Published at 1st of May 2021 12:06:57 PM

Chapter 353: 353

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The light of the clock subsided and the landscape changed when I looked around.

But we soon knew where it was.

In the forest facing the sea.

The port town of Genkan.

"Am I... back?

I guess so.

It's not just the place. And time?

But right now, I have a few things to do before I do.

"They are! Espi! Slaya!

Is there a slight discrepancy with the original location?

Where are they?

What's the error?

When I thought so....

Kids, that way! There's... a fire in the camp in that direction... "


Fire smoke rising like wolf smoke.

That was where I left off.

I don't even have to use the radar. It would be a waste of time to even use it.

Come, child

"Ah! Breakthrough!

It's just a move. That's why I used it until breakthrough.

To rush as fast as a second.

"Espi... Slaya..."

For me, the incident just happened.

--Onii-chan... uhh... ahh... oniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!

--Onei...... na...... nh......

How many years have I kept them waiting, even though it's so painful?

More than a dozen years from before I was born until now.

They kept me waiting for so many years....

- Hello, oniichan, make your sister cry ♪

--Who are you...?

--hah ~... don't be ridiculous ~... you don't know me...

It's my sister! She's the sister I've kept waiting for over ten years!

- You're not buying?

--Ah, uh... you... the clerk here?

- Hmm? Oh... you don't know me?

He's my brother! I've kept him waiting for over a decade!

It's only natural that you get annoyed.

You deserve to be disappointed.

What did I do to them....

- Wait, Temee! What the hell is going on if you just shut up! I wonder, what is the purpose of those seven brave men?! Are you talking about Amae who made my sister cry?! Then we're done! I've already made up and my cheeks have chewed on me!


--I wouldn't leave my sister crying! Or is that it? I don't know what's going on, but I've heard rumors that you're like a sister to your father and mother! Are you making me squeeze around? Ahhh?


--In general, the store manager didn't show up suddenly, and he was so selfless... how much he liked Curry!

---...... Mh......

Stupid bastard! Stupid bastard!

--I 'm mad at you because of Slaya.

--I 'm really pissed off because of you.

- It's because of both of you! Uzzy these guys!!

Son of a bitch! You son of a bitch!

--In the first place, what if you don't know from the moment you show up until now! The only thing I know is that one of the seven brave men, the boyfriend of the store manager, is that he's kind of a mess anyway! So you're asking me? I don't know!

Die, you idiot!

"Uah, ahh, ahhhhhh, shit! You idiot! You idiot!!

I've never thought of myself as an idiot and a son of a bitch before.

"What did I tell them... sorry... sorry!

I've kept them waiting for more than a decade, and I finally came to see them, but I don't know what happened.

I can't stop crying.


And there they were.



After more than a decade, you are now older than me, Espi and Slaya.

They stood side by side in front of the fire and jiggled at me.

"Hah, hah... Espi... Slaya..."


The moment I called out their names, they shook their bodies.


"Ah, that's it? I'm home, that's it... what happened to your face? The worst way to make my sister cry... oniichan?

Espi is saying ironically.

But I know. It's not irony, it's confirmation.

I'm trying to make sure I'm really "me."

Because your eyes are already full of tears and your voice is trembling.


"... eh?

"I'm... my beloved sister and... even my brother... the worst son of a bitch ever!!


Tears fell from my words, from the eyes of Espi, and from the eyes of Slaya.

"... it's been over 15 years.


"After that... we're even older than oniichan... now... it's even slower!

That's right, it's late. I was too late.

"It's true....."


"You suddenly show up in front of us who were lonely... teaching us warmth... love... and leaving us all alone while letting people like this... don't joke"

Oh, you deserve to be hated. You deserve to be beaten.

"Ah... really... I can't apologize or make amends..."

I'm sorry. That's too light.

It is too light to arrange all the apologies that exist.


"Espi, Slaya...."

I walked up to them and put my hands on my older sister and brother.

"You've grown so big..."


"Sorry to keep you waiting until you're so big... really, you..."

The next moment, they jumped at me at the same time, and I was pushed down to the ground, and they hugged me...

"Uhh, uhh, ahh... uhhhhhhhhhhh! Oniichan... oniichan!

"Ugh, oniisan! Oniisan!

The two crying eyes remained the same.





When the two of you hug me, I'm no longer easily pushed down like this.

"Stupid, stupid, stupid! Idiot! Oniichan's, oniichan's baker! I will not forgive you! I will never forgive you! Ugh, I'll bug you... that's why!

"Yes, I forgive you! Oniisan... oniisan!

And they're gonna smack me in the chest.

Over and over again.....

"Ahh... buzz me... until I feel better..."

I'll take them all and hug them.

I'll never let you go again!

"Since then, I've been crying so much... I want to wait... I want to go see oniichan, but I can't change the future, so I can't go to see him..."

"We're full of them! Since then, there's so much I can't talk about... forever for this day!

"Ah. Ah... talk to me... we've got plenty of time. Even if you disappear from front of me this time, I'll chase you... together. This time....!

Now it's time to keep your vows and promises.

"Espi... Slaya... let's talk a lot... let's play a lot... will you stay with me... a lot? I'm... younger than you guys... but to your... brother... again..."

"" Of course!!

I slowly wake up with two hugs... heavy guys... oh, really heavy... I'll never forget this weight for the rest of my life.

"Hey, Espi... Slaya... in the meantime, do you want to make curry?


And the two of them, who were crying, smiled with tears at my words.

"Yes! Of course!

"Let's make it! Let's eat! Lots... lots! From now on....."

They jump up and try to get ready in a hurry.


"Ah, yes. Oniichan!"

"Ah, yes. Oniisan!"

They looked back at me and....

"Welcome back!!


The words permeated my soul.

My journey from home, across the world, even across time.

That's where I came from.

Treina. I haven't finished my journey here yet, but these guys... okay?

"Don't ask me that question again."

Traina nodded with a smile, and I was against both of them....

"Oh, I'm home!

I swear it again.

Turning everything in the world into enemies, I'm with them.

--Chapter Seven Complete ---

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