Published at 10th of May 2024 04:57:43 AM

Chapter 226: 226: 226: Questionable Character

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Chapter 226 - 226: 226: Questionable Character

Translator: 549690339

“Cindy Clarke’s face looks so naturally beautiful,” said some audience members, overhearing the conversation and laughing.

“Absolutely. We’ve studied this stuff quite a bit, and we can tell if someone’s had work done in a glance. Cindy is genuinely a naturally beautiful woman,” added another.

“Before Cindy revealed her face, Zoe Silverstone’s fans used to say Cindy was ugly. They praised Zoe as if she was the only pretty girl around. I wonder if their faces hurt now,” someone said, laughing.

“I’m not a fan, but I have to admit Cindy Clarke is more beautiful,” someone added. She even rivals some celebrities.

“Heh, now that Cindy’s revealed her face, Zoe can’t be so arrogant anymore. That’s satisfying!” another person exclaimed.

“Now, it’s really embarrassing for whoever’s uglier,” someone chimed in.

Zoe Silverstone never expected that, after being forced to the breaking point, Cindy Clarke would take off her mask!This chapter is updated by nov(e)(l)

“Are you satisfied now?” Cindy said coldly, with a hint of mockery in her eyes.

She had already made her decision, but there’s a huge difference between choosing something for herself and being forced by Zoe Silverstone. Indeed, she was going to reveal her face sooner or later – she couldn’t hide forever.

“I’ve cleared up your suspicions about my face,” Cindy said coldly. “Now, you’re questioning my cooking skills, right?”

“In fact, I anticipated it. I entered this competition because you hired an online troll army to discredit my cooking skills, saying that I didn’t dare to reveal my face because I’m ugly, and that my cooking is terrible. You even claimed that I hired someone else to do the cooking for me,” Cindy continued.

Many in the audience were still unaware of the truth.

“So, I came here to prove myself,” Cindy said with a cold chuckle. “During the auditions, I ranked 11th, while you barely advanced, ranking 50th.”

“Today, I won first place, and you were eliminated,” Cindy’s every word was like a slap to Zoe’s face.

“Now, you’re discontented and questioning the competition results and the judges’ professionalism,” Cindy said coldly.

Zoe’s face turned red in anger, “Don’t try to put words in my mouth! I didn’t question the judges!”

“I got a total of 911 votes, with 30 of them from the judges. The audition results were also determined by the judges. So, by questioning the legitimacy of my scores, aren’t you questioning the judges?” Cindy suddenly raised her voice.

“Out of the 1000 audience votes and 50 judges’ votes on the scene, I received 90 audience votes. Are you saying my scores are inflated? Who inflates their scores by only 9%? You claim that the audience only tried my cuisine because it’s trendy, but even if they did, only 90 people followed?”

“I understand you’re unsatisfied with losing, but casually denying my achievements, my abilities, and even slandering me and the judges – that shows a problem with your character..”

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