do you have time this evening?"

A few clergy gulped down their saliva.

To Ian, Catherine was indeed a very attractive woman.

Unlike the modern era, where marriages often happen after the age of 30, marriages in this era took place in the late teens to early twenties.

This meant that even a married woman with a grown child would only be in her mid-thirties.

If Ian had been an innocent boy, he might have fallen for Catherines seduction and ended up in a MILF scenario. (MILF is an acronym, by the way)

However, Ian felt nothing when looking at Catherine.

Ian wasn't a medieval youth curious about what's under a woman's skirt.

While sexually ignorant medieval youths might have been thrilled by the seduction of a noblewoman,

Ian was a smart young man who had not only been indebted to various adult sites in the modern era but also had directly witnessed the precious world of Hentai.

Of course, he didn't go as far as having such rude thoughts.

Ian was not particularly impressed by Catherine's attempt at seduction.

Starting with her attire, it wasn't to Ian's taste.

That hat she was wearing on her head.

It wasn't just one horn, but two.

What is that supposed to be? A Minotaur?

He didn't like Lucy's conical hat, and with two horns, the dislike doubled.

The twin horns sprouting from her head were a minus point for Ian, who had a modern sense of aesthetics.

Who the hell made that horned hat fashionable?

And married women weren't Ian's type.

A woman who has a child Ian's age, and a Baron still alive?

Was she eyeing Ian as her next husband?


Ian was about to politely decline Catherine's offer.

"Sorry, but maybe next time..."

But then, someone stepped forward.

It was Kira, looking like a wizard.

"Aren't you embarassed? Making a scene with someone young enough to be your son? Can't you treat guests properly?"


What? You got something to say?

She was taken aback.

For a moment, Ian almost shouted, 'What the hell are you doing, you crazy woman!'...

But he soon remembered his identity.

Ah, right. I'm a wizard.

From a commoner's perspective, there couldnt be a statement more lacking in manners, but for a wizard, it was just everyday talk.

Real wizard Ian sometimes forgot that fact, but fake wizard Kira never did.Updated from n0velb(i)n.c(o)/m

After all, it was a very important matter directly related to survival.

Kira's statement was harsh, but it contained a core message that resonated deeply.

So much so that the surrounding priests strongly agreed.

"Oh. That wizard. Quite an upright person!"

"Judging by the tone, the skills must be great too!"

Ian was dizzy at their reactions.

Everyone here is crazy...

For a moment, he felt stupid for thinking he should refuse politely.

Catherine, who was directly hit by Kira, felt pain as if a skull mark was flying towards her chest[1].

But... she couldn't scream at Kira.

After all, they were important guests brought by Galadin, and they might be able to cure the Baron's illness.

Chasing away such important guests with her own hands?

That would be foolish.

"...I apologize. I behaved inappropriately."

Catherine apologized but was clenching her teeth.

It was obvious she felt wronged.

As proof, she glared at Kira and added as if struggling,

"Due to my rough childhood, sometimes I act in ways that don't fit the stature of a Baroness."

Her defense.

Women consider it very important to claim the moral high ground.

The logic being, "I'm good, you're bad, so it's okay for you to be criticized."

However, this approach can easily break down in morally ambiguous situations...

Most women, however, desire to secure moral superiority first.

Catherine yelled, I have the high ground![2]

"Is it... okay for you to be so nice to me?"

"??? What are you talking about?"

For Kira, the offer was immensely generous, but Ian was unaware of this.

Ian mulled over Kira's words and then understood.

Aha. A free travel companion does seem suspicious!

After all, Ian himself was skeptical when Eredith first asked, "Want to learn magic with me?"

Being cautious on the road is a good thing.

To reassure Kira, Ian shared a story from the past.

"Actually, I learned magic by chance."

"By chance?"

"Yeah. I just happened to meet a good mentor and learned magic. It was luck. But I don't think that luck should be mine alone."

"... What do you mean?"

Ian shrugged.

"Exactly what I said. A space-time wizard prophesied that if I became a wizard, it would bring good fortune to my master. But so far, I haven't done for my master."


"Before I could do anything for her, I started traveling. My master told me to find my own magic."


Kira might not know much about magic, but she could share her thoughts on the space-time wizard's prophecy.

The 'good fortune' that was supposed to happen to Eredith because of Ian...

Could it be the very fact of meeting a disciple like Ian?

Just like how the encounter with a wandering heretic jester brought her the happiest memories of her life.

New connections often become irreplaceable joys in life.

However, Ian thought differently.

He believed his actions would influence Eredith's future.

"So, if I share my luck around, maybe that luck will eventually circle back to my mentor... Hmm. Is that too Buddhist?"

Ian paused mid-sentence.

The idea of introducing Kira to the university, and perhaps even to his mentor, felt grandiose.

But there was no falsehood. Ian was sincere.

Having fortuitously learned magic, he thought sharing that fortune with others he encountered might positively affect Eredith... Well.

It was a simple idea.

Kira, adept at lies and acting more than anyone, instantly recognized Ian's sincerity.

And she...

Unknowingly shed a tear.

Ian's willingness to share his fortune and help her reminded her of memories with her 'father'.

"Ian, why are you... such a good person...?"

"??? I'm a good person?"


He only remembered scamming and manipulating medieval folks until now.

But Kira didn't know that.

Lucky for Ian.

When Kira sniffled, Ian looked at her strangely.

Is it because she's an actor?

Her emotional depth is different~ he thought.



When news spread of Ian lounging around, the two Baronesses took turns approaching him.

They were already thinking about after the Baron's demise.

The Baron's death would inevitably lead to conflict, likely accompanied by bloodshed.

The ladies needed to secure as many allies as possible.

They assumed Ian, staying in the castle, would take one of their sides.

Of course, they were mistaken.

Ian was just keeping an eye on the Baron's condition and looking for a companion for Kira.

If he could find someone to accompany her to the magic university, there was no need for him to follow.

But misunderstanding didn't mean he had to refuse free meals.

Ian dined alternately with the two Baronesses.

First was Lady Serena, endowed with resistance to the ravages of time.

Despite seeing her several times, the lady, appearing merely in her mid-twenties with her vibrant smile, welcomed Ian.

But seriously, how the f*ck is that not child marriage???

"Welcome, wizards."

Before sitting, Ian said,

"Lady Belenka has gone out at the request of the knights."

Since Ian and his party were invited, Belenka should have been present at the dinner.

However, Belenka had left with the knights.

Lady Serena smiled and said,

"I am aware. It was I who asked for her help."

"You did?"

Lady Serena slowly nodded.

"Monster appearances have significantly increased since six months ago. The Baron used to lead the charge, but ever since he fell ill, it's been up to the knights to combat the monsters."

In other words, Belenka went with the knights to eliminate monsters around the territory.

"The peasants must be suffering greatly."

Ian, having been a farmer's son, first worried about the farmers.

"You know about it. That's why I have a request for you..."

Lady Serena said.

"Would you join me in a hunt?"

"A hunt?"

"Yes, a monster hunt."


[1. raei: I've been told this is a reference to JoJo's Bizarre Adventure.]

[2. raei: "It's Over Anakin! I have the high ground!"]

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