Published at 19th of June 2018 04:56:16 AM

Chapter 22

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Chapter  22  Evacuating Rather Than Suppressing (2)


After Wan Dong said that, the room immediately fell into a kind of almost dead silence. Sun Daowai, Sun Xiaoya, Ning Shan, Xu Wenchuan, all of them looked at each other as if they saw a ghosts in daytime.


"Xu Yaoting,you were right just for once,then you thinkthat you are greatest and smartest?Who do you think you are, even my grandfather has no idea about the fire toxin,how could you have?" Without any hide of her contempt for Xu Yaoting, Sun Xiaoya said coldly.


Wan Dongnot cared a dump. He looked at her indifferently. “As a old say goes,doctors cannot treat themselves! This is not unreasonable. I think grandpa Sun must have been a dead end, so that he doesn’t think of it for a while.”


"Xu Yaoting,come off it.!" The more he had heard what Wan Dong said, the more he felt confused, Xu Wenchuan coughed and said.


Wan Dong shook his head and stopped talking, but he kept staring at Sun Daobai.


“Oh,'s interesting.” Sun Daobai couldn't help but laughed,he looked at Wan Dong and said, “Well, maybe Xu Yaoting could really save me.”


Listening to Sun Daobai said this, Wan Dong sighed of relief. It seemed that Sun Daobai could become a Medical Saint ,which really made sense. It was enough to explain that he could gave Wan Dong a chance.


"Evacuatingrather than suppressing!" Wan Dong looked at Sun Daobai and slowly said four words.


When Xu Wenchuan and Sun Xiaoya was thinking the four words hardly, Sun Daobai’s eyes suddenly lighted up, and even brighter than the stars on the sky, which could penetrate people’s hearts.


After many years of friendship with Sun Daobai, of course that Xu Wenchuan could notice the change.


"Sun Daobai,does Xu Yaoting ... does he guess right again?"


"Ha ha ha ... ..." As soon as Xu Wenchuanstopped, Sun Daobai suddenly burst into laughter, and said "If this can also be guess right, then the luck of your baby grandson can really be called greatest."


After Laughing,he ignoredXu Wenchuan, and said to Wan Dong, "Xu Yaoting, today your grandpa Sun owes you a huge favor!Xu Wenchuan, I will take leave first!" Sun Daobai did not stop for a moment and flied away like a bird after speaking.


It was too late for Xu Wenchuan to stop him.


"Stinky, wait, i will get back at you!" After recalled herself, Sun Xiaoya shouted at Wan Dong, and then she chased after Sun Daobai.


Wan Dong knew that Sun Daobai got the meaning of his method and he was also very happy.


Xu Wenchuan was still confused and asked Wan Dong, “Xu Yaoting, what do you mean? What is ‘Evacuating rather than suppressing’?


Wan Dong smiled: "All the fire toxin in the grandpa's body are poisoned and concentrated on his chest and siege on his heart. After a long time, the heart veins die,and he naturally could not survive. Over the years, grandpa Sun. Only blindly trying everything to suppress the fire toxin and preventing them from attacking the heart,which is really the worst way to do. I mean, let grandpa Sun think of a way to evacuate the fire toxin to the limbs and keep fire toxin away from the heart.By this way, the pressure on Grandpa Sun’s heart will be greatly reduced. As long as the heart is inexhaustible, at least Grandpa's life will be no worries at all.”


After Wan Dong finished his speech, Xu Wenchuan was totally shocked. He finally understood why Sun Daobai was so excited. Wan Dong’s idea was really genius.


Sun Daobai had been tossing for several decades by fire toxin. Such a difficult thing,it was so easy to solve by Wan Dong. If he has not seen it with his own eyes, he could not believe it at all. .

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