Published at 10th of May 2024 04:57:58 AM

Chapter 223: 223: 223: A Question

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Chapter 223 - 223: 223: A Question

Translator: 549690339

“So now, the top 30 contestants for this Cooking Competition have been decided, congratulations to all of you. For those who have not advanced, don’t be discouraged. The fact that you made it into the top 50 out of thousands of contestants nationwide is already an outstanding accomplishment. We hope you will continue to work hard, and if you’re willing, we welcome you to participate again next year. By then, we’re sure to see an even better performance from you all,” Grace Green said.

“Next, we invite the judges to announce the theme for the next round of the competition. Contestants can use the time before the next round to think and prepare, ” Grace Green continued.

Michael Greene then announced, “The theme for the next round is ‘Ocean’.”

The advancing contestants looked at each other, all somewhat perplexed.

Such a broad theme was both easy and difficult to work with.

The scope of the theme was wide, giving them many options.

However, precisely because the scope was so broad, it was difficult to focus on the key points.

“Today’s competition concludes here; thank you all for attending. We’ll see you next time,” Grace Green ended.

As soon as Grace Green finished speaking, a voice rang out, “Hold on! I have a question!”

“I have a question,” Zoe Silverstone said, not waiting for Grace Green and the judges to react.

Zoe then pointed at Cindy Clarke and said, “I have doubts about Cain Velman’s vote count.”

Grace Green maintained her smile, “If you have any doubts, please feel free to report to us afterward. The judges and the organizers will definitely provide a fair and impartial explanation.”

“What can’t be said here?” Zoe Silverstone coldly replied, “The audience and the livestream viewers are all here. Let’s get things cleared up in front of everyone.”

Zoe Silverstone was determined to stir up trouble – if she couldn’t have it good, neither could Cain Velman!

Michael Greene’s impression of Zoe Silverstone wasn’t very positive. He frowned slightly, “Alright, since you insist on making things clear here, go ahead.”

“From the organizers to us five judges, we have all followed the rules and acted fairly and impartially in this competition. We have a clear conscience and are not afraid of your doubts, ” Wesley Gordon coldly stated.

“The rules of this competition had flaws to begin with. It allowed the audience to vote, yet just now, I saw Pingla Group’s Adrian Zhekova and his family members all voting for Cain Velman,” Zoe Silverstone said. “Let’s assume their votes were taken away from the audience.”

“Most of the audience went to Cain Velman’s booth only after they saw Adrian and his family go there. They figured that if Adrian and his family were eating Cain Velman’s food, naturally, they had to try it too.. In that case, how could

Cain Velman’s vote count not be high?”

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!