Building a New World - Chapter 1267

Published at 25th of December 2023 06:29:59 AM

Chapter 1267: Slaughter God

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Every attack of the killing **** Erisnu is accompanied by a few miles of earth shaking. Connie’s lava field is very powerful, but it does not seem to have much effect on Erisnu.

You come and go between the two sides, there is no vitality within a few kilometers when fighting. No matter whether it is trees, flowers, or flying beasts, no one survives in the waves.

Occasionally, there are some undead legionary creatures accidentally affected by war, or coalition soldiers, which are basically instantly killed in a shock.

Fortunately, Connie tried hard to control Erisnu beyond a certain range, so as to avoid the shock waves of the two sides fighting to destroy the army.

"Isn't it alright?" In order to maintain the real illusion formation, Jia Zhengjin's mana value decreased rapidly. Especially the more and more replicas, the faster his mana consumption. If you go on like this, you may have to cancel the formation because of the exhaustion of magic power.

While he was in a hurry, Liz finally pronounced the last note, and at the same time raised his magic wand to the distance Erisnu: "Chain of God!"

Powerful force spewed out, forming a huge chain in the air, spinning out towards Erisnu.

Erisnu, who is fighting at Connie, is all focused on this powerful dragon, and he did not expect someone to attack at this time. Unexpectedly, a group of mortal magic can take effect on themselves.

The chain of God descended from the sky, and placed it on Erysnu unbiasedly, tightly wrapping him up, and instantly contracted it so that it could not move.

Connie was surprised for a moment, and then immediately reacted, seizing the opportunity to condense her strength, turning her right hand into a dragon's claw.

"Ahhhhhhh!!!" Erisnu raised his head in a painful roar, the whole body began to deform rapidly with the flame, and it didn't take long to become a coke.

[System] Connie killed the **** of killing Erisnu, you gained 700000000 experience points.

The 700 million experience points of the killing god, although let Jia Zhengjin's experience bar jump, but the difference of more than 6.7 billion from the upgrade, is still very different.

Don't look at Jia Zhengjin's current limit of only 30, it is not so easy to get full, even the experience value of the gods can only rise a little!

When Erisnu died, the sky thundered, his idol condensed in the air, and then shattered in pain, proclaiming the fall of a god.

"Great!" Jia Zhengjin shouted excitedly, "Connie, hurry up, there is another one!"

Connie did not immediately attack Chahagar, the **** of greed, but pulled out a crystal with a strange light from the body of Erisnu burnt into coke.

"The essence of God?" Jia Zhengjin's eyes widened. After all, he burst out before.

Connie did not hesitate, swallowed it directly into her stomach, and her body suddenly shone intensely.

"Have you eaten?" Jia Zhengjin was very depressed. With such a good thing, he also wanted to take it back to enhance Liv's strength! Although Connie is powerful, after all, Liv can be controlled by herself.

Helpless, at this moment he must maintain the real magic magic circle, so he can not stop in the past.

Moreover, it seems that it is too late to give the essence of divine power to Liv, Connie can also add some chances of winning.

Seeing Connie's combat power instantly soar from 37,700 to 40,700, a full increase of 3,000 points, Jia Zhengjin was delighted first, then shook his head again.

Fortunately, Connie's combat strength has really become stronger, directly breaking through 40,000. Depressed is the essence of a divine power that allowed her to increase 3000 combat power, which is too little?

Sure enough, people are so greedy.

"Liz, can I still use the chain of God again?" Jia Zhengjin felt that he would quickly end the battle and quickly support the Dark Dragon.

"It won't work for a while..." Who knew that after Liz used the chain of God, the whole person was too weak to work, and could only barely float in the air, looking very tired.

Not just her, Abram, Bertha, and the replicas of the three also seemed to run out of power, and the weakness was beside them.

This skill is too fancy, right? Jia Zhengjin was surprised. Fortunately, Liz and her could be given magic potions and recovered quickly.

Connie, who improved her fighting power, turned her head to deal with the **** of greed. She is now strong enough to single out. It is even easier after she joined forces with the replica of the fallen angel Shirley, not to mention there are other replicas to help her next?

Seeing that the **** of greed Cha Hajia gradually couldn't support it, he turned to reveal the image of failure. At a critical moment, a black shadow suddenly appeared, teleported behind Jia Zhengjin, and thrust a dagger into his back.

"Cough!" Jia Zhengjin did not respond at all. When the vital point was pierced, the whole body quickly poured out, and the real illusion array immediately disappeared.

The formation failed, and the replicas disappeared instantly. Only Connie, psychedelic avatars and ghoul overlords are besieging Cha Hagar.

Abram, Bertha, and Liz all looked back in surprise, wanting to know how the replica suddenly disappeared. As a result, Jia Zhengjin saw a sharp head with a dagger in his mouth. Behind him turned out to be an identical-looking man in black robeAllen? Two Allen? Both Abram and Bertha were shocked and looked back at this scene in a daze.

"You really are the enemy of Lord Dragon God!" Behind Jia Zhengjin, of course, is the avatar created by the dark dragon. He stabs the dagger a little harder. "As long as you kill you, there will be no one there." Can hinder Lord Dragon God!"

Jia Zhengjin felt the loss of life quickly, his consciousness gradually blurred. But he knew he could not die, because the amulet of rebirth still had four soul reserves.

"Goodbye..." The evil avatar grinned and drew his dagger hard.

"Allen--!!" Abram and Bertha and the couple saw this scene and both exclaimed and flew out, trying to catch the falling Jia Zhengjin. At the same time, he looked at the evil doppelganger, full of confusion and confusion.

However, before they caught Jia Zhengjin, Jia Zhengjin, who was supposed to be dead, suddenly flashed, and then resurrected instantly.

He flashed a spur, appearing behind the avatar and attacking with all his strength.

"Poof!" The doppelganger reacted quickly, but dodged quickly but was still deeply wounded by the trident in the back.

He hurriedly flicked away, turned back to stare at Jia Zhengjin fiercely, and the wound on his back healed quickly.

"Want to kill me so easily?" Jia Zhengjin raised his trident and pointed at each other. "You are so naive!"

"Good luck!" the avatar said coldly, "but not so lucky next time!"

"Want to have another time?" Jia Zhengjin flashed past and stab him fiercely.

"Uh!" The avatar turned into a black awn and disappeared directly into the air, apparently using dark flashes.

Seeing that the avatar actually fled, Jia Zhengjin roared uncomfortably.

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