Buggy D Clown - Chapter 54

Published at 31st of May 2024 06:12:08 AM

Chapter 54

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After resolving Enel's situation, Buggy and the others began to deal with the ship, the Golden Ark.

After thinking for a while, Buggy came up with a solution.

First, he had Blueno place the Golden Ark on in the Florian Triangle part of the sea. They would wait until they found a suitable location in the New World to settle down, and then transfer the Golden Ark through the space gate.

Moria had been captured by Sunbell during the Summit War and was currently being kept hidden in a prison among the warships. For the time being, Buggy couldn't think of any use for him, so he decided to deal with him later.

However, Moria's Thriller Bark was in a strategic location and could serve as a rear base for their operations. With Blueno's space gate, they could easily travel to the Thriller's Bark whenever needed.

Buggy also spent half a day using his "Decomposition Control" ability to repair the buildings that were damaged during Luffy and Moria's battle. The Florian Triangle area where the Thriller Bark was located provided a perfect hidden rear base.

Next, Buggy arranged for the three teams to exchange some of the gold for much-needed cash. Each team received one billion Pele in gold. Buggy joined the team led by Kalifa, who was the only beauty in the group. Gabban led another team, and Bullet led the third team. They went in three different directions to exchange the gold.

They also purchased various daily necessities, making sure they had everything they needed. The only thing they were lacking was a cook on board, but they already had a candidate in mind.

Using the power of the Whitebeard team, they identified a chef named Panz Fry, also known as the "Giant Chef," with a bounty of 320 million Baileys. Panz fry was known for snatching food from the government, Marines, and pirates to cook for the hungry, especially the ordinary people who often faced hardship in Whitebeard Land. His actions had earned him a bounty from the World Government, and Buggy was determined to recruit him.

With Panz Fry, the giant chef, on board, Buggy's food problem would be completely solved. However, before that, Buggy needed to secure Fishman Island and make it his own. Once that was done, he planned to invite Jinbei to join his crew. If everything went well, Buggy might even receive a reward for the plot change after Jinbei joined.

Buggy was lost in thought as he walked, while Kalifa took care of the supply purchases.

At that moment, a dozen individuals who had been following them since they left the Tesoro gold exchange appeared and tried to snatch the Baileys from them. Buggy paid no attention and left it to Kalifa to handle. He trusted that she could handle those guys.

After the events of the Summit War, everyone in the CP9 team had transformed and their strength was steadily growing.

Once they learned Haki, their power would take a significant leap. Since they already mastered the six styles, mastering Armament and Observation Haki would not be too difficult for them. With continuous training and practice, these superhumans who had mastered the six forms of physical fitness would soon be able to master Haki as well.

Lucci and the others were learning Haki from Lucci, who was knowledgeable in the six styles and the Six King Guns. They had already mastered skills like Shave and Moonwalk, but they had the opportunity to learn other secret techniques and enhance their strength under Lucci's guidance.

The team had integrated well, and Blueno's space gate allowed them to train on uninhabited desert islands whenever they wanted.

Even Sunjuan had joined them.

Buggy could say that the team divisions were extremely harmonious, and the foundation of his Four Emperors group was beginning to take shape. They had teams for sea, land, and air operations. Bullet and Enel covered the sky, Sunbell and Jinbei covered the sea, and Sunjuan led the land-based operations.

As Buggy was lost in thought, he suddenly noticed the noisy atmosphere around him quieting down. He felt someone pulling at the corner of his shirt and turned around to see Kalifa with a pale face, looking a bit lost.

"Kalifa, what's the matter?" Buggy furrowed his brow, concerned that something had gone wrong in the past few days.

Just at that moment, a sharp and excited voice suddenly came from the front.

"I want that woman! She defeated so many people by herself, and she's much stronger than you, trash! I want her to be my 50th wife!"

"Yes, Lord Charmarco."

"Hurry up and capture that woman for me!"

"But...but...what about the man next to her?"

"What about him? Just kill him!"

Many of the civilians who were kneeling on the ground and trembling quietly raised their heads upon hearing the words. They saw a handsome man in a white suit with a blue ponytail and clown makeup standing opposite the group of Celestial Dragons, along with a woman with blond hair in a short suit and black silk high heels.

The woman's face was pale and terrified, while the man's face remained calm, with a subtle curve forming at the corner of his mouth as he looked playfully at the Celestial Dragons across from him.

Upon witnessing this scene, everyone was shocked.

That face is too familiar!

It's him, man!

Clown King Buggy!

No noise escaped the lips of many people, and the innate instincts of the lazy people were immediately awakened. They knew they were about to witness a good show.

"Master Buggy! Those are Celestial Dragons!" Kalifa stuttered.

Although they had distanced themselves from the CP organization, there was no doubt that the deeply ingrained mindset instilled in them over the past ten years had not completely disappeared. For them, Celestial Dragons were considered supreme, "absolute!"

Hence, Kalifa was terrified upon seeing the Celestial Dragons at that moment. However, Buggy's excitement grew inside upon hearing her words.

Is it finally happening? The chance to take down the Celestial Dragons! A must-have opportunity for every one-piece fanfiction MC!

It seems I have finally waited for such a moment. Let Kalifa accompany me for some shopping these few days—not for anything else, just to wait for an opportunity!

Wait for the chance to strike against the Celestial Dragons!

"Untouchable! How dare you not kneel before this god!"

That's right! Buggy gradually became more excited.

The Celestial Dragons on the opposite side, seeing the clown before them not only refusing to kneel but also wearing that mocking smile, became enraged.

The agents surrounding them were the Celestial Dragons' lackeys, but they were not foolish. The man before them had appeared at the Summit War just two days ago. He had defeated Hawkeye, fought against Kizaru, and even confronted Marshal Sengoku, gaining the upper hand each time.

The Marines had failed to kill the son of the Pirate King in the face of this terrifying person. Rushing headlong towards such an individual seemed no different from courting death.

Yet, the master's roar still echoed in their ears.

"Why are you hesitating?! If you dare defy me, then go to hell!"

Saint Charmarco noticed one of the agents hesitating and, without a moment's hesitation, drew a gun and shot the agent in the head.


Caught off guard, the agent was shot in the head, and his brains splattered on the ground.


The surrounding people screamed in fright at the sight, but they immediately covered their mouths and knocked their heads on the ground, fearing that they would be seen by the Celestial Dragons.

"Kill them!"

Seeing this scene, the dozen or so agents gritted their teeth, pulled out their guns, and started shooting at Buggy while charging towards him.

Buggy felt no sympathy for these agents. He calmly raised his hand, and several beams of light as thick as an arm shot out.

Puff! Puff!

As soon as these agents took a few steps, their chests were directly penetrated by the white beams of light, and they turned into dust.

Fear filled the air as onlookers, including pirates hiding in the shadows and the supernovas who had yet to leave, gasped in awe.

"Hey, hey, is this happening?"

"What's surprising is not that he dares to do it, but his ability! He can disintegrate people directly?"

"Is this the terrifying power of the Chop-Chop Fruit after awakening? It's incredible!"

"It seems the New World will soon be in turmoil again!"

As the pirates secretly observed and whispered among themselves, the Celestial Dragons finally recovered from their shock.

"You! You untouchable! How dare you resist?" Saint Charmarco pointed angrily at Buggy and cursed.

Blah, blah!

Unaware of the situation, Buggy took a few leaps and soared into the air. Within seconds, he was hovering above Saint Charmarco.

"Hey! Isn't it interesting?"

"Could it be..."

"If this continues, the Admirals will come again! I'm an idiot! Let's run!"


While everyone covered their mouths, Buggy decisively slapped Saint Charmarco's mask, smashing it easily and striking half of Saint Charmarco's face, causing it to swell up.


With this slap, the man sitting on the slave's back was thrown several meters away. Saint Charmarco spat out blood, along with half of his teeth.

Saint Charmarco, lying on the ground, hadn't fully comprehended what had happened.

Only when he felt the intense pain in his mouth did he regain his senses. Covering his face with one hand, he pointed at Buggy with a trembling hand and roared ferociously:

"You, you untouchable! How dare you rebel against God! I'm going to kill you! No, I want to torture you! I want you to watch as that woman is played with to death! Just wait! A Marine Admiral will arrive soon! Die, untouchable!"

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Buggy floated in the air, seemingly walking on invisible steps, until he stood above Saint Charmarco with a playful smile, looking down at him.

The curve of the clown's makeup widened, and then his smile grew even broader.

"Admiral? Hehehehehe. One Admiral is not enough to kill me! You'd have to call in the Marines like Sengoku and Garp, and maybe then it'll work! But you know what? Even if they come, what can they do? Screw the Celestial Dragons! We, the common people, are fighting against the Celestial Dragons!"


"Ah! Untouchables!"

"Go call an Admiral!"


"Ah ah ah! You can scream all you want, but no one will come to rescue you! Celestial Dragons? Gods? They're nothing but Swines! Hehehehahahaha!"

For a moment, the only sound that filled the No. 1 mangrove area was Buggy standing in the air, laughing maniacally. Countless people who witnessed this scene fell silent. This Buggy the clown is even crazier than that straw-hat kid! Incredible! Does the World Government allow such a powerful character to exist?

But at that moment, they didn't feel any resentment. Looking at St. Charmarco, who lay stunned on the ground with a face swollen like a pig's head, countless people felt a sense of joy in their hearts! It turns out that Celestial Dragons can scream, cry, and fall into a coma when they're beaten! It turns out that the so-called gods are nothing but Swines, just as the man said!


At that moment, a barrier was shattered in the hearts of everyone witnessing this scene. Simultaneously, a new seed began to sprout in their hearts! Although the man had disappeared, his majestic figure remained etched in the hearts of everyone in the Sabaody Archipelago.

Especially as he departed, he paraded through the streets with the Celestial Dragons tied to a cross, floating behind him like lifeless dogs. He gazed at everyone in a daze until he disappeared, and then it dawned on everyone in the Sabaody Archipelago. Celestial Dragons were being paraded in the streets!


Marineford, Marine Headquarters Office.

Ring, ring, ring...

"What? You're telling me the Celestial Dragons were beaten up and paraded through the streets? Damn it, what audacity!" Sengoku grabbed the phone and roared.

"The Clown King Buggy!"

"That's enough." Sengoku hung up the phone calmly. Then he turned his gaze to Garp, who sat in the office with a blank expression. Aokiji, wearing a blindfold, averted his eyes. Akainu bundled up like a rice dumpling, shifted his gaze as well. Kizaru, who's cutting his nails? It's up to you!

" Kizaru, please handle it," Sengoku said in a blank tone.

Kizaru, who had been lowering his head to cut his nails, froze, pouted, and said, "Marshal Sengoku, please spare me. With this salary, You will let me die. Can't it be anyone else?"

"You damn bastard, Kizaru!" Sengoku was genuinely angry.

"Then ask the Five Elders to talk to the new marshal and get a salary increase. Both labour and management have already handed in their resignations. It's none of my business! Do you want me to go? Do you want me to stay? Make up your mind!"


Garp, who had been picking his nose, burst into laughter. For a while, the office was filled with a cheerful atmosphere.

Half an hour later.

Sabaody Archipelago.

"Sir, Admiral Kizaru has arrived!"

With an exclamation, Kizaru appeared in a flash of light.

He materialized in the No. 1 area, where St. Charmarco had been beaten before. The pirates who hadn't gone far were filled with fear and regret for not leaving earlier upon seeing Kizaru.

However, what happened next left everyone dumbfounded. Kizaru, in mid-air, glanced at the Marines below and said, "Where's the Clown King?"

"Sir, he left an hour ago, taking St. Charmarco with him!"

"Not here? That's okay, then it's time to bid farewell!"

With a flash of golden light, Kizaru disappeared.



Boss, even if you want to act nonchalant, don't be this nonchalant! The Celestial Dragons have been captured! What do we do now? Everyone was dumbfounded—why did the Admiral come and leave within a minute?

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!