Published at 23rd of May 2024 05:17:04 AM

Chapter 275: 275 A Feeling of Sudden Enlightenment

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Chapter 275: 275: A Feeling of Sudden EnlightenmentBƟXNƟVEL.CʘM

Translator: 549690339

Adrian Zhekova opened Whatsapp and looked at it with Cindy Clarke.

Unexpectedly, Ian Morris had sent a voice message.

However, judging by the length of the audio, it must be brief.

“Should we listen?” Cindy Clarke was behaving incredibly well-behaved now.

“Of course, why not?” Adrian Zhekova said.

But he did not open it immediately. Instead, he pulled Cindy Clarke closer into his arms, holding her comfortably as if she were a body pillow.

Only then did he casually click on the voice message from Ian Morris.

Immediately, they heard Ian Morris’s voice: “Cindy, are you asleep yet?”

His voice sounded somewhat weak.

However, Ian Morris’s voice was still pleasant to hear.

Adrian Zhekova scoffed and said, “Sending a voice message to a girl so late at night is clearly flirtatious.”

“Why?” Cindy Clarke asked.

“Then, you’re really amazing.” Cindy Clarke couldn’t help but say.

Just after Cindy Clarke finished speaking, Adrian Zhekova suddenly leaned down and pressed his lips firmly against hers.

“Naughty!” Adrian Zhekova chuckled softly.

While Cindy Clarke was still dazed, Adrian Zhekova had already taken her phone and pressed the talk button.

He simply said two words: “Sleeping.”

Then he let go, and the message was automatically sent.

When Cindy Clarke realized it, the message had already been sent.

Her blushing ears fluttered a few times, unable to stop it.

Adrian Zhekova looked down and saw it.

Cindy Clarke’s blushing, fluttering ears were very amusing.

Adrian Zhekova couldn’t help but raise his hand and pinch her earlobes a couple of times.

“I replied for you, are you mad?” Adrian Zhekova asked with a low laugh.

Cindy Clarke shook her head: “You’re with me, after all. And... regardless of whether he genuinely likes me or not. If he does, your reply clarifies our relationship. If not, your reply doesn’t matter anyway..”

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