Building a New World - Chapter 2170

Published at 25th of December 2023 06:04:00 AM

Chapter 2170: Grandpa

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"Master Patriarch!" Yuan Xiaoxian understood in the pit that the monk of feelings was not as young as it seemed on the surface, and even the masters of the three high ancestors. It turns out that you are yourself, so don’t worry! Now shouted in a clear voice, "Patriarch Grandpa, Xiaoxian knows that he is wrong. He will correct the mistakes in the future and will never let Grandpa Patriarch disappointed. Please also ask Grandpa Pao to spare Xiaoxian, and stop Xiaoxian from digging mud!"

"Children should play with mud," Jia Zhengjin said back, "Continue to dig!"

"Master Patriarch~" Yuan Xiaoxian shouted at him with a coquettish tone.

"Do you want to be scratched or spanked?" Jia Zhengjin snapped his fingers, and several water snakes appeared around her immediately.

Yuan Xiaoxian was startled, and quickly picked up the stone shovel to dig drunk honestly.

"Master, your punishment is too..." Yuan Muping felt distressed when he saw the dirty Yuan Xiaoxian on his body.

Not to mention her, even Huo'er and Long Ying have similar expressions.

Yuan Xiaoxian is here with them. That is because they are afraid of turning into their mouths. They are afraid of falling in their hands. They are loved one by one.

Wouldn’t it be distressing to see her little cutie become savage?

"Master, Xiaoxian is very clever, and will definitely change it if there is a mistake." Long Ying pleaded. "Please let her go first?"

"Master Zun..." Yuan Muping and Huo Er looked at him with a pleading expression at the same time.

Jia Zhengjin stretched boringly and glanced at the three female apprentices: "What I have said, I will never take it back. If she doesn't learn well, don't want to go back. Of course, you can't take her back. One way!"

"What method?" Yuan Mupin raised their heads in a hurry.

"Well~ I broke through my water dragon and defeated my water dragon, then I can take her away!" Jia Zhengjin laughed, "I won't care about her at that time, how do you love to teach and teach."

Yuan Muping, Huoer, and Longying looked at each other, their eyes focused on the water tornado that was approaching, and then looked at the water dragon under the feet of the master, which caused extreme terror and pressure.

"Master, since you are willing to teach Xiaoxian, that is her honor!" Yuan Muping glanced at Yuan Xiaoxian's direction distressedly, "If you can get your guidance, it will be a good thing for her too! The disciple returns to the Dragon City to wait!"

"Master, Huoer will leave first!"

Long Ying saw that the two sisters decided to retreat decisively. After thinking about it, she thought that there was probably no way to deal with the water tornado and water dragon. The most important thing is who can beat the master?

Besides, since the master knows Xiaoxian's identity, it will not hurt her.

Although it will take a bit of hardship, it may also be Xiaoxian's opportunity.

Wouldn’t it be great if she could get the guidance of a respected master like herself?

Thinking of this, he also resolutely retreated: "In this way, the disciples and the two sisters returned to Dragon City first, and they also hoped that the master would treat the little fairy!"

When the words fell, the three female disciples turned around at the same time and walked quickly before the water tornado arrived.

why is it like this? Yuan Xiaoxian wanted to cry without tears. She had hoped that the three high ancestors would let themselves go home safely, but they retreated first.

"Are you tired of digging?" When the three female apprentices left, Jia Zhengjin canceled the water tornado and the giant water dragon, and returned to the water diversion area to stand at the edge of the pit and bow his head, looking down at Yuan Xiaoxian sympathetically.

Seeing his tone improve, Yuan Xiaoxian was relieved, and said that probably Grandpa Master knew his identity and would not be so fierce to himself. A lovely expression appeared at the moment: "Grandpa, I'm so tired~ Can we rest and rest? It would be better if we didn't dig holes!"

"Good!" Jia Zhengjin smiled, "As long as you obediently obey, Grandpa Master will hurt you. Tired of playing mud? Grandpa Grandpa takes you to a fun place?"

Hey! It seems that Grandpa Master was also defeated by my cuteness!

Yuan Xiaoxian secretly happy: "Grandpa, where are we going to play?"

"A very fun place!" Jia Zhengjin snapped his fingers and asked Nu Wa to teleport.

The next second, he and Yuan Xiaoxian left the underwater world and appeared in the control room of Captain Nuwa.

"Wow~ where is this? It's so funny!" Yuan Xiaoxian looked happily from left to right.

"Wait for a more interesting place later!" Jia Zhengjin smiled and looked at Nu Wa. "Transport, Cretaceous, Dinosaur era."

"White goose chicken? The empty dragon really wears?" Yuan Xiaoxian couldn't understand, and looked back blankly.

"Captain, what is this for?" Nu Wa asked curiously.

"Go to a fun place!" Jia Zhengjin's mouth twitched slightly, "I will definitely have a good time and start time jumping!"

"Command received!"

Nuwa set off, and the shuttle time reached the Cretaceous.

Immediately after landing, he disappeared into a virgin forest by the beach.

"Boom! Boom! Boom..." There were heavy footsteps outside, and the earth shook every time.

Yuan Xiaoxian did not know what was happening, but looked at the future instrument inside Nuwa with a curious look.

"Nuwa, you are free to move with prawns." Jia Zhengjin said with a smile, then waved at Yuan Xiaoxian, "Xiaoxian~"

"Master Patriarch!" Yuan Xiaoxian immediately ran happily, "What is this place? I've never seen such a strange house! By the way, why is there a bang outside?"

She thought that Nuwa was a house, wondering why the sound was so loud outside, and the ground kept shaking.

"Want to know?" Jia Zhengjin said with a smile. "Come with me and take you out to play."

"Okay!" Yuan Xiaoxian nodded happily and quickly followed behind him.

After a few minutes.

"Help!-Grandpa! Help me!" On the beach, Yuan Xiaoxian was pale, and she was running desperately with a pile of wood in her hands.

Behind her, several raptors chased after her.

"What about spells? What about your spells?" Jia Zhengjin sat on a slanted coconut tree and shook his head helplessly, "Is it possible to use magic tricks! Silly?"

Yuan Xiaoxian remembered this, quickly throwing away the wood in his hand, and turned to summon a water whip to fight against the velociraptor.

Her combat effectiveness is good, and she quickly ran away several raptors because Jia Zhengjin did not allow her to kill.

When she ran away from the velociraptor, she quickly picked up the wood and ran to Jia Zhengjin. She threw it down to the ground and shouted: "Grandpa, you deceive me! It's not fun at all! And it's dangerous!"

"Eh, eh! Forgot my words again? Be civilized and polite!" Jia Zhengjin snapped his fingersThe sand under Yuan Xiaoxian's feet immediately formed a whip and pumped directly on her ass.

"Ah!!! I was wrong!" Yuan Xiaoxian covered her buttocks in pain and grieved.

"Then what should you say?" Jia Zhengjin asked with a smile.

"Grandpa, what else do you command?"

"That's right!" Jia Zhengjin pointed to the ground. "There is too little wood. Go and cut a little more. If the stone axe I gave you is broken, come to my side and get a new one. You must get as soon as possible tonight. Set up a wooden house, otherwise you have to sleep on the beach, and you may be attacked by dinosaurs at any time!"

Yuan Xiaoxianxin said what is the use of building a wooden house? These behemoths can squash with one foot. But he didn't dare to blame his grandfather, and if he was spanked again, it was very painful.

. Wonderful book house

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