Published at 6th of February 2024 05:53:09 AM

Chapter 34: 34: I Didn’t Mean to Eavesdrop

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Chapter 34: Chapter 34: I Didn’t Mean to Eavesdrop

Translator: 549690339

So, even if he was wronged or bullied, he wouldn’t tell Cindy, and he’d bear it himself.

Cindy had been working so hard, and he didn’t want her to worry or be sad.

This was the first time a reliable man had told him that if he felt wronged, he could speak up.

Morgan was crying, while his mouth moved mushily. The link to the origin of this information rests in n0v3lb!n★

He always thought he didn’t need a dad.

He and Cindy had always lived well together.

But at this moment, he suddenly longed for a reliable dad.

When they were bullied, someone who could confidently say, “If you’ve been wronged, tell me.”

“Wah – -” Morgan cried out loudly.

Crying so hard he couldn’t catch his breath, as if trying to cry out all the grievances over the years.

Cindy’s heart ached as she watched.

If he hadn’t been so wronged, how could this child cry like this?

Only when he grew older did he realize a family should have a father.

He once asked Cindy, “Where is my dad?”

Cindy didn’t lie to him. She just said that she didn’t know and that his father was gone since she was pregnant with him.

Although Morgan did not understand, he knew he couldn’t ask any further.

He was afraid it would make Cindy sad.

So, he never asked again.

Cindy never told him how she became pregnant with him.

But now, how did Morgan know?

Morgan sniffed and snuggled into Adrian Zhekova’s arms, saying, “I overheard you talking to Godmother. I... I didn’t mean to eavesdrop...

With that, Morgan said in a weak voice, “Okay, I admit, I did eavesdrop. I was curious!”

Cindy didn’t know what to say, but now wasn’t the time to argue with Morgan about this.

Adrian Zhekova gave Cindy a cryptic look.


Adrian Zhekova slightly lowered his eyes, while Morgan’s chubby hand was clasping his clothes, “They don’t know anything, and they blame Cindy!”

Adrian Zhekova gently patted Morgan’s back and said to the headmaster, “My opinion is the same— between Morgan and Arthur Woods, only one can stay..”

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