Published at 17th of April 2024 10:31:01 AM

Chapter 134: 134: Ordering the Husband

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Chapter 134: Chapter 134: Ordering the Husband

Translator: 549690339

Adrian Zhekova dropped his hand in regret, his index finger gently rubbing the fingertip of his thumb.

Morgan Clarke said, “Cindy, if there’s any physical work to be done at home, just let Uncle do it!”

Morgan looked up at Adrian Zhekova, “He’s a grown man, after all!”

If you want to chase Cindy Clarke, shouldn’t you contribute more to the family? Don’t think he didn’t see it, Adrian Zhekova took advantage of the situation and held Cindy’s hand again just now!

Adrian Zhekova looked at Morgan Clarke coolly.

Good boy!

Indeed, it was time for Cindy Clarke to know that the family is missing a man.

“If there’s any physical work or heavy work that needs to be done, just tell me. Don’t be polite with me.” Adrian Zhekova said, “Is there anything that needs repairing at home? Do you need to change any light bulbs?”

“No no, everything at home is fine.” Cindy hurriedly said, “Then... how about you mince some meat for us by hand?”

“Hm?” Adrian Zhekova asked.

“I have some ideas about the dough for dumplings, and I need to try out a good ratio.” Cindy said, “While I experiment with the dough here, you can help me mince the meat. Actually, we can use a food processor to grind the meat, but the hand-minced texture is better.”

She couldn’t even imagine how close Adrian Zhekova was to her ear right now.

“...I just... I just feel guilty about knowing that you are his father and still calling you Uncle,” Cindy whispered.

“I can’t help but think about how one day, you’ll tell Morgan to help Dad, and that feeling is so nice.” Adrian Zhekova let out a soft laugh, “It feels so warm, like living together as a family.”

Cindy’s face turned incredibly red.

Indeed, she would eventually tell Morgan the truth.

But why did the meaning change as soon as Adrian Zhekova said it?

It was as if... the three of them were living together, like a family of three.

Cindy felt her ears itching and tingling, and she braced herself to say, “You should get started on the meat.”

“Alright.” Adrian Zhekova gladly agreed, finally standing straight.

This slightly relieved the pressure on Cindy.

But then, she heard Adrian Zhekova whisper softly, “You know, this also seems like you’re instructing your husband to do housework.”

Cindy: ‘

Who’s instructing her husband!

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