Published at 17th of April 2024 10:30:56 AM

Chapter 139: 139: The Result

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Chapter 139: Chapter 139: The Result

Translator: 549690339

People don’t often eat too many soup dumplings, as they can get tired of it after a while, so it’s good to prepare a few other dishes.

Considering that soup dumplings are mainly made with a meat filling, no other heavy meat dishes were made.

In addition to boiled bullfrog, a refreshing mung bean jelly was also prepared.

Even the jelly was made by Cindy herself, not bought from outside.

In fact, the process is quite simple: mix the mung bean starch with water to make a starch paste.

Then, slowly add it to boiling water and stir continuously while adding it.

Keep stirring until it becomes a thick solid consistency.

After that, put it into a container that has been greased. In fact, insulated food containers or bowls can also be used.

However, Cindy thought that a square insulated food container would make a more attractive shape.

Pour into the insulated food container, smooth out the top layer, and put it in the refrigerator to set for a while. After that, season it with your favorite flavors.

Then, he added a few ginger strips on top and ate it in one bite. At that time, the dumplings were still a bit hot but not enough to burn the tongue.

Morgan Zhekova watched and followed Adrian’s steps while eating.

But Adrian could eat a whole dumpling in one bite without any problem.

When little Morgan Zhekova stuffed an entire dumpling into his small mouth, it was immediately filled to the brim.

He took a bite and suddenly covered his mouth in amazement.

His chubby little hands covered his full mouth, chewing for a long time, and only after swallowing the dumpling, he asked Cindy, “The soup leaked out just now, so why was there still some inside when I ate it?”

It seemed that Adrian Zhekova had also encountered the same problem, and he was now looking at Cindy.

Although his gaze was perfectly normal, Cindy’s face turned slightly red from embarrassment.

She couldn’t help but feel like something was always off about herself in front of him.

“I added shrimp and crab roe to the meat filling, so there’s still some soup in it when you eat it,” she explained.

“The texture is very layered,” Adrian Zhekova remarked. He could imagine that the judges must have been just as amazed.

“Cindy, when will the results be out?” Morgan picked up a cucumber strip and started munching on it..

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