Published at 7th of February 2024 07:18:02 AM

Chapter 68: 68: Don ‘t You Understand Either?

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Chapter 68: Chapter 68: Don ‘t You Understand Either?

Translator: 549690339

Then, she sent a location map to Cindy Clarke.

Cindy Clarke: “Okay, let me know if you or your friends have any dietary preferences, dislikes, or allergies, and I’ll avoid them.”

Grandson, When Will You Find a Partner?: “Okay, let me make a list and send it to you.”

The next day, Cindy Clarke was less busy since she only prepared lunch for Adrian Zhekova.

She chose rice as the main dish for Adrian Zhekova, considering he’s always busy working and would need a more filling meal to last him through the day.

beautiful red color with a slight golden hue on both sides, then set them aside in a dish.

She also fried the shrimp heads in the pot until the shrimp oil came out, making it brightly red and delicious-looking.

She mixed the cooked rice with egg yolk and the fried shrimp oil, making sure that each grain of rice was coated.

Every grain of rice was now covered in egg yolk and shrimp oil.

Then, she fried the rice in the pot until it was dry and fluffy, added cooked green peas, and scooped it out once it was ready.

Cindy Clarke placed a layer of lettuce in the food container before putting the fried rice on it.

Once everything was ready, she got on her electric bicycle and headed to the Pingla Group, just in time.

Cindy Clarke thought for a moment and sent Adrian Zhekova a message on Whatsapp: “I’ve arrived at the company. Should I leave the lunch at the reception desk for you?

She figured Adrian Zhekova might not have time to come down and get the meal himself, and would probably ask Sheldon Rowland to pick it up.

Adrian Zhekova was in a meeting, nearing its conclusion.

Suddenly, a Whatsapp notification chimed.

The clear sound was unusually loud in the conference room.

Everyone was shocked, breaking out in cold sweat – they had all set their mobile phones to silent during the meeting, right?

They exchanged glances.

Whoever didn’t silence their phone was in for a scolding!

Everyone knew about their CEO’s bad temper, and yet someone dared to leave their phone’s sound on during a meeting!

However, the sound seemed to be coming from the CEO’s direction.

Who would be so bold as to let their mobile phone make noise so close to the

CEO?The initial posting of this chapter occurred via N0v3l.B11n.

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