Published at 6th of February 2024 05:53:19 AM

Chapter 27: 27: He’s Not Worthy!

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Chapter 27: Chapter 27: He’s Not Worthy!

Translator: 549690339

Without a sound, Cindy Clarke slipped her right hand into her bag and stealthily activated her mobile phone’s recording function without taking it out.

“Teacher Linda, don’t say anything. I want to hear what the headmaster and Arthur Woods’s mother mean.” Cindy whispered, “If you speak out, leaving aside how the Woods Family will hold us accountable, based on yesterday’s incident, we will have to place all the responsibility on you.” Teacher Linda’s expression suddenly became bitter.

Arthur Woods had fought with Morgan Clarke.

While Arthur Woods was from another class, Morgan Clarke was a child in her class. The source of this content can be connected to n0v3lb!n★

Indeed, all of this was her responsibility.

More than that, she only discovered that Morgan had left the kindergarten quite a while after he had gone.

This responsibility was just too great!

Just enough for the conversation inside to clearly filter out.

Inside, Arthur Woods’s mother was saying: “Headmaster, our family donates nearly ten million to the school each year, not for our Arthur to be bullied in school. ”

“Nearly ten million, and given annually, it’s no small sum. The nursery maintained its status as one of Belfard’s top ten prestigious kindergartens largely thanks to our donations.”

“Yes, I’m aware.” The headmaster hastily nodded, “It’s thanks to your family’s sponsorship that our kindergarten can keep up in terms of teaching faculty and infrastructure, including annual winter and summer exchange camps with foreign kindergartens. All of this is reliant on those funds.”

All of these cost money.

Although Nelly Woods held a high and mighty attitude, the kindergarten was heavily dependent on the Woods Family’s sponsorship.

“We’re not giving our money for nothing. Isn’t it because we want our Arthur to have a comfortable time here? You’ve got the reputation of a prestigious kindergarten, but when admitting children, don’t you check their family background?”

“His family, the Clarkes, are nobodies. Aside from the necessary fees, they pay for nothing. I’d wager their money for this kindergarten has been squeezed out of a tight budget. How dare such people cause trouble for our Arthur!”

“Just because you kindergartens are wealthy and willing to take all, it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t check the students’ family conditions. You take in any poor person!” Nelly Woods said angrily, “Morgan Clarke, what right does he have to quarrel with Arthur! He’s not even worthy!”

“Mrs. Woods, rest assured, our kindergarten definitely will not tolerate such actions.” The headmaster immediately responded, “Arthur has always been treated like a little prince in our kindergarten.. If anyone dares to provoke him, I, as the headmaster, will be the first to object!”

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