Published at 6th of February 2024 05:54:00 AM

Chapter 19: 19: Everything is Open for Discussion

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Chapter 19: Chapter 19: Everything is Open for Discussion

Translator: 549690339

“Alright.” Sheldon Rowland agreed, and went out immediately. Adrian Zhekova gently pinched the first knuckle of his forefinger with his thumb.

The person they’d been searching for five years without any trace suddenly appeared before him, showing her ID and bringing a child with her.


He didn’t believe it.

Just now, he had been thinking how there couldn’t be such a stupid plan, yet a woman with a child appeared before him, and her ID showed Nork City.

Unknowingly, she revealed to Sheldon Rowland that she had left Nork City five years ago.

One or two things might be a coincidence. This material is derived from n0v£lbin•

But so many things happening together, could that be a coincidence?

Adrian Zhekova took out an old mobile phone from the drawer, the very one that had been left on his bed years ago.

The mobile phone was full of pictures of cuisine, as well as recipes.

Cindy Clarke was also a chef...

Cindy was embarrassed that Adrian even knew about her.

“Someone questioned me yesterday, saying that I didn’t make the dishes in the videos, and my teaching methods are not good, resulting in bad-tasting dishes,” Cindy said. “So, I want to prove myself through the Cooking Competition.”

“Since I’ve come in person, cooking in front of so many people and having the judges evaluate me, those who doubt me shouldn’t have anything to say,” she added.

“So, I want to sign up for the competition with the name Cain Velman,” Cindy said troubled, “In fact, it’s also because I don’t want to reveal my real name and face. Otherwise, I will have trouble.”

Adrian Zhekova looked at Cindy, silently sizing her up.

Except for being beautiful and having a good figure, she seemed entirely ordinary.

What kind of trouble could she have?

Somehow, even without evidence, Adrian Zhekova couldn’t help but link Cindy to the owner of the old mobile phone.

“During the auditions, there’s no issue. But later on...” Adrian Zhekova hesitated, “That question will need to be considered only if you successfully advance.”

If she can’t progress, there’s no point in considering whether to reveal her face.

“If you’re good enough afterward, the major competition can make an exception for you,” Adrian Zhekova said realistically. If someone is skilled enough, everything is negotiable.

If not, don’t bother.

Cindy didn’t get angry. Instead, this stirred her pride, “I will definitely advance..”

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