Published at 30th of May 2024 11:18:10 AM

Chapter 97

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Chapter 97

TL/Editor: raei

Proofreader: Pickhead7

Schedule: 5/week

Illustrations: None.

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"We need to hurry."

After hearing Ian's story, Belenka responded calmly.

Her calm demeanor naturally influenced the monks to remain calm as well.

It seemed like something major had occurred, but since the knight didn’t say anything, it must be alright!

Ian's group quickened their pace without any visible disturbance.

Ian felt certain about one thing: Belenka was truly a professional.

"No matter how skilled they are at tracking, they won't easily catch up. We're well ahead."

"Hmm. What if they do catch up?"

"Thinking of the worst case scenario? If that happens, we just need to throw Takarion to them. We won't get hurt."

As Belenka picked up the pace, the rest of the group found it hard to keep up, especially Takarion.

"Haah. Haah... I want to go home..."

"We are going home now."


Takarion glared at Ian, but that was as far as he went.

He was too exhausted to speak.

Thanks to Belenka's composed leadership, their escape was smooth.

However, the news Oberon brought soon after disturbed Ian's group.

[They're not coming this way?]


Ian's group had inadvertently taken a different path from their barbarian pursuers.

That was a relief.

But the problem was that at the end of the barbarians' path, there was a village.

"We're going to run into them."

As Belenka stated this calmly, the monks became noticeably agitated.

The barbarians, having lost their way, would naturally head to the small village.

Like how a sparrow can’t pass a mill without stopping, the barbarians would naturally plunder the village.

"Is there... Isn't there anything we can do?"

The monks raised their voices anxiously.

Ordinary travelers might have laughed in this situation.

Wow! What idiots! They can't even chase properly!

Why should we care if some random village gets looted?

We're safe anyway!

But most of Ian's group were monks.

Like the Santiago Knights, they were fundamentally good people.

Was fleeing and throwing the pursuing barbarians off our trail really the right thing to do?

The answer was 'no.'

"... Let's run away!"


Takarion, without a moment's hesitation, advocated abandoning the village.

Ian was impressed.

Wow. He doesn't seem like a monk, does he?

"Hey, if we die here, it's just a worthless death, brothers! Let's get our heads straight! We are not meant to die here!"


Some monks fell silent, empathizing with Takarion's words.

However, many still raised their voices.

"Would Saint Marcus have chosen to flee using innocent villagers as shields if he were here?"


Takarion knew the answer to that question better than anyone.

Saint Marcus was a superhero.

A paragon of virtue, like Captain America from Marvel Comics.

Saint Marcus would have definitely rushed to save the people, a fact best known by Takarion, the author of the Gospels.


'... I'm not him.'

Takarion's fists trembled.

He was not Saint Marcus. Unlike the superheroic Marcus, Takarion was just an ordinary man.

No. Even calling him ordinary was too generous.

He was a loser.

He could excel in a story with a pen in his hand, but in a real crisis, he was quieter than anyone else.

What could a mere fanfic writer do here?

Takarion felt unjustly wronged.

"... We are not Saint Marcus. There's no way to stop the pagans!"

A look of disappointment crossed several monks' faces, those who had equated Takarion with Saint Marcus.


The monks' gazes turned towards Ian.

Takarion is not a saint because he can't perform miracles.

But what about Ian?

A wizard known as a miracle worker.

He has the power to turn the impossible into possible.

It wasn't really a surprise. Barbarians and imperial citizens shared the same roots.

Civilized barbarians are imperial citizens. Those who aren't civilized are just barbarians.

Some were already climbing the palisades.

It was an unparalleled opportunity for Ian.


Ian briefly gazed at the bright sky.

The sun was hot, and the sky was piercingly blue.

The weather was crystal clear.

Under the searing sun, the mysteries of the wind frolicked joyously.

Darkness could not be summoned at all.



"If we call forth fire, you can handle it, right?"

Kira nodded.

Ian left the control of the fire to Kira and focused his mind on the mysteries of the wind.

Listening closely, he could hear the roaring voice of the wind.


[Hello, human! Today is a great day for flying, isn't it?]

Yeah. It's so nice it's exhilarating.

As Ian spoke in the language of magic, nature responded vibrantly to the will of the wizard.

Belenka and Kira watched Ian perform magic, holding their breath.

No matter how many times they saw it, it never stopped to amaze.

[I'm busy flying around-]

[Where are you heading?]

Ian aimed his staff at the group of barbarians.

The wind would hit right there.

As he projected his will, Ian shouted.



Kira ignited the flames and shouted.

Her grasp of the Maronius language was basic, yet sufficient to convey her will.

Kira didn't know how to properly converse with the mysteries, but she had a talent for receiving their affection.

Language is a powerful bridge for empathy, yet non-verbal communication is also entirely possible.

As soon as Kira shouted, the mystery of fire rushed in like a puppy heeding its master’s call.

[Burn everything down!!!]

Like dogs obsessed with walks, the flame was obsessed with arson.

It simply meant it was satisfied with setting things ablaze.

"Ian! I can't hold it for long!"

Kira desperately controlled the fire and shouted.

She was currently in sync with the mystery, but if her focus slipped even slightly, she would lose control and it would turn into a wildfire.

However, there was no need to hold on for long.

Ian sent the burning fire swirling with the wind.

"[Wind, whirl!]"

The mystery of the flame and the mystery of the wind.

When the two mysteries combined, the result was astounding.

The barbarians were horrified to see a whirlwind coming at them out of nowhere.

"What, what is that!"

It wasn’t just any whirlwind.

It was a burning whirlwind!

It felt like a mini version of the flame storm magic that space-time wizard Larabel had demonstrated with a magic scroll.

The barbarians felt as if their souls were slipping away as they watched the burning whirlwind.

Wow. So the empire has burning whirlwinds!

Damn it! The blizzards back home were like fairies!

They never thought for a second that this whirlwind could be the work of a wizard.

They thought it was a naturally occurring flame storm!

Indeed, it seems that without the blessing of the Ice God, all sorts of horrific events unfold here!

The barbarians who safely returned home would spread tales about the burning whirlwind they had seen on imperial lands.

"Run! Run!"

Upon seeing the approaching fire whirlwind, the barbarians fled without a backward glance.

The barbarians who were climbing the palisade were pitiful.

"Come on, you bastards!"

The barbarians left behind became prey for the enraged villagers.

Belenka leisurely pursued the barbarians and returned with a couple of their heads.

Ian walked back to the village, stretching lazily.

"It was nothing."


Kira had a lot she wanted to say but she held back.

After all, two wizards had used their magic at the same time.

Isn't that just f*cking impressive?

It would have been weirder if the barbarians had been able to resist the magic.

"Still, it feels a bit dull..."

Ian watched the fleeing barbarians without even turning his head and slightly tilted his head in curiosity.

Those bastards. Did they really come to kidnap Takarion?

It felt just like they were thieves who had come to raid the village out of boredom.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!