Published at 20th of May 2024 12:42:29 PM

Chapter 266: 266 I’m the One Who’s Talking

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Chapter 266: 266: I’m the One Who’s TalkingƁʘXNƟVEL.CΟM

Translator: 549690339

He then remembered that he did indeed discuss the topic of marriage with Cindy Clarke tonight.

But he was mercilessly rejected.

Not quite rejected, more like Cindy thought it was too soon.

Old Madam was reminded by Adrian Zhekova: “That’s right, I need to change my Whatsapp name now, calling it that is no longer suitable.”

Despite grumbling about Adrian, Old Madam was actually quite ecstatic inside.

Her grandson had accomplished everything in one go!

He even brought her a great-grandson this big!

Old Madam moved quickly and, within a few moments, changed her Whatsapp name to: “My Adrian is taken!”

Old Master looked at her sideways, and Old Madam stopped talking.

Old Madam knew when to give Old Master some face.

“I won’t let my relationship with you deteriorate. I say this because I have confidence in Cindy, and I know you will like her too,” Adrian Zhekova said. “But I also want to express my stance. No matter what you think, my relationship with Cindy won’t change.”

Adrian Zhekova smiled at Old Madam: “So, Grandmother, you can go ahead and tell your old friends. There won’t be any surprises between Cindy and me. She will be your granddaughter-in-law and can’t run away.”

“Alright then!” Old Madam happily picked up her mobile phone again.

Adrian Zhekova smiled at Old Master again: “Grandfather, don’t have any negative feelings toward Cindy because of what I said. She is too innocent, and I was the one who said all those words.”

“Humph!” Old Master remained silent.

“Moreover, we just officially got together tonight. Right after confessing, I left her to come back and tell you guys. She doesn’t even know what I’ve said,” Adrian Zhekova explained further.

Having expressed his attitude and stance, it was time to explain properly to the Old Master.

“Alright, I’m not such a petty person, and I won’t vent my anger on an innocent young lady,” Old Master said, looking at Adrian Zhekova with displeasure..

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