Published at 6th of February 2024 05:53:03 AM

Chapter 40: 40: The Mysterious Discovery

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Chapter 40: Chapter 40: The Mysterious Discovery

Translator: 549690339

Cindy felt her face “explode” in embarrassment, burning hot.

Her nose pressed against his shirt, and his mint scent became even stronger.

Adrian Zhekova lowered his head, his gaze intensely focusing on her forehead.

Cindy still had a hand on Morgan Clarke, while the other helplessly tried to push Adrian away.

Her face turned completely red.

“Watch where you put your hands,” Adrian accused her, as if she was intentionally taking advantage of him.

Cindy was dumbfounded.

Wasn’t it just a little push?

He swallowed deeply before finally stepping back a bit. The initial instance of this chapter being available happened at N0v3l.Bin.

At last, Cindy could breathe, but she was too embarrassed to look him in the eye.

Morgan Clarke was also astonished!

Did... did he give Adrian the opportunity to take advantage of her?!

Morgan Clarke indignantly extended his little chubby hand, giving Adrian a slap on the face.

Adrian Zhekova: ‘

However, before she entered, she saw through the full-length glass window that Cindy was with a man.

But that was not the most surprising thing.

The most astonishing thing was that the man was Adrian Zhekova!

They had just discussed him last night- the prince of the Zhekova Family, CEO of Pingla Group, the man in power of the Zhekova Family.

But there was something even more shocking!

Peggy Lewis strangely found that Morgan Clarke looked so much like Adrian Zhekova!

She had never noticed it before since she had never interacted with Adrian, and one couldn’t really tell from pictures.

But now, seeing them together in person provided a very straightforward comparison.

Peggy Lewis was horrified to find that they looked so alike!

Could... could Adrian be Morgan Clarke’s father?!

Although Peggy found her speculation incredible, she couldn’t help but think that way.

Peggy wouldn’t dare disturb Cindy at that moment and quickly snuck away.

She planned to ask Cindy about it again that night.

When Cindy returned home, she used scissors to cut off the plastic tag on the slippers for Adrian.

Then, she brewed Adrian some tea and brought out her homemade cookies: “These are my own recipe, unlike those store-bought ones with added flavorings and colors. Give them a try.”

Morgan Clarke proudly added, “All my snacks are homemade by Cindy, and they are delicious!”

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!