Published at 10th of May 2024 04:57:33 AM

Chapter 232: 232: 232: Nork City

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Chapter 232 - 232: 232: Nork City

Translator: 549690339

“But now that I’ve tasted it, I realize that Cain Velman does have her unique merits. Her ingenious ideas and creativity are beyond my reach,” Larry Bennett straightened his back, “However, this superiority is only temporary. I will improve and won’t always lose to her.”

Natalie Campbell smiled and nodded, “Me too.”

Michael Greene and others couldn’t help but approve with a nod, the two of them were not being insincere.

Just like Zoe Silverstone, despite being clearly inferior, they insisted on criticizing Cindy Clarke’s culinary skills.

If Larry Bennett and Natalie Campbell also held that Cindy Clarke’s cooking was not as good as theirs, then today’s live broadcast would have turned into a joke.

“Thank you,” Cindy Clarke sincerely told both of them.

“Let Zoe Silverstone get off the stage already!”

“Yes, both the second and third place finishers admit that Cain Velman’s food tastes better. What else do you have left to say!”

“You lost and yet you’re still not admitting to it. Shameless!”

“If I knew, I wouldn’t have eaten Zoe Silverstone’s dish but Cindy Clarke’s skewers instead. I missed out.”

Grace Green immediately announced: “Today’s live broadcast will now come to an end. Some accidents took place during the broadcast, we kindly ask for everyone’s understanding.”

However, Christy Xenos still enjoyed being treated with respect and flattery by the restaurant staff as the boss.

Each time she checked on the restaurant, she wouldn’t really talk much, but would feel satisfied when others complimented her a few times.

“What are you watching, Wendy?” Christy Xenos sat down and asked.

“The Pingla Group’s Cooking Competition.” Wendy Clarke answered and then suddenly turned her head, “Where have you been, Mom?”

“I didn’t go anywhere, I just went to check on the restaurant,” Christy Xenos had gone to grab a strawberry.

Wendy Clarke’s face fell: “What are you doing at the restaurant again? You can’t help with anything, stop interfering unnecessarily.”

In the beginning, Christy Xenos didn’t just show up at the restaurant.

Back then, the Xenos family owned a small restaurant and even though it was small, it was still a restaurant and Christy Xenos had experience running it.

She didn’t think there’d be a huge difference between running a high-end restaurant or a small restaurant.

So, Christy Xenos felt that she was the boss and started interfering in the restaurant’s operation, inevitably making both the minor and major decisions a mess.

Once Wendy Clarke found out, she scolded Christy Xenos severely and forbade her from interfering with the restaurant in any way.

When Wendy Clarke became angry, Christy Xenos was frightened and immediately promised not to meddle in the restaurant’s affairs again.

But she still couldn’t resist showing up at the restaurant every day, just showing her face and enjoying the delight of being the boss..

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!