Published at 12th of February 2024 07:34:25 AM

Chapter 75: 75: The Image is Ruined

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Chapter 75: Chapter 75: The Image is Ruined

Translator: 549690339 This chapter was first shared on the Ñøv€lß1n platform.

“Let me do it.” Cindy reached out to take the food container.

Adrian Zhekova immediately dodged to the side, leaving Cindy to grab at nothing, and she nearly lost her balance.

Her hand searched for a place to steady herself but inadvertently landed on Adrian Zhekova’s arm.

Adrian Zhekova looked down at her hand, then met her eyes.

Cindy quickly pulled back her hand, thinking she must be crazy!

“You prepared a delicate lunch for me, so it’s only right that I wash the container, isn’t it?” Adrian Zhekova said with a faint smile.

“But you prepared lunch for me, too.” It was much more precious than what she had given him.

While they were talking, Adrian Zhekova quickly and skillfully washed the container clean.

Then, he stood still.

Cindy looked up at him, puzzled.

Adrian Zhekova raised an eyebrow: “I was about to use the restroom. Do you want to watch?”

Cindy’s face turned bright red with embarrassment.

She turned and bolted away as if someone were chasing her.

“Hey, wait a minute.” Adrian Zhekova called out from behind her. Cindy had already run out and stopped when she heard his voice, feeling extremely awkward.

She hesitated whether to go back or not.

He had just been teasing her earlier, but she still remembered it.

Her constant reminders of this incident seemed to tarnish his image.

“I’ll go now...” Adrian Zhekova said with a wooden face and finally let go of


“Wait here for a moment.”

Without waiting for Cindy’s response, he went to the restroom.

Only then did Cindy gasp for air.

She just realized that when she was close to him, even her breathing had become careful and cautious.

Cindy felt her ears burning, and reaching up, she found her face hot as well.

She did not have the habit of carrying a mirror with her, so she took out her mobile phone and turned on the front-facing camera to take a look.

Although the front camera’s resolution was not as high as a mirror, it was still sufficient.

It captured Cindy’s flushed face.

Had she looked like this just now?

It was so embarrassing!

“Are you eat-” Adrian Zhekova came out and saw Cindy holding her phone to her face, not yet finishing his sentence.

Cindy quickly put away the phone, feeling even more embarrassed.

“I should go now.” Cindy held her phone uneasily.

Seeing that she had finished her lunch, Adrian Zhekova nodded without insisting that she stay longer..

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