Daily American Drama - Chapter 1068

Published at 31st of October 2021 10:44:04 AM

Chapter 1068: 1068

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TBBT4A apartment.

"Aren't you quitting?"

Howard looked at Leonard who declared sovereignty in surprise.

"I did not say anything!"

Leonard shook his head and said: "I'm just surprised that you would come up with such an idea!

Didn't say if this is a good idea! "


Seeing this, Howard nodded and said: "In this case, wait for you to finish, dibs!"


Leonard's face turned dark: "Penny is the love of my life, our children will be beautiful and intelligent, and I will never abandon her..."

"I didn't say you abandoned her."

Howard smiled: "I said that dibs was waiting for her to dump you.

Although she took the initiative to dump you!

But according to general rules, she will still be sad.

At least it will show a certain amount of sadness.

At this time, it is equivalent to dumping her... Well, 50% success rate of getting in after being sad!

This is already a very high probability, a good opportunity.

And then you will definitely be obsessed and unwilling to let go.

At that time, Petunia will make an impulse to make you give up.

The chance of discussing directly with me, your good friend, will be greater than 50%...

Adding the two, the probability is greater than 100%, do I say there is a problem with dibs? "

"no problem."

Rajesh was excited: "dibs!"

"Do you want to be friends with Adam?"

Leonard's face turned black, suppressed angrily.

"of course."

Howard and Rajesh nodded.

It's the old two-dimensional element. For creators, they naturally want to get close.

Besides, this is Adam Duncan!

"Then tell you a rule in advance."

Leonard said with a black face: "Adam has set rules for his friends, and all his friends must abide by them.

Don’t pursue your friends’ girlfriends, ex-girlfriends, friendswithbenefits, and relatives..."

Having said this, Leonard glanced at Howard and added: "Yy and lipstick are not good either!"

"Is it so strict?"

Howard was taken aback: "Did you pull the hook?"

"No hook needed."

Leonard laughed and said: "Adam's words are naturally coercive.

Those who do not comply will end up miserably! "


Howard's face froze.

He felt he was being targeted.

It is one thing to pursue not to pursue, because he has never succeeded.

But yy and lipstick are not good?

That's too hard for him to romanticize the little prince!

Then he found Huadian: "Hey, no, if that's the case, then why do you still agree with my best policy?

Although it's the Penny you fancy first, but when you introduce Penny to Adam, that is Adam's rule category, and you will be out of play.

Unless you lie to me!

In fact, there is no such rule at all, right? "

"Of course there is."

Sheldon explained: "Adam is very traditional in this regard.

He doesn't want the confusion of the circle of friends, and has strict requirements in this regard.

This is one of the few places where I admire him.

With this time, let’s watch more comics and watch more movies, okay? "

Seeing Howard and Rajesh had no sense of identity at all, Sheldon shook his head in disappointment: "As for Leonard, you still think what you are talking about is the best policy.

That's because he understands that Adam would not like Petunia at all.

Although Penny is much higher in quality than the 200-plus catties transvestite next door.

It is beautiful in your eyes, what cheesecake goddess is it!

But she wants IQ but not IQ.

The figure and appearance are completely incomparable with those of Adam’s female good friends.

There are no outstanding achievements, interesting professions, interesting souls.

She can be admired by Adam, just like Leonard can win the Nobel Prize in Physics!

Not to mention Leonard introduced her to Adam.

Adam is a doctor, an excellent general practitioner, and he is extremely proficient in psychology.

Leonard couldn't hide the look in Petunia's eyes from Adam.

As long as he saw it, he wouldn't even touch Penny! "

"So Leonard didn't really want to introduce Petunia to Adam."

Howard suddenly realized: "He only needs to give Penny hope first, and then take her to see Adam, let Adam's attitude completely extinguish her hope.

This is positive and negative, in terms of Adam's allure for women.

It's not much worse than breaking up after an unforgettable love.

At that time, Petunia will be very fragile and easy to be taken advantage of.

And this point in time was on the day Adam came.

There is no need to wait for several years or more, no need to wait a few months, or even a few weeks..."

Leonard wanted to be reserved, but couldn't help but lift his chin, and the curvature of the corners of his mouth couldn't be controlled at all.

This wave, he is in the atmosphere!

See who said he is a single love idiot by strength!

His IQ is 173!

"Okay, you!"

Howard looked at Leonard with admiration.

"Leinard is awesome!"

Rajesh also gave Leonard two thumbs up.

"I'm a romantic ninja!"

Leonard couldn't hold back anymore, and said proudly: "Unexpectedly, there is a sudden romance, pay attention, love, French style, love, let it go!"

When talking about attention, I imitated the tone of the ninja in the movie while speaking.

Everyone nodded, expressing their recognition of Leonard's operation.

The romantic ninja deserves it.

Petunia didn't know all of this.

However, the dislike for the bear boy Sheldon soon dissipated, and in Leonard's praise, there was an infinite yearning for seeing Adam.

After all, she has just ended a four-year love relationship. She who has given her sincere heart, has only reaped her hurt, and urgently needs to implement Penny's healing.

And Adam is definitely the target of healing she would never have thought of before.

"Thank you, Leonard."

Petunia was very touched to see Leonard like this: "I have never fully recovered from the breakup with Kurt, and now I really need rehabilitation exercise..."

"Rehabilitation exercise?"

Leonard stayed for a while.

"I always do this, find a handsome guy after breaking up, and then 36 hours are meaningless... you know."

Petunia was a little embarrassed when he saw Leonard listened to it, but she closed the scale, and she was a little reserved: "It's just this time, I never thought that I would have a chance with Adam..."

"I'm not sure I know."

Leonard felt something was wrong, but at this moment he didn't have the energy to think about what was wrong, and he asked quickly.

"Is it 36 ​​hours in a row? Or 36 hours scattered in a glorious summer?"

"It's not It's probably a weekend."

Petunia shook her head and said, "Trust me, it feels bad after that."

"Uh, friction is too painful, isn't it?"

Leonard smiled bitterly.

"...In terms of mood."

Petunia glanced at Leonard speechlessly and gave a completely different answer.

"Of course, of course!"

Leonard hurriedly asked for help.

But he still agrees with his judgment in his heart.

Two days a weekend, 36 hours, 18 hours a day?

Is it just a bad mood?

Do you think everyone is Adam?

Leonard was seriously suspicious.

It's just that he wasn't as straightforward as Sheldon. Seeing Petunia gave the final answer, he didn't continue to scrutinize whether these words were true or false.

After turning off the subject, he talked for a while, and he went back.

Lying in bed at night, thinking of today's conversation, he suddenly thought.

"No, it's all about rehabilitation, so why wait until after Adam comes?

Penny is now deeply hurt by her ex-boyfriend, Kurt, who has been talking for four years.

Now that she is fragile, she desperately needs rehabilitation exercise..."

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