Published at 6th of February 2024 05:53:14 AM

Chapter 30: 30: Malicious

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Chapter 30: Chapter 30: Malicious The link to the origin of this information rests in n0v3lb!n★

Translator: 549690339

Morgan Clarke, the little clever imp, didn’t wait for Nelly Woods to explain. Clinging to Cindy Clarke’s leg, he shouted loudly, “Arthur Woods said I’m a bastard without a father. He said my mom doesn’t have self-respect, and that she had me at a young age without being married. He also said...”

The headmaster could not allow him to continue speaking. This little fellow is really too clever.

Arthur Woods is just a child, and it’s indeed excessive for him to say these things.

Moreover, everyone present is not foolish.

How would a child know these things?

It must have been the adults who mentioned these things and the child remembered them.

Nelly Woods must have often bad-mouthed Cindy Clarke at home.

Cindy Clarke tightly covered Morgan Clarke’s ears, preventing these foul words from entering his ears.

With a cold laugh, she questioned the headmaster, ‘You asked Morgan why he fought. This is the reason! Usually, Morgan doesn’t complain about how he is treated, and he endures everything. But when someone insults his mother, he can’t stand it.”

“He said that as a son, he can’t just stand by and watch others insult his mother without doing anything!” Cindy Clarke’s eyes were red, and she was furious.

“Fighting is not right for children, but what about the one who started insulting first? Is that right? Is this the so-called family education? Morgan doesn’t have a father. hilt he never insults others carelesslv! Arthur Woods has

both parents, yet he insults people’s mothers as soon as he speaks!”

“Since you think you are wealthy and have a good family background, shouldn’t you also pay attention to family education? When the nursery admits children, they really shouldn’t just look at money but also the child’s upbringing and manners!”

“At such a young age, the words are so malicious! Children may not understand how hurtful these words are. But don’t adults understand? If adults don’t constantly say these things, will children know them?”

“Children fighting is wrong. But fighting involves both sides. I fully support the two children to apologize to each other, shake hands, and make peace.

However, Arthur Woods must also apologize for insulting Morgan and me!” Cindy Clarke said firmly..

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