Cult of the Sacred Runes - Chapter 589

Published at 16th of August 2022 05:35:12 AM

Chapter 589

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"However, when it comes to the trial tower to hone your movement and combat skills, you can't stop. Deducing supernatural powers is very labor-intensive, and your spirit is easily exhausted. When you are tired, you still go to the trial tower to test!"

Ye Wei glanced at the trial list, sat cross-legged, blocked the five senses, and began to deduce the Kunpeng supernatural power with all his strength.

Soon, one year later, among the three hundred and sixty people, Meng Bai, who had the worst cultivation base, finally stepped into the peak median emperor realm, and the increase list was opened.

Bai Wuji's tenfold increase in combat power has no suspense on the list of high-speed debut Shenwen Dao's latest chapter, this chapter is at the address if you think this chapter is not bad, please don't forget to send it to your QQ group and Weibo. Recommended by friends! R1071

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