Published at 17th of April 2024 10:31:26 AM

Chapter 121: 121: I will definitely take it seriously.

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Chapter 121: Chapter 121: I will definitely take it seriously.

Translator: 549690339

Adrian Zhekova said, “Then I’ll pick you guys up tomorrow.”

Seeing Cindy Clarke’s surprised look, Adrian said, “Why are you so surprised?”

“I just didn’t expect you to accompany me to the competition.” For some reason, knowing he would be there made Cindy feel more at ease. Although she was confident in passing the auditions, she still felt nervous.

But now, she was inexplicably calm.

“The competition is at three o’clock tomorrow, so we definitely need to go there early to prepare. It’s better to be at the venue at least half an hour early, right? With plenty of time, we can handle any situations that may arise.” Adrian Zhekova calculated for Cindy.

“So we should arrive before two-thirty. To avoid traffic jams, let’s leave at one-thirty.” Adrian pushed the time forward bit by bit, “So, I’ll come to your place at one o’clock?”

Before Cindy could even agree, Adrian said, “Since it’s already noon, I might as well come to your place in the morning. We can have lunch at your place, and after eating, I’ll take you guys directly to the competition.”

Cindy: ‘

How did the conversation turn into having lunch at her place?

Cindy blinked and accepted the idea.

After all, he was Morgan’s father.

She had said before that she wouldn’t refuse him spending time with Morgan.

Every day, when Cindy brought him food, she would taste dishes from his restaurant as well, and she had tasted quite a lot.

Cindy felt like she had gained a lot of knowledge.

“Taste a different restaurant’s dishes tomorrow. You might get some inspiration.” Adrian said.

The headmaster was sitting in front, although he didn’t turn around, his ears were always on their conversation in the back.

With the seats on the stands close together, the headmaster could hear Adrian and Cindy’s conversation clearly.

The headmaster thought to himself, it seemed that Adrian and Cindy’s relationship was really good.

Listening to their conversation, they sounded like an old married couple.

Furthermore, Adrian cared so much about Cindy’s competition.

From what Adrian said, it seemed like he wanted Cindy to taste all the high-end restaurants under the Pingla Group’s banner.

All to help her perform better in the competition.

Looking at the two of them, they didn’t seem like they had no relationship at all.

So why did Adrian turn his face just now?

He didn’t say anything wrong!

Knowing that Adrian would also be coming, Cindy told Peggy Lewis about it.

So that when Peggy saw Adrian, she wouldn’t be caught off guard without any mental preparation..

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!