Building a New World - Chapter 625

Published at 25th of December 2023 06:49:30 AM

Chapter 625: Topics about inheritance

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"Ah, yes!" Jia Zhengjin suddenly remembered something, "Connie, is there moss near your den?"

"Moss?" Connie asked suspiciously. "That stuff is everywhere in the forest. Why do you ask this?"

"I mean is there in your nest, I need something called Dragon Nest Moss!" Jia Zhengjin said, "According to the name, it probably grows in your Dragon's nest."

"It's weird! Moss is moss. What's the difference between the forest and my house?" Connie looked sideways at him. "Why do you want these things?"

"Refining medicine!" Jia Zhengjin didn't hide her, "Dragon nest moss can refine advanced life potions, just ask you if you have!"

I heard that it is a material for refining advanced life potions, and Connie was even puzzled: "I have never heard of moss in the advanced life potions formula!"

"You still know refining medicine?" Jia Zhengjin was a little surprised.

"Of course! Anyway, I have lived for thousands of years. What haven't I seen anything? Honestly, what are you doing?"

"It's really a high-level life potion, don't believe I can show it to you in person!"

"Really?" Connie looked closely at Jia Zhengjin for a while, and he didn't see a strange look on his face. He said he was kidding?

Jia Zhengjin spread his hands together: "It's true! You tell me, is there any?"

Seeing him doesn't seem to be a lie, Connie thought for a moment: "Yes! My family is quite a lot."

"Will that take me back?" Jia Zhengjin asked hurriedly. "Anyway, this kind of moss is useless for you. By the way, you can clean up your home hygiene, right? Would you like me to help?"

"No!" Connie shook her head. "Let your boy know where my family is, then there will be no peace! I will go back and prepare for it, probably in the afternoon or evening to the Holy Dragon City. I will bring you over, then you go first Right!"

"I don't even think you are going to my city to make me feel restless. You think I'm coming?" Jia Zhengjin felt depressed.

"Any opinions?" Connie gave him a cold look.

Jia Zhengjin felt a trembling and immediately smiled: "Hey! No opinion! Are you just afraid that I will fight your treasure?"

After hearing him mention the treasure, Connie suddenly remembered something: "Yes! Before I felt someone using magic to spy, the other party should not belong to the Warcraft Forest. Plus the spy is just in the direction of the Holy Dragon City, it is a good thing you do Right? Did you learn any weird magic, or did you recruit strange people?"

This kind of thing can't be concealed anyway. If you lie, Connie will definitely see the eyeball monster on her way to Saint Dragon City, and it will be exposed immediately!

So Jia Zhengjin answered honestly: "That's it. Recently, I got a new kind of eyeball monster called Mysterious Eye, which can spy on a very far range. When I tested its ability, I accidentally swept your Lair. Speaking of which, should you know the mysterious eye?"

"Mysterious Eye?" Connie's face showed a confused expression, "I've never heard of it. I'm fairly well-informed, but looking at the history of major races, there's no such thing as a mysterious eye, eyeball monster, etc. Records."

"real or fake?"

"I don't need to lie to you!"

"That's the same thing." Jia Zhengjin thought about it carefully. It seems that this is a system product and does not belong to this world!

"I'll check it out when I'm free," Connie said. "That's right. Did Daniel's inheritance find a suitable person? This thing must not be dragged on for too long. Once the Dark Dragon resurrects the evil spirits, the world can no longer. Tranquility! It may even go to destruction!"

"I'm working hard!" Jia Zhengjin sighed, "It's just that people are hard to find, trouble!"

In fact, he didn't tell the truth.

Of course there are suitable people, and Christina is a perfect match, even with a magical potential value of up to 95 points! Then there is also a little Sophie princess, she can meet the requirements by drinking a bottle of potential potion, and Jia Zhengjin does have potential potion!

It is just that these two choices are not suitable for him. One is a woman of her own, and she cannot be allowed to shoulder the important task of saving the world. The other one is not his own person at all, and it is still a very young girl film. Even if you pass it on to her, I am afraid that she will not be able to save the world.

Thinking of this, I could not help but sigh.

Connie sighed when he saw him, thinking she could not find someone to pass on, so depressed, and reminded at the moment: "It is not easy to find the right person. Should you also broaden your horizons?"

"What do you mean?"

"I ask you, have you only tested humans in the Holy Dragon City so far?" Connie looked at him and said, "Do you not count other races?"

"My holy dragon city only has humans and elves. Where are other races?" Jia Zhengjin shook his head. "And the elves have also been tested. I'm not as narrow as you think!"

"Oh?" Connie chuckled. "Are you sure there are only humans and elves in Holy Dragon City?"


Connie looked at him and shook his head: "Is the guard around you, UU reading not an orc?"

"Oh~" Jia Zhengjin just reacted. "You said them? Then I also tested, no!"

"And goblins?" Connie said again. "There are a lot of goblins in the city. Have you tried them yet? The goblins are naturally magical geniuses, maybe they will be eligible!"

"Are you teasing me?" Jia Zhengjin didn't believe it. "The forest goblin can still accept human heritage? Are you kidding me?"

"There is no absolute in this world!" Connie said with a smile. "Maybe they won't work, but how do you know if you don't try? There are many things in this world that cannot be inferred by common sense. Maybe you think that what you take for granted is impossible for him. Yes. Maybe you think it is illogical, but he exists?"

Although Jia Zhengjin felt unlikely, Connie's words made him unable to contemplate. There is no loss anyway, you can try it after going back: "Then what do you mean, any race may accept Daniel's inheritance?"

"Who knows?" Connie laughed. "Carefully verify, be bold! Do you not get the answer?"

"According to what you said, shouldn't I also test your dragon clan!" Jia Zhengjin said silently, "Maybe your dragon clan can still have a dragon hero!"

When Connie heard this, she couldn't help but give him a blank look: "Leave me sparse! How can a dragon clan appear a dragon-slaying hero? Is it fun to cut yourself? Don't talk nonsense about this kind of thing without common sense!"

"Again you said that many illogical things may exist!" Jia Zhengjin shrugged. "Now is it self-slap?"

"Did your kid make me angry on purpose?" Connie frowned, a little displeased on her face. "I'm going to go home and prepare, where do you love to go, hurry up!"

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