Building a New World - Chapter 1057

Published at 25th of December 2023 06:36:02 AM

Chapter 1057: During break

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Although Claire's recovery song is stronger than resurrection, as long as there is magic, it can resurrect dozens of dead people in the range at the same time. But after all, the time is valid, and in the end it only resurrected the 450,000 human empire coalition forces, which is about one-tenth of the total number of people killed in the war.

Of course, this has far exceeded expectations. If the resuscitation technique planned by Jia Zhengjin was used for rescue, it is estimated that there will be tens of thousands of people who will be resurrected!

The Human Empire Allied Forces have nothing to complain about, and are even grateful.

Jia Zhengjin explained from the beginning that the number of people who can be saved in a limited time is limited, and now it can far exceed the estimated number. Who will be dissatisfied? Of course, with so many soldiers sacrificed, leaders of various countries are naturally sad.

The demolition of the building is slower, and it will probably take more effort tomorrow.

The newly resurrected human powerhouses and elites are also quite weak and need adequate rest.

Most of the camp has been packed, and the remaining bodies that cannot be revived are also assisted by the people of several nearby countries and shipped to their respective countries.

"Claire, are you tired?" The saint was relatively strange to Liv, but she did exert a lot of energy today. Before he changed it, Jia Zhengjin could never imagine that he could resurrect four to five million human members. So when I came to the camp, I did not forget to console her.

"It's okay!" Claire sat quietly on the bed in the camp, wiping the sweat between her foreheads with a handkerchief.

"Hard work for you!" Tina also walked over and said softly to her.

Claire smiled softly at her, and then looked up to Jia Zhengjin: "But I did this, it was a robbing of the goddess of life, would she trouble me in the future?"

Jia Zhengjin froze for a moment, then shook his head: "Of course not! You can only reduce her burden?"

"Oh~ Lord Keane really talks." Claire said with a smile, "I'm a little sleepy, don't know if I can rest first?"

"Of course!" Jia Zhengjin nodded busy. "You are tired all day, and you really should take a good rest. It will be the same tomorrow. After we have demolished all the buildings, we will return to the Holy Dragon City together."

"Okay, Lord Keane!" Claire whispered, "So, Claire is going to sleep."

"Huh! Tina, let's go back to the camp and go to bed first?" Jia Zhengjin is actually tired, and he has been tired all day long, whether mental or physical.

"Okay." It was not early, and Tina felt tired.

The husband and wife came out of Claire's camp and followed the multinational guards back to the exclusive camp.

"Ah, that's right!" Just before going to sleep, Jia Zhengjin suddenly remembered something, quickly took out the Poseidon ring, Poseidon necklace and other loot from the virtual backpack, and called Tina to the front.

I had forgotten to deal with things because I was so busy before.

"What are these?" Tina sat beside him, curiously looking at the books and jewelry in front of her.

"Good stuff!" Jia Zhengjin replied, "These were secretly obtained from him after I defeated Poseidon."

"Ah? It's Poseidon's thing? Wouldn't you take it like this?" Tina expressed a worried expression.

"It's okay! Come, you take this Poseidon ring and Poseidon necklace, and replace the previous jewelry. Both of these jewelry are very powerful magic props that can greatly enhance your strength."

"Oh..." Tina was accustomed to accepting the good things her husband gave him. Now she took two artifact jewelry, took off the old jewelry, and carefully put it on. Immediately after the equipment was installed, I felt a big difference, and my eyes widened in surprise, "This, this is completely different from the previous one!"

"That's for sure," Jia Zhengjin whispered, "Poseidon Ring and Poseidon Necklace are magic items at the artifact level. You can keep it safe, you know?"

"It's so expensive? I'm afraid to get rid of it..." Tina reached out nervously to remove it. "I'd better wear ordinary jewelry..."

"Say what?" Jia Zhengjin smiled when he reached out to stop his wife's jewellery picking. "You can wear it with confidence."

"What if I lose it?" Tina was very worried. "This is an artifact!"

"If you lose it, it's okay!" Jia Zhengjin reached out and stroked gently on her supple blond long hair. "Although you say that, you still have to keep them safe."

"It feels so stressful!" Tina said honestly.

"Okay!" Jia Zhengjin also took out all the basic magic books. "I will now pass on some new magic to you to make you more powerful. The first is the huge waves. This magic has been used by Sea chief Sage before this magic. , The power of course needless to say, you must understand. Although the requirements for mana consumption are extremely high, but with the assistance of the Poseidon ring and Poseidon necklace, there should be no problem for you."

"Big waves?" Tina felt quite nervous.

"Don't be nervous, relax!" Jia Zhengjin whispered to her, letting her relax while using the skill book on it.

Tina immediately saw a huge wave of spells and how to use it.

"Then it is the field of water elements, that is, the magic that the sea tribe has made part of the area into the ocean!" Jia Zhengjin picked up another magic skill book, "Cooperate with the huge waves and other water magic, UU reading should Is very powerful."

The magic spell in the field of water element gradually appeared in my mind. Tina had already been numb for a long time, and she didn't have the expression of shock when she first met her husband. After all, there are too many magical things in him. If everything is shocking, there is no possibility of stopping.

"Finally, the power of Poseidon, this can make you more powerful when using water magic, and with jewelry is enough to make you a very powerful water magician."

"It's all amazing magic!" Tina added three new magics in her head, and she was particularly excited. "Then I will be able to help you more in the future. It's just that my qualifications are not very good in the study of magic. , I always feel the meaning of some tyranny..."

"There is nothing to worry about." Jia Zhengjin had expected that she would say so, so she quickly passed the ultimate potion, "Drink it!"

"Kean, what is this?" Tina asked in doubt.

"Good stuff!" Jia Zhengjin urged softly. "Drink it quickly, there will be surprises."

"Today I have enough surprises." Dina said that she still took the potion obediently and drank it without hesitation.

As the potion entered the mouth, a colorful light suddenly appeared around her body, wrapping the whole person, so shining and dazzling.

"What, what's wrong with this?" Tina asked, looking down at her glowing self and terrified.

"I don't know!" Jia Zhengjin shook his head, "but there is no need to worry, feel what has changed."

"Hmm!" Tina closed her eyes immediately and felt the changes in her body quietly. After a while, she opened her eyes in surprise, "It's amazing! I seem to have improved my ability to understand all the magic at once, and things that I didn't understand before now suddenly feel so simple!"

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