Published at 12th of February 2024 07:34:26 AM

Chapter 74: 74: I Thought It Was My Own

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Chapter 74: Chapter 74: I Thought It Was My Own

Translator: 549690339

“What?” Cindy Clarke looked at his open palm blankly, not understanding.

Adrian Zhekova directly reached out, taking the spoon and chopsticks from her hand.

When he took them, his hands inevitably touched hers.

Cindy’s fingers seemed to be shocked, tingling, making her hand go limp.

Her fingers unconsciously loosened, and she could no longer grasp the chopsticks and spoon.

Fortunately, Adrian Zhekova had already secured her chopsticks and spoon by then.

Adrian then took the salmon, along with the vegetable salad and poached eggs from his food container, using the spoon and chopsticks, and placed them all together in Cindy’s container.

“Help me finish this,” Adrian casually shared his food with Cindy.

However, he seemed to have forgotten that the chopsticks and spoon were hers.

He naturally took a scoop of fried rice with Cindy’s spoon, and picked up a shrimp with her chopsticks, placing it on the fried rice, then stuffed it into his mouth.

Cindy: ‘

Cindy looked at Adrian in shock, speechless for a long time.

He used her spoon and chopsticks, which hadn’t been washed.

As Cindy struggled with her dilemma, Adrian smiled at her, “Eat, why aren’t you eating?

Cindy: ‘

She couldn’t just tell him she was bothered by his saliva and wanted to wash the utensils, right?

Cindy had no choice but to smile and nod, indicating she would eat.

Then, she steeled herself and used the spoon Adrian had just used to scoop up some salmon and vegetable salad to eat.

Anyway, since his saliva was already on it, eating once, twice, or thrice didn’t make a difference.

So Cindy started to give up caring.

Adrian finished his own lunch first.

He hadn’t eaten the crepes yet, so he took them out and put them on a separate plate, planning to snack on them when he was hungry later in the afternoon. For the empty food container, Adrian took it to the restroom to wash it clean. Cindy hurried to stop him, “I can take it home and wash it.”

“It’s fine, I can clean it very thoroughly, ” Adrian replied, already entering the restroom.

Cindy stopped eating and quickly followed him.

She then saw him turn on the faucet.

It was hard for Cindy to imagine Adrian doing this sort of thing.

But now, she saw the hands that were probably only used for signing documents, washing the food container.

His long, jade-like hands seemed out of place doing this task..

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