Buggy D Clown - Chapter 70

Published at 31st of May 2024 06:11:46 AM

Chapter 70

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"Horai Hakke!"

"Chop Chop no Nuclear Crush!"

Boom! Boom! Boom!

As the two attacks collided in the sky, everyone had initially expected another evenly-matched confrontation. However, the sudden change in the sky quickly changed the expressions of all those watching.


Amid the astonished gazes of the onlookers, Kaido's onslaught of conqueror's haki and thunder was gradually dismantled by the platinum beam of light!

*Ka Ka Ka*

Initially, the audience failed to react, but as the obsidian crevices cracked open in the sky surrounding the convergence of energies, the expert spectators couldn't help but gasp.

The fabric of space was rupturing!

This wasn't like the effect of the Shock Fruit! Instead, it was the power of a potent attack, shattering the very fabric of space itself. Could such a feat truly be accomplished?

Two behemoths!


"What! How can one—"

Before Kaido could finish his utterance, a resounding explosion rents the Skies, engulfing him in a cataclysmic blast!

As if a third sun had spontaneously ignited between the sky and the sea!

A colossal mushroom cloud, spanning a diameter of one thousand meters, soared upward, swiftly eradicating the dark veil brought by the dragon's presence.

The awe-inspiring aftermath of the detonation, combined with the gradual reemergence of sunlight in the firmament, created an ethereal and surreal spectacle.

*Woo woo woo*

The shockwaves from the explosion's repercussions swept across the peripheral islands of Punk Hazard, decimating every tree in their path.

The extent of the destruction caused by this explosion might never be fully comprehended.

Soon after, as the mushroom cloud dissipated, clarity returned to the sky.

However, amidst the once-more clear sky, Kaido, in his original draconic form, stood ensconced in blood, his cobalt scales in disarray, and half of his mace's tip ground to a flat plane!


Kaido heaved laboriously.

Even Buggy was far from unscathed; his breath came in ragged gasps.

Simultaneously, the expenditure of energy from this conflagration was undeniably more notable than their engagement against the bullet!

Especially considering the protracted duel between him and Kaido & Sengoku, spanning over ten minutes.

It must be acknowledged that these two stood as the paramount powerhouses in the current world!

In such continuous combat, the utilization of Conqueror's Haki required judiciousness; even for someone of Buggy's strength, it seemed as though Haki was now in somewhat short supply.

Yet if Kaido chose to engage him ceaselessly, the ultimate victor would inevitably be Buggy!

But forecasting the outcome was no straightforward task.

The presence of Sengoku impeded his intentions of detaining Kaido indefinitely. Alas, the assembly of elite Marines on-site posed an insurmountable obstacle!

Moreover, Buggy held the conviction that Kaido would not be so rash as to risk life and limb for a lone individual. How could that be conceivable?

Several seconds elapsed, unfolding just as Buggy had envisaged.

Following a period of Kaido's pronounced panting, he directed a solemn glance toward the mace's now dulled apex. Locking eyes with Buggy, Kaido's voice resonated with gravity, "You haven't yet harnessed the full might of your Devil Fruit abilities in our skirmish, Right?"

"The manifestation of Chop-Chop Fruit's awakening is undeniably formidable!"


"But the persona before you is me; was I to switch places with Sengoku, He might not endure the strain from your last attack! Very well, Godslayer, Buggy! In this contest, you emerge triumphant."

"I, Kaido of the Beasts, hereby entitle you [God Slayer Buggy], the mightiest among us, Yonko! The mantle of the new emperor is yours to claim! Should this contest persist, it is bound to change into a battle for survival. The choice now rests within your grasp!"

Upon hearing Kaido's words, not to mention Buggy's, even the global audience tuned into the live broadcast found themselves in a state of utter shock.

Kaido defeated? The indomitable Kaido of the Beasts had admitted that he was defeated.

The astonishment rippled through everyone, leaving them in disbelief.

However, the collective sentiment swiftly evolved. Contemplation replaced surprise.

If Kaido were to refuse to accept defeat and continue battling, the Marines couldn't definitively predict who might prevail in such a conflict.

In that hypothetical scenario, should the Marines suddenly turn against Kaido, his lone presence here would leave him utterly vulnerable.

One must grasp that in his weakened state, Kaido would find it impossible to escape the clutches of a united siege by the Marines.

As for the notion of fleeing, it seemed preposterous. Could Kizaru and Enel let him escape?


Buggy, upon hearing Kaido's words, erupted into hearty laughter. Nodding resolutely, he spoke, "Kaido, our interests don't collide; letting go is the wisest path for you! I'm not keen on taking someone of your calibre as a captive."


Before Buggy could conclude his statement, Sengoku's voice abruptly pierced the air.

Swift as the wind, three figures surged toward Buggy in unison.

Among them, two streaks of brilliance, one amber, and the other sapphire.

The remaining three shapes included Sengoku, flanked by two figures with ebony wings extending from their backs. Their speed was extraordinary, leaving behind mere afterimages as they closed in on Buggy through the skies.

"Buggy, watch out!"

Dragon's form flickered, and he interposed himself directly before Sengoku.

"Dragon, you might stop me, but not them!" Sengoku retorted with a meaningful smile.

"What?!" Dragon turned around, a perplexed expression etching his features.

"Yata no Kagami."

In the ensuing moment, Dragon witnessed Kizaru employing his swiftest attack to disentangle himself from Enel's grasp. Subsequently, Kizaru, Enel, and the two shadowed figures ensnared Buggy in a triangular formation.

"Laser beam!"

"Laser beam!"

"Laser beam!"

Almost in unison, Kizaru and the two others intoned, their childlike voices merging into a harmonious chorus.


Instantly, three lasers, emanating an overwhelming force, blocked every conceivable avenue of escape for Buggy.


Even Kaido, in the distant expanse of sky, was taken aback by this unfolding spectacle.

Particularly as his gaze alighted upon the two winged figures, their fiery auras captivating his attention. He couldn't suppress his shock, exclaiming, "How is this possible?"

During the live broadcast, the identities of these two enigmatic figures with wings and blazing halos were revealed to the global audience.

Amazon Lily,



"That... Is that big sister?"

"No, no, no! That girl looks like when big sister was young?"

Upon spotting the little girl, a mirror image of herself in her childhood, the Hancock froze in place.

Were it not for the distinguishing features of the wings and the fiery aura, darker skin than her own, she could have easily mistaken the figure for a replica of her youthful self.

Nonetheless, it still seemed uncannily akin to having a twin.

"So, what kind of anomaly is this?"

After a moment of shock, the empress managed to articulate her astonishment.

Shakky and Rayleigh, too, widened their eyes in disbelief.

Having encountered Hancock during her teenage years, it was they who aided her return to Amazon Lily following their escape from Mariejois.

Their familiarity with Hancock's appearance as a child lent a poignant sense of astonishment to the unfolding revelation.

Though they were cautious in their assertions, they both found themselves echoing the same conclusion:

"A clone!"

For a while, the camp descended into silence so profound that it felt almost palpable.

New World.

Redhead's Territory.

Hawkeye's hand, grasping the wine glass, froze in midair, his sharp pupils expanding in an instant. He remained silent for a moment, lost in thought.

"Could it be the World Government?"

A shadow flickered across Shanks' eyes, his voice adopting a chilly edge as he remarked, "Toying with lives seems to be their favourite pastime."


Beckman's response was deliberate and respectful as he nodded in agreement.

"Brings to mind Germa 66 of North Blue—an equally deranged bunch, dabbling in human cloning."


After a pause, a sudden chuckle erupted from Hawkeye.

Beside him, Shanks regarded him with concern, asking, "Mihawk, are you alright?"

"Redhead, what if..."

Hawkeye's words halted, contemplation furrowing his brow.

"What if I were to take this child under my wing, personally train him in swordsmanship? Do you believe he has the potential to surpass me in the future?"

Shanks was momentarily dumbfounded by the unexpected question, while even Lucky Roo, engrossed in his meal, found himself momentarily stunned—his meat falling to the ground.

Indeed, it's an extraordinary question. Had this line of thinking haunted him for some time, precipitating this rare collaboration?

Is this the mentality of the world's preeminent swordsman?


Shanks found himself at a loss for words, a mix of amusement and exasperation crossing his features. He eventually mustered a thumbs-up gesture, chortling, "Mihawk, you're something else! Hahaha!"

His laughter echoed heartily, joined by Beckman's amused chuckle. What defines the world's greatest swordsman? Perhaps, just perhaps, it's this.

Punk Hazard.

Above the sky.

As the trio planned Buggy's stealthy ambush, a white-golden aura enveloped Buggy in an instant. Arms folded, he regarded Sengoku calmly from above.

Sengoku, meeting Buggy's frigid gaze, felt a shiver crawl down his spine.


*Chi chi chi chi!*

Sengoku's pupils constricted suddenly, the realization dawning that despite detecting Buggy's Haki, he lacked sufficient foresight to counteract his moves.

Sengoku had underestimated Buggy's capabilities, particularly how they seemed to override even Kizaru's lasers.

This is problematic!

Witnessing the three immensely powerful laser beams converge upon the three-meter-diameter platinum circle of light, they gradually shattered into a cascade of golden specks descending from the heavens—a shower of golden rain.

"Sengoku, the Marines persist in targeting me relentlessly."

Buggy's indifferent voice reverberated through the sky. In the next moment, he opened his palms, locking his sights on the two youths with wings on their backs.

"Now, I shall welcome these blazing avatars into my crew."

A gasp rippled through the observers, including Boa Hancock and the World's Greatest Swordsman, Dracule Mihawk. Even they were cloned!

It must be acknowledged—the audacity of the World Government knew no bounds.

"Tut tut."

"With Schichibukai now cloned, it appears the dismantling of the Shichibukai system is imminent. Hence, the logical first step in its dissolution entails the simultaneous subjugation of these Shichibukai, correct?"

"Hahahaha. Fascinating, truly fascinating, Sengoku. I eagerly await the World Government's ensuing moves."

Following Buggy's proclamation, twin beams of platinum light surged forth from his palms, striking the airborne duo of boy and girl mid-laser with blinding speed.

"Be cautious!" Kizaru's voice echoed from a distance, but it was too late.

*Puff! Puff!*

Buggy's platinum rays met their mark, rending the bodies of the young Seraphs apart before the horrified gazes of onlookers. Their forms disintegrated into countless square fragments.

"What just happened?"

"Release me!"

Staring in shock at the shattered Seraphs, Sengoku's astonishment was interrupted by their agonizing screams.

The unfolding scene only deepened the mystification. Could it be that the man fragmented into pieces had not perished?

Why does this power seem eerily familiar?

Recognition soon dawned for some; wasn't this the ability wielded by the Surgeon of Death, Trafalgar Law?

Watching the live transmission, Trafalgar Law shuddered involuntarily, a sensation of being scrutinized washing over him. Upon witnessing this technique, his thoughts instinctively turned to his own Op-Op Fruit's capabilities.

The parallels were undeniable.


Buggy's gesture prompted the myriad fragments into a dance, magnetically pulling them toward him.

With a smirk aimed at Sengoku, Buggy quipped, "Sengoku, you really shouldn't have gone through all the trouble for such a precious gift."

"Two such talented clones!"

"Tut tut."

Leaning into the mic, his tone dripping with sarcasm, he continued, "My gratitude knows no bounds, Sengoku. What an extravagant present!"


His laughter resonated, though it abruptly halted as his gaze shifted downward to where Rob Lucci and the others were stationed.

"I'm indebted to you for giving me such talented progenies again and again!"

Buggy's words triggered immediate recall for Lucci and the others—memories of the Summit War. A wave of understanding swept through the group.

Kalifa, stationed within the base, initiated contact through the phone bug. A sequence was set in motion: one, two, three.

In swift succession, each member of the group seized a loudspeaker bug and proclaimed in unison:

"Sengoku's ingenious plan to secure the world led to the loss of the Seraphs, the Cp9, and all the imprisoned pirates of impel down! We extend our gratitude to Marshal Sengoku for this generous offering!"

The words, amplified by the loudspeakers, resonated across the sky, reaching Sengoku amidst his aerial combat with the dragon. His complexion shifted from blue to crimson in response. Were it not for his great restraint, he might have spewed blood in sheer rage.

"Clown Buggy!"

Sengoku gritted his teeth, his voice seething with anger, "Return the Seraphim!"

"Is that so?"

Buggy's lips curled upward in an icy grin. Slowly, he separated his clasped hands, forming a white-golden orb that spun, fragmented and coalesced within his grasp.

"Very well, consider it your parting gift!"

"Sengoku, look out!"

Kizaru's voice reverberated as his pupils contracted. He hadn't foreseen that Buggy still possessed the energy to unleash a second assault of this magnitude.

Despite Kizaru's warning, his own body remained stationary.

Partly due to Enel lurking at his side, and partly due to his inability to match the velocity of the impending attack.

In the blink of an eye, the platinum radiance surged over a thousand meters, homing in on Sengoku with unerring precision.

Even the dragon, poised to unleash another tornado, abruptly halted.

"Damn it!"

Sengoku, too, sensed that Buggy's target had locked onto him via Observation Haki. If he could only master this very same level of Haki, he might have evaded this devastating blow.

However, for Buggy, the ability to foresee the future removed any possibility of evasion.

Attempting to forcibly dodge might only lead to graver injuries.

Acceptance was the only recourse.

Sengoku, a veteran of countless battles, swiftly arrived at a decision. With a resounding roar, his form transformed into a colossal, golden behemoth of a Buddha, towering several stories high. In tandem, his colossal palms clapped together.

*Bang! Bang!*

An immense, ten-meter-wide beam of golden light surged into the heavens, aimed at countering Buggy's [Nuclear point Crush].

Chi chi chi—

Yet, the ceaseless skirmishes had sapped Sengoku's reserves, leaving his attack power considerably diminished. In the face of the [Nuclear crush], the formidable golden shockwave swiftly crumbled.

Having shattered the golden shockwave, the platinum-golden light of the weakened nuclear crush struck Sengoku's figure in the blink of an eye.


The nuclear crush journeyed from the apex of Sengoku's form to the sea hundreds of meters below, erupting in a resounding *rumble* upon impact.

In an instant, a massive mushroom cloud of orange-white hues blossomed in the firmament, enshrouding Sengoku within its explosive embrace.

Yet another colossal tsunami surged towards the ocean's expanse, this time towering hundreds of meters into the atmosphere.


Bullet, anticipating the onslaught, propelled Aokiji with a swift kick towards the oncoming deluge.

"Ice Age!"

Aokiji, recognizing the gravity of the situation, unleashed his powers, freezing the waters in a desperate bid to halt Sengoku from plummeting into the sea. Such intervention proved necessary, for the assemblage consisted of formidable individuals, and allowing Sengoku to be submerged would only worsen the already complex predicament.

Within moments, the aftermath subsided.

Sengoku, akin to Kaido before him, bore the scars of battle, his once-golden Buddha form now tarnished crimson, his body fractured.

As the explosive aftermath dispersed, so did Sengoku's prowess, leaving him to descend unceremoniously onto the icy surface.

God Killer versus Buggy versus Marine Fleet Admiral Sengoku The Buddha—victory crowned on Buggy in this unexpected clash.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!