Published at 6th of February 2024 05:52:38 AM

Chapter 55: 55: You Didn ‘t Ask Me for It

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Chapter 55: Chapter 55: You Didn ‘t Ask Me for It

Translator: 549690339

Although it didn’t look like there was a main dish, the actual nutritional combination was enough and filling.

Cindy used the remaining ingredients to casually make herself a wrap.

Since she had to deliver food at noon, her meals were always simple.

This time, the wrap was made with dough mixed with strawberry juice, and she wanted to see how it tasted. If it was good, she could make it for her customers.

Visually, the pink wrap was very appealing and girlish at heart.

After packing everything, Cindy took some individually wrapped Snowflake Crisp with her.

She prepared these as gifts, for the customers to taste and provide feedback.

If it was well-received, she could stock them in the store.

Carrying all this, Cindy went and delivered the meals.

Finally, she arrived at Pingla Group.

After handing over the lunch to her customer, she said, “This is a new Snowflake Crisp I made. Please try it and let me know what you think. If there’s anything I can improve, please provide feedback.”

Eleanor Thompson, a regular customer of Cindy, immediately nodded with excitement, “An internet-famous snack! I’ve been wanting to buy this. Don’t worry, I’ll tell you after I eat it.”

Adrian Zhekova entered from outside and saw Cindy.

She looked up and saw their CEO.

“C-C-C-CEO!” Eleanor stammered, scared.

Cindy was also startled, suddenly turning around to find Adrian right behind her.

“A-Adrian Sir...” Cindy exclaimed.

What was Adrian doing behind her?

Cindy quickly stepped back to create some distance between them.

For now, Adrian didn’t argue with her about his title and glanced at the bag in Eleanor’s hand.

He asked Cindy, “Are you here to deliver food?”

Cindy nodded, “Yes.”

Seeing the situation, Eleanor hurriedly said, “Um... CEO, Cindy, I’m going back first.”

Without waiting for Adrian’s reaction, she turned and ran.

Sheldon and the others around him:

It seemed that the CEO was not there for the female employee, but for that young girl.

Adrian looked down at the bag in Cindy’s hand and asked, “Did you bring my lunch?”

Cindy’s eyes widened in surprise, “You didn’t ask me to..”

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